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1.4k · Sep 2012
Stomach ache
You let it slide
calm and slowly by the sides of you
even when it's smell bothers you and
it's colours keep on catching your eye only to
make you dizzy sick
even when all you wanted was
Won't you vanish, bitterness?
1.2k · Sep 2012
Ode to Disappointment
You wake up one day and you're hollow
And you realize you let your sweet one dig so deep up on your insides
You've come to the point where you might not even bother eating
Or sleeping
Or resting the unsettling mixture of hatred and disgusted were-once-love remainings

Because they won't settle
or let you sleep
or let you be quiet, peaceful or

     ironically the only
  asked of him.

You couldn't be happy with it if you tried a million years
But you don't have a million years, dearest
You have just this one life
And it sure as hell won't be waiting for you to realize it's the absolute wrongest thing to do,
It goes on
and on
and on
and on
and on
and on
and on...

And one day
You'll look back
And see the shadow of the were-once-love
And you'll know
just then
it never was.
982 · Sep 2012
You felt so heavy once
and then you turned around

You felt so heavy once
but still you  kept me in

You felt so heavy once
and now  i float right through you.
913 · Sep 2012
Cansei de literatura fraca e coração mais fraco ainda.
Cansei de jogo escondido e dedo quebrado pra estalar a boca.
Cansei de sentir e esperar deixar.
Cansei da risada que vem de longe, cheia de graça daquilo que pra mim é tão amargo.
Cansei da úlcera de ansiar por todos os motivos errados.
Cansei dos cortes e do sangue na coberta amanhecida pelos sonhos ruins.
Cansei dos olhares e palavras soltas nas diagonais que são sempre pra você.
Cansei de ouvir as músicas das coisas que eu sentia.
Cansei dos poemas que são mesmo, pra todo mundo.
Poesia é pra todo mundo.
Poesia não é pra todo mundo.
Nem eu.
To write. With a pen that's now a key but doesn't open doors or windows or cars or lamps or trunks or diaries or mail boxes or homes or brains or hearts nor do they open mouths. Never did. What they could only do was help lean forward to destrucion and maybe chaos with all it's beauty and magnificence. Wonder what was beautiful and what was not. Confuse and mislead into paths not a living soul had ever dared to walk beneath - or through.

— The End —