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Oct 2013 · 584
Heather Wright Oct 2013
Everything has to end
But why did it have to be like this
Where you find out his love was pretend
And you’re left without a kiss
You know that he doesn’t even care
That you’re at home in tears
He has a new love affair
I am sure he would’ve taken anyone that volunteered
You try and get over it
But it still races through your mind
Its just hard to admit
How could you be so blind
The truth will set you free
But this is too painful
You can’t believe the lies you couldn’t see
He is disdainful
You know he will do this again
To this girl in the same way
She will cry in pain
Because that’s the game he plays
Someday he will find the right girl
Different than the rest
And his love will unfurl
He feels blessed
But than she does what he has done so many times before
And his heart will have to be stitched
He has gotten what he asked for
Because karma’s a *****
Sep 2013 · 490
Heather Wright Sep 2013
Falling in love hurts,
It feel like ecstasy at first,
But after awhile it feels like a curse,
The words just become unrehearsed,
Than everything starts to fall apart,
We start to think that we should have a fresh start,
But we listen to the heart,
And it goes right back to the start,
haven't wrote much been busy with school
Aug 2013 · 400
Love is twisted
Heather Wright Aug 2013
Love is twisted
Full of pain
It can be tight ******
Its forever in your brain
It can ring like a bell
Things can be perfect
Than it can all go to hell
Than your just a reject
You always think its real
Than it all turns out to be fake
It all seems so surreal
It’s a nightmare you can’t shake
Aug 2013 · 3.0k
Hey jealous
Heather Wright Aug 2013
Hey jealous,
Quit with the rumors
With the gross stories
Stop all your lies

Hey jealous,
Are you mad?
That he has me and you have nothing
Or that I didn’t do have the stuff you said

Hey jealous,
Why are you hiding from me?
Are you scared?
You should be

Hey jealous,
Only your friends believe your stories
You are not a good liar
Even your best friend hates you

Hey jealous,
I can’t believe we were friends
I use to tell you everything
Why did you do this to me?

Hey jealous,
My friends aren't going to listen
Stop telling them lies about me
They know the truth
Jul 2013 · 8.2k
Heather Wright Jul 2013
Once a cheater always a cheater
That’s what I have always heard
Some say its absurd
Some say that’s only true with repeaters
So what are you?
A repeater?
Or just a one time cheater?
What should I do?
You have proved you’re untrustworthy
But can I trust you ever again?
You’re stuck in my brain
But thinking like this isn’t healthy
I love you
But you lied to me
My brain says to flea
I am afraid my heart will not pull through
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
Heather Wright Jul 2013
I have to stay strong
I have to learn to ignore it
Its time to move along
He’s to unfit
She’s got everything
I have nothing on her
Her looks are even more attracting
Its obvious that she’s the one he prefer
I can find someone else
Even better than him
But I think of him on impulse
Than my mind goes grim
She has him
I have nothing
I feel as if I lost my limbs
My thoughts have become awakening
I can’t get him out of my head
But he has to leave my mind
My words cannot be said
My heart has been declined
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Heather Wright Jul 2013
Best friends until the end
Well our time is was on an extend
I am starting to apprehend
That all you are is pretend

I never thought you would stab me in the back
That hurt worse than a smack
Your heart is black
You are on the wrong track

Did I ever know you?
Was everything you said untrue?
You use to be the one I ran to
I wish you felt the pain you put me through

I could write a book of the lies you told
And there would be millions sold
Espically your secert that I left untold
But my I am not uncontroled

You should be more wise
You have all these allies
From all your lies
I hope someone knocks you down to size

