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Jun 2014 · 2.2k
One Sided Conscience
Sabrina Smith Jun 2014
Stop ******* crying you *******, why are you so ******* dependent?  Of course he's ignoring you, it's because you're such a huge burden on his life.  Everything is a problem and you can't just be content for five ******* seconds.  Consider it a miracle that you've lasted this long together.  Maybe if you had some friends to distract you, you'd feel better.   Too bad you don't have any, because you're a burden to them too.  All you are is a sack of attention-seeking self-pitying *******.  It's pathetic how weak you are, you can't even pretend to be a normal person?  What the **** is wrong with you?  Are you trying to be a disappointment?  It's working.  You make your mom cry.  Your dad only brags about your brother.  Your relatives find you awkward and uncomfortable.  God, why are you such a ******?
im not ok today
Jun 2014 · 556
It's Always Me
Sabrina Smith Jun 2014
And everytime you hurt me,
I cry and swear all love is doomed.
I'll pretend I do not care,
even though I clearly do.

And now I feel you fading,
but your love I can't resist.
I will not risk everything,
for what I know does not exist.
Jun 2014 · 333
Sabrina Smith Jun 2014
I am not depressed.
I can smile and laugh with my friends,
and enjoy sensations.
I can still love,
and find solace in other's company.

But there will always be
a part of me,
that is broken and unfixable.
An intoxicating sadness deep within,
that I let control me because it's so sweet.
Then the understanding of my loneliness comes,
and the tears fall
as I fall asleep.
And I crave for something that doesn't exist.

I am not depressed.
I've just been sad for awhile.
But I can still find the light.
I can still smile.
Jun 2014 · 623
Teenage Drugs
Sabrina Smith Jun 2014
But how ironic is it,
that the people who ingest the most cough syrup,
are the sickest of them all?
Feb 2014 · 895
Sabrina Smith Feb 2014
Death is freedom
and im all out of cash
I hate myself.
Feb 2014 · 839
I'd Watch You Burn
Sabrina Smith Feb 2014
Would you douse gasoline on your skin,
and strike a match to invite flames in,
if I said my love was
a game
to win?

Well I'm standing here with this grin,
just waiting for the show to begin,
because every sinner
to sin.
Sabrina Smith Jan 2014
was drunk off insanity
i had no intentions to remedy
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Mind Your Manners
Sabrina Smith Jan 2014
I dropped my purse
while searching for a lighter.
Bandaids, two packs of Newports, tissues, and a mirror
cascaded to the ground.

In a sea of people,
nobody offered
Sabrina Smith Jan 2014
pulsing, teeming, dreaming
breathing meaning

Sabrina Smith Jan 2014
romantically depressed
poetically broken

not at all.
just a sick
little girl
with an unloaded gun
and a wrist full of scars
Dec 2013 · 835
Sabrina Smith Dec 2013
Fat man
sit on your throne
and enlighten me with my flaws.
Grab me by the ankles,
and watch my ego pour out from my pores.
Tape my mouth closed
and whisper your syrupy words
through my ears.
I won't struggle,
you humor me.
You think you know me?
You think you can diagnose the devil?
Idiot fat man.
Just sit on your throne.
Let me do the talking.
Dec 2013 · 2.1k
Mixed Episodes
Sabrina Smith Dec 2013
If I witnessed a trillion shooting stars,
each wish would be the same.
Make me
Most times I am bitter,
and slightly puzzled,
by the world's sensitivity.
But then sometimes a rush of every feeling ever once felt by anyone comes rushing in, around, up, down, here, there,
and I get the wind knocked out of me from its force
and I can't breathe from the shock of it scouring my circulatory system
and I can't compute
as they all comes at once like bullets through my brain.
I'm left breathless, trembling, dying, with myriad thoughts but only one question.
Is it better to feel everything or nothing at all?
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
Stupid Boy
Sabrina Smith Dec 2013
Stupid boy.
Are you truly conceited enough
to believe that just because you
touched me,
you know who I am?
You are nothing more than
a toy.
I have galaxies growing
inside me,
that you will never even scrape
the surface of.
Dec 2013 · 634
Read Me
Sabrina Smith Dec 2013
I need you to read the braille
of my body
and tell me
what it means to you.

Because the story
I'm trying to write
is just coming out
as perfect
and how can there be a purpose to that?
Oct 2013 · 576
Open Close
Sabrina Smith Oct 2013

the door
my legs
my heart

but do not forget
to close
on the way out
Oct 2013 · 749
Interstellar Sidewalk 20w
Sabrina Smith Oct 2013
The loneliness is concrete,
for a sidewalk that reaches mars.

Every time we walk it,
we should be using cars.
“People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don't think that's true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world.”
― Kim Culbertson
Sep 2013 · 509
Sabrina Smith Sep 2013
I dove into
a sea of pillows
begging to drown.

But then I felt
the warmth
of where you had
once lain.

So I smothered myself
to suffocate
Sep 2013 · 574
Sabrina Smith Sep 2013
Gravity brings me closer to you
and with each breath of passion,
my mind would drift
to my real desires.

I do not love you,
I do not love.
But in these moments
I am bliss.

We are not making love,
we are simply surrendering our bodies
to pleasure.
Jul 2013 · 611
I'm Super High
Sabrina Smith Jul 2013
So many thoughts
I cannot fathom
to turn a simple inkling
of an idea
into a painting of passion.

