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My lover asks me:
"What is the difference between me and the sky?"
The difference, my love,
Is that when you laugh,
I forget about the sky.
for Daniel,
                   and anyone else who cares*

I'm relatively new at this,
if you consider that I've
never done this before.

And this is the only time I'll read this;
this is the cherry
exploding in your mouth,
between your hungry teeth
digging into the skin.

You are a window pane,
but you are not stained glass.
You are less clear than that.

You make less sense than
the spider veins of a kiss imprinted
on a bus window.

You make less sense than kissing a bus window,
arching and aching for that semi-perfect,
seventy percent reflection of yourself
as you float above and before
birds picking at beetles in the grass.

You make more sense than a thousand
kisses on a bus window
the driver has to keep cleaning off because
who really wants to kiss a bus window, anyway?

And still they're there, the oils and grease
immortalized for a few months,
the impression of imagined romance
pressed against the scratched glass on which someone tried to write,
"*******," backwards with a safety pin.

This is my first time reading this,
and the last time I will say it,
though it sounds much better when
the man inside my head so charismatically reads it aloud
to his audience
kind of like a dry comedian would tell a joke.

This is my first time standing before you,
and let me say that sometimes
I might offend you,
preachers, and speakers, and pew sitters;
evangelists and full blooded, God-fearing sinners alike.
And maybe you can forgive me
if I occasionally step on your closed-minded toes
in your sensible shoes.

Or perhaps they aren't so sensible.

And I got a haircut recently--
and here I'm expected to say something profound.
Something that perhaps sounds like,
"I got a haircut recently
while you stood in the bathroom with an electric razor
and shaved ten months of memories from your scalp."

The word makes me think of natives,
and it makes me wonder how long it takes
to collect the bleeding wigs from
the hairless children you left in the street.

That word makes me think of--
and here again I must choose my words carefully,
because the next thing I say will expose myself
poetically and psychologically--
spinal injuries.

All the careless children walking down sidewalks
not thinking of their mothers as they step
on every single crack in the pavement.

But what if everything we were superstitious about
were real?

Would we repave the world every week
so that there would be no chance of breaking
an innocent woman's back through carelessness?
There will be no cracks for thoughtless children
in their sneakers
they are too young to tie on their own.

Or perhaps the world would be covered in grass,
and every day mother would wrap the scarf
tightly about her son's ears and whisper,
"Don't step on any rocks today, my love.
I'm still recovering from last week."

But that's ridiculous.

I suppose it's surprising to me how many words
the man in my head can say while staring at a
Manhattan Morning in black and white
hung on your wall by three thumb tacks.
The lower right corner hangs idly where I took
the fourth one out to make this poem sound better.

There is a solar system in your ceiling,
did you know that, my love?
It is not in the asymmetrically placed
glow in the dark stars you placed at random,
nor is it in that one dolphin that seems to
swim amongst the Saturns and galaxies
that make no sense in context.
It isn't the seahorse, either.

Would you say that the Milky Way is made of wishes?
When I lie next to you in the darkness
uttering soft lullabies, I make wishes to your ceiling
that my voice doesn't crack
and you don't wake up again.
And also that perhaps one of us is wrong about God
and maybe he is out there after all
and mass-delusion doesn't exist.

I still think I'm right, though.

You make less sense than a kiss that means nothing.

But you, my love, you are more than a thousand kisses.
You are more than the thousand words
a picture may be worth.
And if I were better at saying things
maybe I could preserve you in a poem.

But I don't think anyone can.
No one can shape words and pages to your figure,
the fullness of your lips and
the strength of your nose;
the holes in your ears and
the life between your legs.

I got a haircut the other day
and cut twenty months of memories from my scalp.
It feels nice to not remember,
Thoughts on maybe doing a poetry slam one day.
We are a liars, because
the truth of yesterday becomes a lie tomorrow,
whereas letters are fixed,
and we live by the letter of truth.
The love I feel for my friend, this year,
is different from the love I felt last year.
If it were not so, it would be a lie.
Yet we reiterate love! love! love!
as if it were a coin with a fixed value
instead of a flower that dies, and opens a different bud.
Take me in you, now....I’m dying
take a deep breath and inhale me
I love when you do that
and ****** me the way I love the way you do
with branch like fingers
and flowery tips...
****** me...and never stop
take me in and set me free
let me in to your beauty
and change me for life
take me in
take me in
and remember where we’ve been.
January 20, 2010
Do you remember
that night?
the first time
we made out.

We went looking for stars
and found rain.
As we lay in the grass,
with the impending

Your eyes hovered
above mine
as I talked nonsense
somewhat unsure
but willing

The both of us

Until I lifted my chin to yours,
and the rain began to fall,
until we were drenched with it

And I trembled
half from the wet
half from the way
Your fingers traced over
My chilled skin

You moved your hand across my bust
between layers of shirt and bra
searching for the boundaries

And, I, with my hand
  guided your hand
   under the wire

Where you grasped,
telling me I was beautiful

You made me feel it

You were the first
I ever let touch me
like that

Because I knew you would
what I didn’t know
was how deeply.
 Feb 2012 Helena Gray
Ron Tranmer
I’ve entered the ring and I’m ready to fight
I’ll need all my strength, and I’ll need all my might.
The opponent is big, and so very  strong.
To win seems impossible. This may not last long.

In a tension filled room the bell rang aloud.
My family was yelling; “Win. Make us proud.”
My opponent came quickly over to me.
He was  big and strong, and  I wanted to flee.

He hit me so hard  that I fell to the floor.
I lay hearing the count,  … 1….2….3….4.
Should I try to get up, or stay down and wait?
The count kept on going,   5….6….7….8.

Then piercing my soul came a voice to my ear;
“Son, reach out to me. We can win. I am here.
It hurts Me to see you in such agony.
You are my child, and are precious to me.”

Tears came to my eyes, and new strength to each glove.
I knew that the voice was my God, from above.
I jumped to my feet just before the count ten,
Committed to never be knocked down again.

With the Lord in my corner, the opponent looked small,
My opponent’s not man, but drugs and alcohol.
Though he’s determined, defeat is my vow,
He trembles with fear, because God’s with me now.

The fight is not over, but my foe’s on the run.
A fight that seemed hopeless is soon to be won.
With the Lord on our side every battle we’ll win
With victory assured when we turn to Him.
 Feb 2012 Helena Gray
Ron Tranmer
In the very beginning
when God made woman and man,
He noticed some were smarter
and devised a glorious plan.

He gathered them together
and solemnly  commanded,
“You, my favorite children,
will henceforth be left-handed.”

So when you see a lefty,
please give your due respect,
and try not to be offended
by their greater intellect.

Although you are right-handed,
for which there is no cure,
remember God still loves you…
He just loves lefties more.
 Feb 2012 Helena Gray
Ron Tranmer
Are there rocking chairs in Heaven
where little babies go?
Do the angels hold you closely
and rock you to and fro?

Do they talk silly baby talk
to get a smile or two,
and sing the sleepy lullabies
I used to sing to you?

My heart is aching for you,
my angel child so dear.
You brought such joy into my life,
the short time you were here.

I know you’re in a happy place,
and in God’s loving care.
I dream each night I’m rocking you
in Heaven’s rocking chair.
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