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 Feb 2014 Henna Nair
Aria Nair
I feel unaccepted like a ugly duckling in swarm of beautiful swans
I feel as if I'm living but I'm not truly alive yet
Like a part of me drifted away in the rhythm of the breeze
I feel that i want to start over with a new dignity
All these feeling however drift away at one moment
the moment i sing my life goes in one direction and i know where i am
and i don't feel lonely
When i don't sing i see different directions for every thing,
but when i do every thing pours out all my pain, happiness, sorrow that i keep hidden inside just bursts out like fire works
My whole life people said how music takes them some where magical
and now I finally understand music takes me to a place where all bad is turned good, where all sadness is turned into happiness, and most of all when the feeling of un-acceptance is turned into the feeling of acceptance!!!
 Dec 2012 Henna Nair
Tim Knight
Let soles touch floors
on hills, in bars, between cafe terrace doors;
beside scarred walls that bleed paint
of the young, naive, those who cannot wait;
only to be scrubbed down by the thick bristled
brush of the Gendarme in white.

I’m 22 in the 18th,
with a one bed roomed house
high above the wake.
Next door is a wafer thin, paper thin,
wall; the portal through
to another war, of words exchanged
by a relationship estranged by
lies, cheats, drug filled leaps, missed-another-call
in Tuesday’s heat.

Here we take tea without milk,
waste time on the Pigalle, free of guilt.
We let warm metro, subway air
melt our faces,
as we stagger back a few several paces
not to be knocked down by taxis, brimmed with cases of
those visiting and leaving, staying around until the end of the races.

When will you calm down Paris?
When will your children lose their
keys to their cars and cannot drive
quite as far?
When will the tourists leave, so to uncover
the real autumn leafed workers, stretched
inside suits and dresses, only to be late
to that members meeting starting at 8?
Visit for more poetry!
Mousy was a little mouse. He had a mousy tail.

And Mousy had a giant friend named Francis.

Who's a whale!

Now you might wonder how a mouse

could be friends with a whale.

Well.Mousy Mouse was a mouse

And he knew how to sail!

For Mousy was born on a sailing ship.

Far, far out at sea.

And having been born a sailor,

What else could he be?

The sailing ship was a mighty one!

With sails tall and white.

And Mousy would stand on the deck

And watch the stars at night.

Now Francis was a great big whale

Who came up once for air.

He looked up at the ship

and saw Mousy standing there.

"Hi there little mouse! Ahoy!"

Francis called up from the sea.

The waters great this time of night!

Come down and swim with me!"

"I'd love to swim with you great whale!"

Mousy shouted out with glee.

"My name sir, is Mousy Mouse"

"And what might your name be?"

"My name is Francis. Francis Whale Write!

And now that you and I are friends,

Come swim with me tonight!"

"And so I shall!" cried Mousy.

And he dove into the sea.

They swam around for hours!

It was quite a sight to see.

They swam and swam and swam some more.

Till Mousy finally said,

"I really should get back on board.

For I must go to bed!

Then Francis sighed a little sigh

And said "I understand.

"But your down here while the decks up there!

"I best give you a hand."

So he sat little Mousy upon his giant tail,

Gave it just a tinsy flip

And through the air he sailed!

Mousy landed on the deck.

As easy as you please.

"Thank you!" cried out Mousy Mouse.

"For swimming round with me!"

Francis said"that's quite all right,

We must swim again someday!"

And that's how they became friends

And still are to this day!

— The End —