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25.6k · Feb 2015
my fiance
Heather may Feb 2015
My fiance is not only my fiance hes my best friend my world my everything he's been there for me through the good and the bad days but no matter what he still sticks by my side no matter what. My fiance is the most amazing most thoughtful caring man you will ever meet he's such a great guy to not only me but also to his amazing adorable nephews. My fiance will always be my number one.
5.1k · Feb 2015
love at first sight
Heather may Feb 2015
What is love at first sight? Well i think it's when you see that special someone you never really thought he would be the one well I've find just that special someone. I love him more then life it's self he has no idea how much i really do love him. We have been together for almost a year now and i couldn't be happier i waited eight years to even work up enough courage to talk to him and now i have him and couldn't be happier.
3.3k · Feb 2015
god gave me you
Heather may Feb 2015
God gave me you for the ups and downs through the good and bad through hell and high water god gave me you. God gave me you for the love and support through thick and thin god has given me the best thing that has ever happened to me and has given me my soul mate. God has given me the ability to see what was right in front of me all these years god has pointed me to the rest of my life with my best friend. God made me realize what life can do for you and now I know that life may have it's ups and downs but god has directed me to my forever.

To the man who has had my heart since '08♥♥
968 · Feb 2015
alpha wolf
Heather may Feb 2015
What is an alpha wolf??
I think its a leader of a pack someone who is determined to help his pack out no matter what the cause may be. Someone who can be by your side no matter what time or day it is their always there. The true meaning of an alpha wolf is the leader and thats what it takes to be an alpha.
659 · Feb 2015
My Best Friend
Heather may Feb 2015
I have this best friend that i have for eight years now and when i first met him i never really knew that i liked him at first but now i do. He has that something about him i just can't figure out he's so sweet and funny and most of all head over heels romantic i don't get it. My best friend is someone i fell in love with eight years ago and still are to this day and not only is he my best friend he's also my soulmate and my other half to. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have him in my life and I'll never let him go.
494 · Jan 2015
Heather may Jan 2015
Whats the real meaning of a soul-mate? well i think it is someone who you can talk to whenever no matter what time it is their always there for you no matter what. Sure your gonna have those problems where you get on each others nerves but what couple doesn't do that now a days. The real meaning of a soul-mate is someone who always has your back no matter what and always is there for you no matter what. I can say now that i have found my soul-mate its about time.
461 · Feb 2015
my love for you
Heather may Feb 2015
My love for you is true,
The way you kiss me feels real,
My love for you is real,
The way you hold me is amazing ,
My love for you is unreal,
The look in your eyes makes my heart race everytime,
My love for you is everlasting,
Baby i love you for you not for someone else i love you just the way you are,
My love for you is forever.
I love you Austin Charles brinson forever and always.

— The End —