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1.6k · Aug 2012
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
I dream about a world,
Magical and Mystical,
with Mysteries of time.
Love and Darkness collide,
making passion.
Every desire given,
every thought manifested.
Dreams come to life
and all questions are answered.
It is beautiful and joyful.
Enemies don't exist
and its peaceful all moments.
Love heals all and Hate destroys nothing
in Summerland.
This poem was inspired by the book Evermore by Alyson Noel. Summerland was like a purgatory of a sort.
1.3k · Aug 2012
My Evergreen
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
My eyes used to be blue.
Along with winter they faded.
Summer brings hazel.
With fall they might turn,
Unless I found my evergreen.
1.3k · Dec 2012
False Hope
Heather Weeks Dec 2012
Why is there lies?
Trips my eyes and throat with his tongue,
Dislodges his word jumbles into my ears.
To amuse?
Not even a stutter breaks it.
I see no end for us.
Just false hope.
773 · Mar 2013
Brother, I love her too
Heather Weeks Mar 2013
We are set to die
Whether it is written in the stars
Or the fate of our blood
We fought till the end
And till the end she chose you
She haunted me in my last hour
She told me maybe
She told me if
But reality is,
It was always you Brother
I will always be the dead expectations
The secret hero of the night
And I know she loves you brother,
But my love wants to fight
And in our last hour,
She chose you.
Oh how sweet is Death?

Every look in her eyes was a breath
I was there for her when you weren't!
She cried into my chest over my own blood
She kissed me
And I left her not remembering you
How could you come back and take that from me?
How am I supposed to forget lips like those

She is a curse,brother
No, love is a curse, brother
And when I die, it will have won
Death has chosen me
And for that, I love her
742 · Aug 2012
Our Secrets
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
Tighten that smile yet again
I remember the sand beaten swing
Barges, our secret keepers, glide up
Hold my hand and listen to the creaking

That little trucks buzz
I remember the stump that sent us flying
Our kiss was deadly, but only the truck knows
Kiss me yet again and I'll fly with you

We climbed higher and higher
I remember your rough hands
We smiled at each other and jumped
Letting the water wash away the rush

You pressed up against me
I remember all the pictures well
You kissed me slowly, we were home alone
You took me home smiling
728 · Aug 2012
She is gone.
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
Where did she go?
The curls cut and dyed.
Her face replaced with makeup.
Her fear rises and she explodes.
Our memories forgotten,
She bites hard,
I cling to her essence.
Remind her of what should be.
We had plans for a lifetime.
This is wrong.
I miss her.
Paine has taken over,
Rayne has destroyed her.
All is left is our muddy time capsule,
and all of my scars.
My best friend is gone.
This is about my best friend who changed a lot after going through some hard times.
727 · Aug 2012
You did it all
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
The dangerous river seems less inviting
Its currents stopped their beckoning
The wind feels more like a breath
Your smile ended it all
You mesmerize me
665 · Dec 2012
The Effects of Coffee
Heather Weeks Dec 2012
Love is like coffee
Bitter righteous sweet
Lukewarm perfection
You can sweeten
Stir the milk
But when its gone,
the after taste is horrific
You will have the effects for awhile
Until it wears off
Then your empty

Until I find another you
639 · Dec 2012
Heather Weeks Dec 2012
Give me a break.
I am cold but flushed with sweat.
My mind flutters to you.
Is the pain worth it?
Its sickeningly intoxicating
Slipping into a bitter haze
621 · Dec 2012
The Curse
Heather Weeks Dec 2012
We will always be alone,
We will always feel the pain,
The realization that love always fades

We will always search for change,
We will never be tame,
The animal inside lives for nothing.

We will never find the answers,
Stuck in a cycle of lonely whimpers.
The curse of the race.
554 · Aug 2012
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
You make me colorful,
Through the grey and black dreary day,
You speak me yellow,
You hear me pink,
Colors all throughout me.
Love makes me feel this way.
551 · Dec 2013
The People
Heather Weeks Dec 2013
I can't stop seeing what I do
Rendering my thoughts insignificant is impossible
How cynical is my perspective
The little wrinkles stand out the most to me
But how I interpret them is the problem
I see the halo surrounded by flames
I see the serpent's tongue flicking in the clouds

I observe everyone's hurt
Who sees mine?
Who caresses my mind when I see Daddy drunk?
Who smiles at me when my eyes are swollen driving at midnight?
No one
People are too infatuated with themselves to see me
In my darkest hours of thoughts and constellations,
I see the people.
I can't stop seeing the people and their hurt.
My hand is always towards someone,
Yet there is none ****** towards me as I fall.
This is why the world is filled with hatred and pain.
It isn't the Daddys that are drunk or the Mommys that don't care.
It is the people that see the hurt and aren't there.
It is the people that can't care for the broken winged creature.
It is the people.
546 · Apr 2013
The Perfect Words
Heather Weeks Apr 2013
I used to search for the perfect words
I can't see a life without them
Without 'love'
Without your name
I can't
Because every syllable that brushes your lips
Every gruff of your tongue
All makes me feel like a piece of a pattern
Sewn into a beautiful quilt
Keeps me warm
But then I learned
Its not the words that make me smile
Its you
Its every thought and reason
Every brush of skin

