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Jan 2014 · 266
first ever
Calvero Jan 2014
It tasted like coffee... was bitter.
But somehow, sweet as well.
Jan 2014 · 343
Calvero Jan 2014
So let me hold your hand...
so my heart doesn't waver so much.
Jan 2014 · 347
Calvero Jan 2014
When I'm older...
I'll think back to this moment.
It will be like those fireworks appearing all of a sudden,
then disappearing.
And it will leave
a memory in my heart.
Jan 2014 · 501
Calvero Jan 2014
On that day...
I don't know what you wished for...
so I will wish...
from the bottom of my heart...
-I wish that you will always have a smile (on your face)-
Jan 2014 · 205
Calvero Jan 2014
Why is it always at a time like this,
that I can't seem to find something to talk to her about?
I look skywards, the setting sun hanging above,
I see my favorite color--
Jan 2014 · 270
missing each other
Calvero Jan 2014
The movie I watched that day...
was an extremely boring movie
about spies and romance.
Only when the main character's superior,
the lover's father, said this one line,
¨It's when you miss each other, that's when your feelings of love awaken¨...
did my heart quietly feel something.
Dec 2013 · 296
Calvero Dec 2013
And like light
You are a constant in my life
Light is a constant in Physics and is usually denoted as c, hence the title.
I feel forced to note that light only travels at a constant in a vacuum.
Dec 2013 · 610
hues of blue
Calvero Dec 2013
Limited palette
melancholy, forlorn
All the blues

What is the difference

Sadness has two twins
while forlorn is left behind
melancholy stays
Forlorn is abandoned or lonely.
Dec 2013 · 460
i am...
Calvero Dec 2013
Just an afterthought
in the story of your life.
Dec 2013 · 799
modern day ______
Calvero Dec 2013
Inside I am hurting
though I am supposed to stay strong
Need to move past
all this romance gone wrong
I felt my heart breaking
I held on to my pain,
loyal to the end,
despite my disdain.
Still with reckless fashion
and burning desire,
I abandoned those dreams,
extinguished that fire.
I would love forever if given the chance.
But I'm weary now, too tired to dance.
Why are things so complicated?
Dec 2013 · 217
my eyes are here
Calvero Dec 2013
My eyes are there.
Please see me as you wish.
It will not hurt.
Something about honesty
Dec 2013 · 279
of mind & body
Calvero Dec 2013
I want peace and clarity.

Is that not a desire?

What is acceptable?
Just what is
Dec 2013 · 373
you're the...
Calvero Dec 2013
Apple of my eye
Inspires bounce in my step
Smile jumping for joy
Dec 2013 · 215
Calvero Dec 2013
Can you just stahp?
Can you tell the truth

  . . . to me?
  . . . at least today?
  . . . maybe tomorrow?

Truth hurts, truth soothes.
Truth is change.
Sad man
Dec 2013 · 288
the clock is such a drag
Calvero Dec 2013
I should do something
It's not going to go away
Time lasts forever
My procrastinative mind knows no bounds
Nov 2013 · 196
Calvero Nov 2013
Tune you turn into
Play with tunes, play with words now,
Act as I was new
I can't remember the context of this. Sorry.
Nov 2013 · 588
Calvero Nov 2013
So deep.
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
Calvero Nov 2013
I haven't tried
Tried in so long
But everything is fine
everything is fine
and I haven't tried.
To myself more than anyone else.
Nov 2013 · 299
some don't see
Calvero Nov 2013
Your insight is a book the asleep can read,
And your wording is a message the angry can receive.
Your innocence brings the influence of a child tugging at your sleeve,
So know, wherever you find yourself, you were brought to lead; born to be all the good that's rare to see.
Nov 2013 · 309
Calvero Nov 2013
Her love - The water
That keeps the garden in my
Heart, green and happy.
Cheesy as ****.
Nov 2013 · 282
Untitled III
Calvero Nov 2013
actions speak louder
when you are out of words, truth
soothes my troubled mind
Nov 2013 · 221
Untitled II
Calvero Nov 2013
Crossing the river
Jumping stone by stone, I found
One loose and fell in.
Nov 2013 · 280
Calvero Nov 2013
Among the rocks I
Saw trees with roots so twisted
And I saw my life.
Nov 2013 · 612
Calvero Nov 2013
They're a funny thing
You choose things, a word - maybe even a person -
Who you tell yourself really matter
Then you just forget
And maybe what you think matters really just doesn't
Nov 2013 · 575
Calvero Nov 2013
Permanently limp
Entire dreams crushed
Never to rise up
I remain flaccid still
Loving lost
Entire dreams crushed
Nov 2013 · 350
Calvero Nov 2013
Genesis is a little *****
A little *cuntnugget
Cuntnugget = Genesis

— The End —