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272 · Feb 2014
Vitis Lio Feb 2014
I had spilled
My heart out to them
And expressed
My desperate wish
To join their ranks.

They decided
Without my knowledge
To help me
And am not sure how
Aware they were

Of the fact
I had Intoxicated them
With over-thought
Timing and manipulative
Words and also some tears.

Maybe in
Their subconscious they
Knew, because
They wittily called
The operation W.I.N.E.

(But I am
Grateful for their help
At least in
Retrospect, I know
I did not fight alone.

I was not
Fighting against them
I was fighting
Against myself and
Together we won. )
For H.B., W.B. and R.E.
271 · Apr 2014
Vitis Lio Apr 2014
I seem to be having
More dream than sleep.

I find myself
Waking up in pure exhaustion
From an over active subconscious.

Doing it's best to fill
The void that is you.

I tend to lose
My hands and feet.

I leave them
In some corner and
Forget that I ever had

The ability
To walk freely
Wherever and whenever I wish.

I seem to want
To constantly run

271 · Mar 2014
Vitis Lio Mar 2014
And without me even knowing
My legs started to run
It's not that they were eager
To reach home but else knew
That if they walk
They will turn back to
Where they have just left.
269 · Mar 2014
Vitis Lio Mar 2014
I have begun to notice the vast, blank
Stretches of wall in my house. They
Have a certain beauty to them, but
In the absence of anything to avert
My attention, I can see only your
Faces, as if painted in memories, on
Those white canvases of nothingness
And the pain of your sudden appearance
Followed tightly by the slow fade of your
Images, is unbearable, but still my eyes
Seek out the blanks on the walls, the
Voids through which you can come
Just that much closer, to my being.
For The Herd.
266 · Mar 2014
Vitis Lio Mar 2014
I knew the pathway
Like the back of my hand
It was etched there
Involuntarily, as if
Drawn onto my flesh
In my own blood
(I must not tell lies)
This place is somewhere
Only we know
The true face of, having
Been here long enough
Separately, to come
To terms with
Loathing it and having
Been here long enough
Together, to have pleasant
Memories, which are the only things
I can see before my eyes
As I walk through the pathways
That less than a year ago
Were a part of my life.
But I'm not here,
Not anymore.
Although I spent
Five years here, I can only remember
Our five hours.
For H.B.
Vitis Lio May 2014
He knew he was going to
Document it in words and
I knew he was going to
Do that as well and he knew
That I'll know that he knew
By now, so he hurried his feet
Towards home.
We need to get out more.
251 · Jun 2014
Vitis Lio Jun 2014
The words in front of me
Seem familiar
I cannot place my finger
On why, though.

I read your words
And then realized that I
Am now part
Of a poem.
237 · May 2014
Vitis Lio May 2014
In the pond behind
The Rabbi's house
A thin sheet of ice
Would gather every winter.

We would never step
On it, because we all
Knew that it will break -
I wish I looked so fragile

Right now so that people
Will know to be careful
Around me so I won't
Crack, yet again.
236 · May 2014
Visit (10w)
Vitis Lio May 2014
Next night
I slept in sheets
That smelt of you.
I miss you all, again.
235 · May 2014
In My Head
Vitis Lio May 2014
In my head you asked
If I was okay, please ask
If I am okay
In my head I answered
There were too many people
Please don't touch me
Please stay
Please stay
Please ask what is wrong
Ask if I am okay
In my head you proposed
We go for a walk
In my head I shook
My head, I tried that
I said
In my head, there
Were too many people
There as well
In my head you looked at me
At loss for ways to help
In my head at least
You tried, you did your
best, you did your
Best, I only wish
It weren't all in my head
Please don't touch me now
But please don't stay away.
230 · Jun 2014
Vitis Lio Jun 2014
I had so much to do
But I felt so alone
And in those moments
I wanted you to stay.
229 · May 2014
Vitis Lio May 2014
Human, you make me
Happy, you make me
Less mad, you keep me
Sane with your non touching
Hand, you do your best
You do your best, you do
What you can despite being
Just human.

Human, please let me
Help, please let me
In, I am aware my burden
Is not one you are eager
To increase, but I will do
My best, because you too
Are only human.

Human, talk with me
Into the night, and show me
Nothing, but through your
Writing hand, where you let me
Envision you hands grabbing your
Hair, I can feel
Your pain, I can feel
It now, cause I too
Am only human.

Human, we are both flawed
Listening to "Signals".
228 · Jun 2014
Vitis Lio Jun 2014
I wanted to hug
My shadow
But the stone wall
Wouldn't budge
220 · Jun 2014
Vitis Lio Jun 2014
I've been hanging on
This whole time so
Don't just leave cause
You think it's best.
209 · Apr 2014
I Heard Everything
Vitis Lio Apr 2014
Of course I
Trust you, you
Never gave me a reason
Not to, you were
Always there, it is
Not trivial, not for
Me, I am more grateful
Than my words
Can portray, I thank
You for telling me
I am amazing, I
Needed that, I need
It every time and
Hate myself for needing
It, I wanted to tell
You that I am not
Brave but the words
Wouldn't come out
Between the sobs, I
Just want you to know
I heard everything and
I cannot thank you
For W.B.

Thank you.
207 · May 2014
Vitis Lio May 2014
I never believed in Murphy
But then I told you
That I was getting better.
I hate this.
207 · May 2014
This Too Shall Pass
Vitis Lio May 2014
In a week it will be
A year of you, a few
Month more a year
Of me, I'm glad it's
Lasted a year, please
Let it last
At least
A little longer.
For The Herd.
201 · Feb 2014
When Finally
Vitis Lio Feb 2014
They were tired and wore
Matching jumpers and I
Wanted to be with them.
For W.B. and H.B.
200 · Mar 2014
Missing You
Vitis Lio Mar 2014
I am able to be poetic
About my pain, it is
Not beyond my ability
And is even easier
Sometimes, than being
Poetic about other things.

But I seem incapable of
Being poetic when
It comes to this feeling
Of missing you.

I try to let my thoughts out
In the form of art but
All that comes into my mind
Is I miss you I miss you
I miss you so much and
That's really not much to go on.

No elaborate metaphors
No elegant words
I just miss you I miss you
I miss you so much and
My brain can't focus
On anything else.
For The Herd, but mostly R.S.

— The End —