With so much being drawn
in my canvas
I cannot help
but scrap
everything I know
Jul 2013 · 617
Eventual Goodbye
Sabrina Smith Jul 2013
The adoration I have for you
is incomparable to
the most pleasurable of feelings.

It is expected that I should be
but I only know of fear.

You are the single person
who knows how to
cleanse my pain.

So when eventually you leave me,
I will lose the love
of two people.
Jun 2013 · 455
Farewell 20w
Sabrina Smith Jun 2013
Warmth of the season
travels through my bloodstream and
reminds me there is meaning
to the life that I'm leaving
May 2013 · 2.1k
Sabrina Smith May 2013
I am invigorated by the exterior
of a soul.
Warm silk wraps around
my aching flesh.
No crevice of my neglected body
goes unexplored.
It is impossible to communicate
how much I desire somebody's,
May 2013 · 444
Impossible To Forget
Sabrina Smith May 2013
You grow
as a **** around my heart.
          with my veins
                          invading my thoughts.
As a parasite
you latch onto me
           and **** away
                    at everything
                          I once was.
May 2013 · 1.1k
Sabrina Smith May 2013
bonnie and clyde since we committed our first felon
our intimacy was just supposed to be my teenage rebellion

you were a schemer
with a wicked demeanor
i was a dreamer
with a heart full of fever

i said i was bonnie and you said you were clyde
but how sad to realize i made it up in my mind
May 2013 · 1.1k
Do Not Dare
Sabrina Smith May 2013
I am NOT a choice.
So do not dare come to me
with your lighthearted laughs
and crinkly eyes
and goofy grin.

I am NOT an object.
So do not dare call me
and ask if I want to hang out
to watch a movie
we have both seen before.

I am NOT yours.
So do not think you can spurn me
and then I will fall into your arms
whenever you get a feeling
below your belly.

I am ME.
So do know that I am
May 2013 · 603
Hunger (20w)
Sabrina Smith May 2013
for affection

with an acrid aftertaste
of lost

which would not soothe aches
of an empty
May 2013 · 435
Wearing Your Kiss
Sabrina Smith May 2013
But how serendipitous
to find your kiss,
wrapped around my fingertips.

I wear it openly
for all to see,
not wanting any mystery.
May 2013 · 362
Do Not Listen
Sabrina Smith May 2013
"Just leave me alone,"
is something I always say.
Please do not listen.
May 2013 · 2.1k
Autobiographical Haiku
Sabrina Smith May 2013
I was told to write
a haiku about myself.
This is all I wrote.
May 2013 · 721
AP Tests in A Week
Sabrina Smith May 2013
I want to unscrew my head
to examine the contents.
But if I did do that,
the only thing to see
would be,
an AP textbook and highlighter
May 2013 · 661
Paving Our Path to Hell
Sabrina Smith May 2013
He revolted at the sight of me,
gagged at the bitter thought of me.
How could a love so pure,
spoil to such a sickly sour?
I refused to live in a world of his hatred,
so I paved our paths to hell
and let our souls digest an intoxicating aroma.
As we took our final breaths,
I looked into eyes that reflected nothing but
I snickered,
and even had the audacity
to flash him
the most wicked
of grins.
May 2013 · 1.6k
The Reflection of His Eyes
Sabrina Smith May 2013
His eyes are revolting,
colorless and dull.
Yet there’s something that makes them
unequivocally nauseating.
When I look through these windows,
I see that lust and greed have joined hands
with revenge and apathy
to form a being capable of no earnest good.
The most horrifying trait of his eyes,
is not the color,
nor the size,
nor the dilation,
how ******* reflective they are.
May 2013 · 338
On Fire
Sabrina Smith May 2013
One day

you’ll think of me.

A song


a sunset

will make you


the way I made you feel,

and your heart will set on fire.

The same way

my body did

every time

we kissed.
May 2013 · 724
Sabrina Smith May 2013
When I hear him talk to her,
I crave for a cigarette in between my lips.
When I see them walking together,
I crave to drown in a bottle of whiskey.
When I feel her presence,
I crave for the cool metal of a loaded gun.

But how strange that
I’ve never smoked a cigarette,
or drank whiskey,
or pulled a trigger.

But the urges
are one of an addict.
And at this moment
I’m not really sure if I’m me anymore,
Because I’ve become addicted to things that I’ve
never even done before.

I know I’m not an addict,
there is no way I could be an addict,
But ******* I could use a cigarette right now.
Sabrina Smith May 2013
I notice that your lips move
when you lie to me.
I know about the secrets
you kept and denied, despite of me,
I wish you would have stayed
around and fought for me.
I know I hope too much
about things that aren't going to happen for me.
I know we need to go
our separate ways, because you can't be with me.
I want you to see
the potential of what we could be if you belong to me.
I know for a fact that you
haven't treated anyone worse than you treated me.

I've come to the conclusion
that you're a bad person,

but bad people have soul mates too.
May 2013 · 1.1k
Sabrina Smith May 2013
At the time,
I thought that pain was permanent.
But I’m glad to tell you,
the slap of your betrayal
has not
even left
May 2013 · 772
Sabrina Smith May 2013
I’m miserable.
My lack of talent
are the chains in which I am restrained by.
Oh how I wish I could convey my thoughts,
in prose,
by the use of simple poetry.
But my phrases are jagged,
motifs inarticulate,
ideas jumbled.
How can I understand myself,
when my fingers don’t understand my mind?

— The End —