You may be the poor victim right now
Even thought I was the one that disavowed
But don't forget now
Someday karma will hit you with a pow
Jul 2013 · 920
Your room
Heather Wright Jul 2013
Your room still is the same
No ones been in it since you left
The posters are still on the wall
Your bed is still a mess
Your clothes are still in the closest
The skateboard you loved
Is still in the garage
With all your old toys
And baby clothes
I could never get rid of them
There is still a place for you at dinner
I put it there expecting you to walk through the door
But I know that you never will again
Because you are beyond this world now
Jul 2013 · 371
The world
Heather Wright Jul 2013
I wish I had wings
So I could fly as far from here as possible
I am tired of the attached strings
This world is impossible
I am only human
I make mistakes
The way everyone treats me is inhuman
I can never even catch a break
Everyone only cares about themselves
It never matters what I say
They keep there hearts to theirselves
Mine was always getting betrayed
If I leave this world
Do you think anyone will miss me?
Will hell unfurl?
I know that wouldn’t be
The end is here
My soul has been forgotten
The pain I can no longer endear
As the world begins to rotten
Jul 2013 · 516
Wanting you back
Heather Wright Jul 2013
How do you forget someone
That you once loved
I know this is a bit overdone
But he was once my beloved
He said he needed some space
That we needed some time apart
But now I just want to see your face
You have always had a place in my heart
I know its been about a year
I still wish still with me
My head is still not clear
If you were here my heart would be free
Jul 2013 · 598
This is bad
Heather Wright Jul 2013
What am I going to do?
This is bad
My parents are going to be so mad
This is something I cannot undo
It was just one mistake
That I will live with forever
I just wish I could say whatever
But this is something I can’t fake
I know what has to be done
It the only way out of this
If anyone finds out they will be ******
I know I will never tell anyone
I walk in the office
With a pale face
I will forever hate this place
I know this is an injustice
The doctor escorted me in another room
He asked me a few questions
I started to feel the depression
Then they looked at my womb
They did there jobs
My heart sank to the ground
I am unsound
My pain is in globs
If I could go back
I would have never done it
I wouldn’t have if I didn’t have a panic attack
But now its permanent
Jul 2013 · 463
He doesn't care
Heather Wright Jul 2013
She sits and cries
He just stares
Shes tired of his lies
He doesn't care
She wants to leave
He just wants her to for one thing
She wants to believe
He just wants another fling
She says she loves him
He doesn't love her
She knows what he did with Kim
He says shes the one he prefers
She met someone else
He wants her back
She says she fell for him on impulse
He says her heart must be black
She doesn't care anymore
He wishes he had cared more
Jul 2013 · 609
Heather Wright Jul 2013
Looking at my reflection
Who am I?
I don’t look like perfection
I have tears in my eyes
The person staring back isn’t me
I would never let it go this far
I have to flee
But I will still have the scars
This has to stop
This is the end
Its time for me to drop
I will have to fend
The pain is coming back
I can’t do this again
It feels worse than a attack
I haven’t done it since then
I look back at the mirror
My scars are finally beginning to fade
I can now see the world a little clearer
Enough to see I don’t need a blade
To be beautiful
Heather Wright Jul 2013
You think you hate your life?
My boyfriend doesn’t pay attention to me
He is always at work or with his friends
And he never gets me what I want

You think you hate your life?
My boyfriend hits me
He calls me horrible names
He says if I tell anyone he will **** me

You think you hate your life?
My parents bought me a 4g
When I wanted a 5g
How could they do this to me?

You think you hate your life?
My parents are flat broke
I have never even touched an ipod
I am just happy to eat one meal

You think you hate your life?
I have to sit next to a fat girl I hate
Shes so nasty
I wish I was anywhere else

You think you hate your life?
I have to sit next to this mean girl
She tells me I am fat and nasty
She doesn’t know how terrible I feel
Jul 2013 · 406
This is my attack
Heather Wright Jul 2013
I feel the anger as he yells
I feel it pulsing through my veins
I am ready to rebel
This feeling can’t be contained
His words are like a ****** sword
Shoved in my throat
Don’t he know what he’s pushing toward?
I wish it was a misquote
I am going to walk out the door
I am not coming back
Maybe this time I won’t be ignored
This is my attack
We have nothing to gain
I am done wasting my life with you
You act like you’re insane
I guess I am having a break through
Jul 2013 · 336
Your mind
Heather Wright Jul 2013
My head says no
It says I should walk away

But my heart is saying yes
Its says I should stay and do this

I know its wrong
I know I will regret it

But it feels so right
It will be so worth it

What if someone finds out?
I will be in so much trouble

I don’t care
I know the conscience

This isn’t the right time
I should wait

It doesn’t matter
I shouldn’t be such a good girl

He’s not worth it
He will just break your heart

I will just do it this once
One time won’t hurt anyone

Is my heart going to be broken?