I used to search for the perfect words
And now I hope to be tongue tied
To let you show me every feeling you feel
Not to contain our love in a simple 3 syllables
To restrict them of our own choosing
We should set them free
And not speak another word tonight
541 · Apr 2013
Who cares?
Heather Weeks Apr 2013
Rancid stomach
I have a bad case
It makes my eyes swell
And my wrinkles crinkle
I thought I was being overrated.
but no one's looking.
Who cares?
534 · Aug 2012
How he came true
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
A wish upon a petal.
A petal beholds a wish.
A wish plucked,
A petal wished.
A petal gone,
A petal new,
A wish upon a petal,
and love became true.
When me and my sister were little, we would pluck flowers, take all of the petals, and put them in this tree that we believed would take the petals up to our grandfather in heaven. So then that turned into that you could use a petal as a wish or a prayer. We would get a petal, say a wish over it, and let the wind take it away. This poem is about that and how I wished on a petal for love.
529 · Aug 2012
Lock Them Up
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
Lock them up in plain sight.
Let the key shine in your eyes.
And if by chance it starts to melt,
Save it for the worthy.
Don't let your heart be known.
Keep them for the one.
The one willing to wipe the key away.
524 · Aug 2012
Ill keep you guessing
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
I smile at my thoughts
To which you question
Your tongue searching throughout my words
Your eyes take journeys that will never end
Your hands search me looking for the answers
I'll keep you guessing till the very end
489 · Mar 2013
I Turned It Off
Heather Weeks Mar 2013
I decided love wasn't worth its while
So I severed every stem
And watched as every petal wilted
I scattered the bodies around my heart
Daring any seed to sprout
Now, the trimmers have rusted
And I see the buds
471 · Aug 2012
I Dream
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
I dream for many things
None of which is close in reach.
Far away and distant, the mock me.
But I stay strong and disagree,
Not knowing what would
happen if I didn't dream.
Cold, shady
I dream for many things.
464 · Aug 2012
Nothing left.
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
My heart grovels,
Your words scooping me out.
The hole leaving me hollow.
To her, she can't feel the rest of herself.
461 · Dec 2012
Does he see?
Heather Weeks Dec 2012
Useless thoughts choke me
Its hard to forget and forgive
Velvet lips smack me around
My swallowing doesn't help
The sun can't hear me
And the sun doesn't understand
His glow outshines me dimming
458 · Mar 2015
I Will Not Say It Is Broken
Heather Weeks Mar 2015
It was not originally shattered
It was once whole and pumping
Every daring kiss splintered it every way

I will not say it is broken
It still beats
Blood still awakes my nerves

But every new blink sets me away
Their eyes have all blurred together
Fitting every puzzle piece perfectly

It is not their fault
for I gave myself willingly
Though it is much easier to cast a finger
than to be ****** another day

Every breath I take is a drag of the past
But every exhale is a hope for the future
That I have saved the biggest piece for the last

I will not say it is broken
My jigsaw of an *****
but with each touch I was cut
Leaving me running farther away
454 · Aug 2012
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
In the fire,
through the smoke,
her song calling me.
In the far, far away.
Lost her once,
never again.
Why'd he take her?
She had became too beautiful.
Her beauty grew the trees,
and moved the waves.
At least to me.
Her beauty smolders me.
In the fire,
through the smoke,
her song calls for me.
She fades in the far, far away.
422 · Dec 2012
Captured Always
Heather Weeks Dec 2012
It took me, captured
There was no ransom
Its tendrils held me tight
I was addicted
Lies and tears muddled my vision
Then, it let me go.
Left me slashed and torn
You licked my wounds
Stood me back up
But for you, I fell again.
And now,
Here I am,
398 · Mar 2013
You've Done This To Me
Heather Weeks Mar 2013
Drag on the cigarette
Where would you like to lie?
Do you believe you deserve that pillow
The grass suits us better

Take a drink
Ill dig up my hidden wine
We will warm through our throat
Through our veins

See you, you've hurt me many times
So don't lecture me.
Ive chose my poison
Time for us to drink
366 · Aug 2012
We faded.
Heather Weeks Aug 2012
With the leaves we have faded.
You brought on the winter.
I blame you for my shivers.
For the cold I cannot shake.
The one I'll have for awhile.
347 · Dec 2012
He is Different
Heather Weeks Dec 2012
It was always you,
Clouding my mind with those eyes,
Starring all my dreams,
Awake or not.
You filling my journals life.
You that had me flickering my eyes.

It was always you,
That made me cry.
That took my shove of words.
That took a part of me that I didn't get back.

But now, its him.
And everything is different.
310 · Apr 2017
Heather Weeks Apr 2017
Numb like pain
A drip of nicotine
Take the sugar through
Pulling the tear that won't escape
Trapped beneath the blurred haze
Running in no clear direction
Dizzy, laughing
Pulling yourself above the tide
Above the laughs, laugh
Tug the string of thoughts
A simple line of juxtapositions
Soaring above the smiles
Dragged between the lips of Time
The scrapes of burnt childhood
A faint remembrance of snow and rain
Sipping the rain through my teeth
But numb like pain
255 · Oct 2017
Heather Weeks Oct 2017
Swirl in the room
Smoke clouded the frame
Yellow hues tainted laughs
With elegant flicks of a dainty fallacy

— The End —