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Dec 2010 · 764
The poet doodeling
The poet doodeling doodel Dee doodel dumb
             Inspired by a dead mans words
          I scrached my mind to find a tear
            I serched my heart for creativity
                     & my soul for anger past
shallow I fall to mediocre phressed nonesece.                
       a reddle that makes me feel at home
               an ink stain on a blank page
                   like the person I'm not
                            it's nolonger me
   DoOdel Dee DOodel doo Doodel DumB
Dec 2010 · 680
And now I'm nothing.......
You  where the varry essence of me
                   when I knew myself
not the bleach blond waxed painted
        shadow of the preson I was
  But the deep, dark, hungry, youth
       full of expression art & tears
But you went away taken me with you
leaving me shallow with nothing to feel
  nothing but make believe, unlike you
you are truth, beautie, soulful passion
                          That is you
           that ran thrugh my vains
       peniteeding me with realizem
feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling,feeling......
I'm  sorry for the poor spellin( lol)
Nov 2010 · 688
So cold
let me call you December
let show you how I feel
let me emphty my self of resin
let me wash in red tonight

you mead me you're little copy
you mead me you're bedtime snack
you mead me a prisen in side my heart
and I live in it today

you're eyes where allways on me
you're lips scar me
you're voeis owns me
you're child grows inside of me
you're body crushes me
you're mine,

liveing in the darkness
holding on to nothing
eating tears for breakfist
smoking posin to forget
rapeing little girls
crying now you're human
sleeping next to me tonight

little boy
no one ever thought you
nothing ever fazed you
I'm the only one that saw you
now I'm the one who make you cry

may I say no more
may I bleed no more
I have something I need to tell you,
but I don't know how it will make you fell....

I think I don't want you to look at me anymore...
It makes me feel UGLY.

I still feel you on my skin
I still teast you on my tounge
I dream of you,


I can't just go back in time
when you where my bedtime story
my hand too hold
my hero
my milk
my love


it BURNS my skin
it TURNS my stomach
it brings tears to my eyes....

I find love in you're eyes
           for the first time
   there is wormpth beneith you're hands
those hards dangerous hands
      tenderley yet hungerly
coress my skin leaveing me yet again borised
only now I'm kissed by those lips
lips that ounce crussed me
       leaving holes in my soul
    holes  that I never thought would heil
now they kiss me & it's the worst thing you could ever do
becuz tomarrow will turn back the hands of time  
    & I will live yet again in yesterday
where you're hand will bruise
me and you're words will eat a hole in my heart 100 times more then ever becuz now even after the *** runs dry
Nov 2010 · 769
For no one (Thursday)
I've seen you once before in a dream I do believe
you're beautie kiss the scar that was my pain

and do I thought of you
each day that past from then on
wishing my slumber will bring you're return

still I awake to sheer lonelyness
& only the cold air to tuch my skin
tears mead my eyes as red as love-love that only you can previde
I fear I must edmit you are only the past
the past I never known
now with love on my mind I will see blood
for no one
writing thes words that bare my soul
for no one
Nov 2010 · 689
U are golden to me
I tryd to fo the world for you
to paints smile on you're face
to wipe away those havie tears
for you teast a sweeter teast
but you bring with you this deep tradgety
you're see only pain
& why does you're world have to be a sky with only rain?
the sun baby can shine for you
the birds can sing you're name
but there's nothing anyone can do you'll allways feel the same
a sprit that's been scard for
life shaderd just like glass
I know we should have spoke that night
now you're just the past

together no more
Nov 2010 · 689
You are forever
           body and soul scars and make
      believe 1000 bright stars in the sky
  a spiral of melencolie
painted up with fony smiles an image I hold in my mind
that bandged up the crake in my heart it's  so prefectly temporary
a wound left unhiled alldough the tears have now dryd
all I can do is pretend
someone else
something else
somewhere else
the dark shadow feads away till my dime eyes reconnets with logic
& you're the pain in my heart agian

I can't just make it ** away....

I can't make it go away
Nov 2010 · 585
I told myself...
Forever ending never IS NOT
you my friend however FORGOT
I'll name you Helena LIKE ME
and practis all the evil WE SEE
you my friend are unaware YOURE BLIND
all the  hate you don't care CANT FIND
my name is Helena LIKE YOU
I know all you're secerets IM YOU....

— The End —