Do I care?
Not right now

Is this all worth it?
Jul 2013 · 391
Heather Wright Jul 2013
We preach of love and acceptance
Than we preach hate
if you don't agree with whats being said
We will even **** eachother
Because we can't love
If we could just learn not to judge
for race
for gender
for appearance
for religion
for the past
There wouldn't be hate
There would be love
Jul 2013 · 475
I am your angel
Heather Wright Jul 2013
Kiss me one last time
Before I leave this world
Hold me as close as you can
As I take my last breath
Remember that its not your fault
That I am not here
I love you
And that will not change
Whether I am dead
Or alive
You can’t see me
I can still see you
Because I am the flowers
I am the beautiful blue sky
I am the snow in the winter
I am nature now
Someday we will meet again
We will be together for all eternity
Until than
I will be your guardian angel
Jul 2013 · 405
Deep in your soul
Heather Wright Jul 2013
Look deep in your soul
Did you mean what you said?
Is your heart made of coal?
Do you wish I was dead?
Are you always this way?
Do you like breaking hearts?
Did you feel this way everyday?
Do you like seeing me falling apart?
Can you see my pain?
Do you care?
Are you insane?
Can you even feel despair?
Do you know how bad your words hurt?
Did the words I love you mean anything?
Are you just dirt?
Can you feel my heart sting?
Have you always felt this way?
Why did you say you loved me if you did?
Is this the game you play?
This can never be undid
Jun 2013 · 340
Its midnight
Heather Wright Jun 2013
Its midnight
The clock on the wall is ticking
I am missing you
Wondering where you are
If you’re somewhere close
Or far away
If you’re thinking about me
Or if I am in the back of your mind
It scares me
Just thinking about it
What if when you come back
You don’t want me?
If you even remember me
Do you still love me?
I still love you
When you do come back
I will still be here for you
I hope you will still be here for me
Jun 2013 · 374
Heather Wright Jun 2013
My scars tell stories
They tell stories of anger
Of regret
Of pain

They come from painful names
They come from terrifying memories
From dangerous jokes
From terrible lies

I always get asked what happened
Where did they come from
I always lie
I always pretend there not there
Jun 2013 · 335
I am gone
Heather Wright Jun 2013
The world is dark
The world is all grey
The world is gone
And so am I

There is no love
There is no hope anymore
There is no reason to live
Which is why I have to die

I can’t feel anything
I can’t even smile
I can’t live with this pain
I have to end it

I want to fly
I want to be without restrictions
I want to feel happy again
Even if I have to leave this world

Everything will be better
Everything will be happier
Everything will be more loving
If I am gone
Jun 2013 · 384
You would still be here
Heather Wright Jun 2013
The world is cold
The skies are dark
My heart has been ripped out
Knowing you're not here anymore
The house is a mess
I keep waiting for you to come home
but I know you aren't
You're to far away
You're in another world
One I cannot touch
I want to see you again
As soon as possible
But I know you wouldn't want me to do that
It was just so sudden
So unexpected
Its my fault
If I would've known what would happen
I would have never let you go
You would still be here
But its to late now
I couldn't save you
But I do know you are happy up there
Past the stars
In the clouds
But I know you are watching out for me
You promised that you would love me no matter what
Even though you're not on earth anymore
I know you kept your promise
Jun 2013 · 364
My wish
Heather Wright Jun 2013
I look at the stars
And make a wish
I hope you’re not to far
Your face is what I cherish
I want to tell you how I feel
But the words never seem to come out
Its like someone else takes the wheel
And goes a different route
I can’t get you out of my head
You’re just so beautiful
Every time I see you my heart just stops dead
My face gets very blushful
Am I coming on to strong?
I just like you a lot
Is that wrong?
I don’t want to sound like a big shot
I am giving you my vow
Is that to bizarre?
But that’s ok because for right now
You’re just my wish on a star
Jun 2013 · 397
Heather Wright Jun 2013
I hear a voice in my head
Its leaving nothing unsaid
Its says I should leave
That I should deceive
I should be far away from here
Not bare the pain I endear
I wouldn’t be missed
I only preexist
The world I knew is gone
There’s a new world I am not ready to take on
Its time to make up my mind
Do I want to be redefined?
I am now gone
But I shall live on
Jun 2013 · 277
Heart broken
Heather Wright Jun 2013
My life is falling apart
My world is crashing down
I gave you my heart
But you just tossed it all around

I use to be full of cheer
But now I can’t even try to smile
All you did was give me tears
My pain goes on for miles

I am so lonely
My hearts so shattered
I held my love for you so closely
Now its just tattered

I am so lost
I am gone
I knew the cost
But my blood has been drawn
May 2013 · 723
Bad day
Heather Wright May 2013
Ever said something that made you look stupid?
Ever fell down the stairs on your way to class?
Ever sent a private text to the wrong person?
Ever been stood up in the pouring rain?
Ever had your laptop break in the middle of an important essay?
Ever walked in on your grand parents having ***?
Ever lost your respect?
Ever told the wrong person a secret?
Ever found out your favorite teacher quit because of you?
Ever been forced to listen to Justin Beiber with your little sister?
Ever dropped your phone in the toilet?
Ever been lied to by your best friend?
Ever lost your lover to a *****?
Ever had your flip flops break in the middle of  the street?
Ever sat in gum?
Ever found out your lovers actually gay?
Ever had to baby sit a unruly child instead of going to a dance?
Ever rolled in the grass and had an allergic reaction?
Ever been caught having *** by your parents?
Ever accidentally picked a fight with the strongest person in school?
Ever had no one take your side?
Ever walked around with a giant hole in back of your pants?
Ever been pulled over when you were all ready late?
Ever saw your ex with a Megan Fox look a like?
Ever had all your clothes not fit?
But just remember whatever happens…
I still love you.
May 2013 · 495
She is
Heather Wright May 2013
She has eyes that sparkle like rain on the sidewalk,
She makes my day when she smiles,
She is more gorgeous than the stars in the sky,
She has the voice of an angel,
She can make the world stand still with her beauty,
She is more beautiful than a waterfall,
She is the one who has stolen my heart,
She is the only one,
She is my world
May 2013 · 425
She says
Heather Wright May 2013
She’s as beautiful as the sun in the sky
She is the prettiest girl I have ever seen
She makes the world shine when she smiles
She is everything I want in a girl

But she likes him
The guy with all the excuses
The guy who wants one thing from her
The guy that is just going to break her heart

I wish I could make her see that I am better
I could be there when she needs me
I could love her better than he could
I could never break her heart

But she says I am just a friend
She says we could never be more
She says that he is the one
She says that she loves him

I see him hanging out with another girl
He is smiling at her
He is talking to her so sweet
He is holding her a little to close

I walk over and BAM
The fight had begun
The fight for the girl he told he loved
The fight for the girl I love

She runs over in confusion
She thinks why would he hurt him?
She thinks who is that other girl over there?
She thinks This can’t be happening.

She walks over to me after the fight
She says you **** a pretty good beating
She says I can’t believe anyone would do that for me
She says I want you as more than a friend

I grabbed her and kissed her like there’s no tomorrow
I said you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen
I said that I would do anything to protect her
I said I love you
May 2013 · 559
I want to be bad
Heather Wright May 2013
I want to be bad
I don’t want to be the teacher’s pet
I want to cuss out the teacher
I want to ditch class

I want to be bad
I don’t to be good
I want to sneak out
I want to smoke ****

I want to be bad
I don’t want to be nice
I want to get in fights
I want to be the one stealing

I want to be bad
I don’t want to be an angel
I want to have *** behind the school
I want to wear all black

I want to be bad
I don’t want to be polite
I want to flip people off
I want not care what anyone says

I want to be bad
I don’t want to be sweet
I want to be the one everyone talks about
I want to be the one breaking all the rules
May 2013 · 496
Heather Wright May 2013
She is patient when everything is chaos
She is caring when no one else is
She is loving when the world is crashing down
She is there when everyone else has left
She is the one that held you when you cried
She is the shoulder you cry one when your upset
She is the one who didn’t leave when things got rough
She is willing to fight for you when you need it the most
She is the one who sat with you when you were sick
She is why you are here today
She is mom
This is the poem I wrote for my mom for mothers day
May 2013 · 441
First time
Heather Wright May 2013
There she sat in the car
With her phone in her hand
She looked at the text again
She still couldn’t believe she was doing this

He jumped in the car
He was smiling at her
She was shaking she was so nervous
He ask if she ready to do this

She had never done this before
But she smiles and says yes
She knew it was wrong
But it felt so right

She was still pretty nervous
As he takes off his her pants
She lets all her worries go
As they began to express there love

It feels so good
But it feels so wrong
As he finishes
She wonders if this was all worth it

She isn’t innocent anymore
She doesn’t feel innocent anymore
She feels like she made the wrong choice
But she feels the choice she made was worth it
May 2013 · 392
Pretty Girl
Heather Wright May 2013
She was a pretty girl
With an ugly secrets
She had regrets
If people found out her life would have swirl

They didn’t see her pain
She hid it behind a her smile
She hadn’t done it in awhile
But it was like a trigger in her brain

She had been stressed
They were starting to talk behind her back
And that girl gave her a smack
But they wouldn't have never guessed

She went home and cried
She seen the knife unattended
Killing herself wasn’t intended
But she thought she could have just lied

She put the blade to her arm
And ended it in a slice
She knew that could be the price
But she never meant to cause anyone else harm

She never knew how many people cared
She just thought she would be all alone
They said they would have gotten help if they would have known
She will never know how many people she sacred
May 2013 · 311
Heather Wright May 2013
The sky is grey,
The rain starts to fall,
I hear you call,
But I am not going to stay,
I hear the thunder start to roar,
The storm is rolling in,
The tears are rolling down your chin,
What are we fighting for?
The lighting starts to strike,
The rain is pounding on the side walk,
I tried to talk,
We both know what pain is like,
The wind is blowing,
People are running for cover,
I know you were a good lover,
But I must get going,
The rain begins to stop,
The sky starts to be clear,
Its time to move on dear,
I must get my life back on top,
May 2013 · 318
Heather Wright May 2013
My answer is yes
I want to runway together
I want to be with you forever
Because I love you

My answer is yes
I want to do something crazy
I want to be stupid
Because I want to be remembered

My answer is yes
I want to change my life
I want to be someone else
Because I hate who I’ve become

My answer is yes
I want to be happy again
I want to smile
Because I want to be your world
May 2013 · 469
Teen Pregnantcy story
Heather Wright May 2013
I’m sitting in the doctors office
I wait to hear the news
I hope what the doctors says is nice
And what will I choose

Than a nurse smiles at me
She says the doctor has your results
I hope that god heard my plea
I wasn’t even really an adult yet

The doctor looked at me with a straight face
He said its positive
They both stared as if I had no grace
It was just one time being active

My parents said they were ashamed
They thought they raised me better
They said I was all to be blamed
I guess this is my debtor

I told him
He just said it isn’t his
How could he be so grim
I don’t think I can take this

I told my friends
They just looked at me and shook there heads
I wish I hadn’t tried to follow the trend
I wish I was dead

Its been nine months
I am sitting in the hospital
Its the seventh
I didn’t really want to be here at all

They are telling me to push now
It hurts so bad
This process is so slow
Than I was no longer sad

I seen her little face
She was the most beautiful thing I ever seen
I was wrapped in her embrace
Even though I was only seventeen
May 2013 · 382
I am lost
Heather Wright May 2013
I am lost
I don’t know where I am
I have been tossed
He told me to scram
Its like I have been hit
And my heart has been ripped out
Its like my throats been slit
Now I have no doubt
When I wasn’t home
I never knew she was there with him
Her hair is so combed
And her body so slim
I walked in with her on top
I told him to make his choice
He looked at me and my heart stopped
As I heard his voice
He said that she was his
And I was not the one he wanted
This is how it is
I will forever be taunted
The pain hurts from inside
I thought it was forever
I was the one that was suppose to be his bride
She was just whatever
She’s been with everyone
She cannot feel his beautiful love
Next time I see her she had better run
Because she’s why I was shoved
May 2013 · 1.5k
Heather Wright May 2013
I can’t take it anymore
I am going crazy
You’re a bore
Your just so ******

All you do is lie
Your pretty good at it
You just make people cry
I am sick of your ****

Who do you think you are?
Do you think you can lie to my face?
I know about her
Your just a disgrace

I hear what you say when I am not around
You disgust me
I hope you have a melt down
And even your friends agree

Call me what you want
No ones listening
Because your so arrogant
But great acting

So you say to my friends I am the liar
To protect yourself of course
Your just adding fuel to the fire
I wish you would just disburse

I hope you find a girl someday
That breaks your heart just like you’ve done before
But that’s ok
Because I will never be yours
May 2013 · 2.1k
My name is nobody
Heather Wright May 2013
My name is nobody
Because nobody cares
They just walk by without a glance
They don’t see my tears

My name is nobody
Because nobody listens to me
They don’t know I exists
They just care about them selves

My name is nobody
Because nobody likes me
They just hear rumors
They never want to hear the truth

My name is nobody
Because nobody sees my pain
They don’t know about the past
They don’t see my scars

My name is nobody
Because nobody hears me scream
They don’t hear me cry
They don’t know why I did it

My name is dead girl
Because I am a dead girl now
They all say “ its so sad” and “ I wish I could have helped”
They all cry over a me now that I am dead girl but not when I was
May 2013 · 1.6k
I hate
Heather Wright May 2013
I hate the government
I hate how I can’t marry my love
I hate how we get told were wrong
I hate how the world sees us differently

I hate people
I hate how they look at me
I hate how people call me fat and ugly
I hate how they laugh at me

I hate cell phones
I hate how I sent 1 picture to my boyfriend
I hate how he showed it everyone
I hate how they all call me a **** now

I hate cars
I hate how fast they go
I hate how anyone can drive one
I hate how my mom died in one

I hate celebrities
I hate how much money they have
I hate how they complain
I hate how I poor I am

I hate my boyfriend
I hate how he points out all my flaws
I hate how he hits me
I hate how he makes me cry

I hate myself
I hate how ugly I am
I hate how stupid I am
I hate how everyone sees my cuts

I hate love
I hate how she doesn’t talk to me
I hate how she sees right through me
I hate how she doesn’t even know I exist

I hate medicine
I hate how it makes me lose my hair
I hate how if I don’t I could die
I hate how sick I always am

I hate school
I hate how I can’t pass anything
I hate how the teachers always blame me
I hate how I always have detention

I hate my dad
I hate how he drinks all the time
I hate how he beats me
I hate how nobody cares

I hate kids
I hate how they talk all the time
I hate how they laugh at anything
I hate how the only one I had died

I hate life
I hate how nothing ever goes right
I hate how everyone loses
I hate how I ended mine

I hate test
I hate how I have to sit here and wait
I hate how I don’t know yet
I hate how it came back positive

I hate shoes
I hate how they hit the ground when people walk
I hate how everyone looks in them
I hate how I can’t walk

I hate him
I hate how he lies to me
I hate how he cheats on all the time
I hate how I always forgive him

I hate her
I hate how he stares at her
I hate how she talks about him behind his back
I hate how much she doesn’t deserve him
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Heather Wright Apr 2013
Thousands of miles away
I wish I could see your face
I know its only been a day
But it feels like your in space

I know your chasing your dreams
But I wish I could chase them with you
And I would cross every stream
So we could be stuck together like glue

I know that Hollywood is beautiful
Because your there
You better be careful
Not everyone is fair

You call me everyday
But its not the same
I haven’t actually seen you since May
But I know your on your way to fame

Someday I will turn on the tv
And I will see your pretty face
Even if it’s the show Glee
Or just a small part on Chase

I love you
More than you will ever know
And I know saying that is way overdue
I will follow you wherever the wind will blow
Apr 2013 · 371
Her lost love
Heather Wright Apr 2013
She sits on her porch swing
Thinking about her former love
She clings to a picture of him
But now he watches from above

She remembers that night he was very stressed
She got in his car
He hadn’t had much rest
And he had just left the bar

She wanted to drive
But he said he was fine
She didn’t know he would never get to arrive
Or that it would end on an incline

He raced down the street
She yelled slow down
They just wanted to get something to eat
He didn’t need to speed in town

Neither one seen the car coming straight for them
Than all they heard was glass breaking
When the car finally stopped it was 12 am
When she woke she was aching

The nurse walk in with the papers
She said that they had saved her but not him
She slipped into a vapor
She thought it was so grim

Its been 50 years now
And the doctor said yesterday that it won’t be long
She kept her vow
That they would walk along side by side again

She slowly set the picture down next to her
Than she seen his beautiful face
She knew she had made the transfer
And all she felt was grace

— The End —