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Apr 2015 · 747
first day of school
Calvero Apr 2015
Three months pass
Shadows growing longer
Head taller than the rest
Mar 2015 · 598
Calvero Mar 2015
some time 
catching the edge of here 
some time 


waiting like a rabbit 

most times 
alone on a field of green 
cat can’t see me 


tossed salad 
in a high hat 

stove pipe dream 

some time 
it might be true 
who are we 

some time 
counting on you 

just sometimes
Mar 2015 · 476
Calvero Mar 2015
Negging the perceived 
Bad and ignoring the good- 
Selective blindness.
Calvero Mar 2015
Tell me you just can't 
but with others its easy... 
Thats just disrespect 

There is a difference between can't and won't.
Dec 2014 · 401
Calvero Dec 2014
Remember not to forget
Unfortunate events
Turmoil in your stomach
How about a walk tomorrow?
Dec 2014 · 579
Calvero Dec 2014
the nun
loves Jesus
but heard the devil was a real looker
Oct 2014 · 925
like a puppet on a string
Calvero Oct 2014
she pushes
my buttons
like a puppet
on a string
she plays me
in shadows and in gray
her hands
so easy
I don't see it coming
but I dance
all the same
a trick lucky clown
when she kisses me
that I stutter
and fall
the game
playing me
but i play on
she plays on
until I tell her
I love her
she plays me
in shadows and in gray
Lays on
Oct 2014 · 689
Calvero Oct 2014
you can carry them with you
wherever you go
drag them across the earth
but they will only take
where the soil is right.
it can be years of looking
and prodding
before you find the patch
that's right.
but when you do
the roots will take immediately,
and you'll grow again
you will grow.
Oct 2014 · 384
Calvero Oct 2014
everything she is
sounds like poetry, music
a life lived in dream
Oct 2014 · 562
the physics of love
Calvero Oct 2014
surface tension-
a drop of rainwater
caresses a leaf
Oct 2014 · 350
through the forest
Calvero Oct 2014
walking through forest-
i close my eyes and enjoy
birds and wind singing
Oct 2014 · 429
coat of armor
Calvero Oct 2014
she learned early on
it was to be her own coat
that would keep her warm
Oct 2014 · 376
you or the night
Calvero Oct 2014
enter like the Sun
a false pretense or habit
no matter, you're here

radiate your life
just don't touch me anymore
I cannot be moved

what lies in the night
when you are away from me
it makes no sense

coolness and Moonlight
the abundance of the stars
cicada play slow
Oct 2014 · 417
Calvero Oct 2014
alarm clocks blink noon
blacked out evidence
finally a day off
no idea what to do
Oct 2014 · 763
Calvero Oct 2014
everytime I see her
i miss her
Oct 2014 · 460
now he wonders
Calvero Oct 2014
seeing his children
now all grown up, he wonders:
where did the time go?
Oct 2014 · 332
do you hear what I hear?
Calvero Oct 2014
the essence of love
permeating time and space
eternal music
Oct 2014 · 461
Calvero Oct 2014
shy hand
played slow blues tuned
to you
skip a beat

up for


deep decades

aching tooth

broke off in saying
i love you
Oct 2014 · 286
no no no...
Calvero Oct 2014
there are no heroes,
no demons, no gods,
--no you, no me, no us
Sep 2014 · 356
Calvero Sep 2014
yellow broken eggs
super glue cannot fix shells
last year we were friends
Sep 2014 · 534
Calvero Sep 2014
Between life and death
On the brink of disaster
Breathe in that next breath
Sep 2014 · 338
this is fiction
Calvero Sep 2014
Like a work of fiction, this is something that just isn't true.
Aug 2014 · 527
Calvero Aug 2014
her trite words,
forming trite sentences,
trite ideas.
a trite person.
Aug 2014 · 310
i could skip every day
Calvero Aug 2014
she ******* bit back
i love that woman
Aug 2014 · 353
it's not there
Calvero Aug 2014
you could see mirth in the curve of his lips
where was it in the rest of his structure?
Aug 2014 · 332
him, her, them
Calvero Aug 2014
her compulsion to lie collided with
his appreciation for honesty
Aug 2014 · 369
once more, without the eyes
Calvero Aug 2014
her playful scowl ruined
her every effort to chide
Calvero Aug 2014
These days each night I
See lights dancing with the wind -
Nice firefly displays.
Aug 2014 · 292
still learning
Calvero Aug 2014
they say it's about now that i'd hear:
"learn to be a man"

he must still be learning
Aug 2014 · 372
you and me!
Calvero Aug 2014
No matter what disparaging remarks you might make,
I await your observations and insight.
But when you provide your cool analysis please include
An example of the words that you brew,
Because without your input, you know where I put your
Tidy observational work,
Right there, where it will never be seen
And where I suspect that much of your work might be.
So where I love your constructive criticism,
If you can't provide me some guidance
With your wisdom and obeying all the rules,
Of grammar, pentameter and other structural things,
It will be meaningless to me, and probably anonymous
You will choose to be!
Aug 2014 · 4.5k
Calvero Aug 2014
all i have are half-hearted
bets i always lose
Jul 2014 · 381
the weight of friendship
Calvero Jul 2014
the weight of friendship,
like a cement feathered bird,
will you show me yours?
ehhhhh. noot right
Jul 2014 · 944
i'm going to bed
Calvero Jul 2014
and so we embark on a journey taken by billions,
into an abyss of the unknown,
to reach a realm of infinite possibilities,
where the lines of reality and fantasy are as thin as the walls of a soap bubble...
in short words,
I'm going to bed.
Jul 2014 · 409
Calvero Jul 2014
dad, he's outside now
under an umbrella, head in his arms
tapping his finger on his muscle

is he cowering right now?

he's hurt and he has been
for a while now at least

but I don't understand

why would he cower
into the confines of
his own arms, his own flesh

does that mean the problem isn't him?

is it us then?
we aren't the greatest of children
little ambition, little to show for what he gave

but i don't think we ever wanted any of this

dad, you had goals, the ambition we lack
you left it all, with no reason, and I know
now you're faced with regret

but i don't think he ever wanted any of this

for brother cares for your happiness,
he's just twisted from the life you gave him,
a life he doesn't blame you for


the sisters love you,
they'd give all they can for you,
but sometimes it seems it's not enough for you

meanwhile these exchanges go on...

I'm just scared that I won't live up
to the life you left behind

having no ambition grants me peace of mind
because then at least I know what I am

having no ambition ruins the clarity of my mind
because then I know less of what I am

and right now, you're cutting your hair.
I only do that to relieve myself of what I don't want to feel

why are you doing it?
one shot, first time trying it out with something lengthier
Jul 2014 · 346
clouds got in the way
Calvero Jul 2014
Don’t spend too much time with clouds
They are merely evaporations
And cannot be trusted with your life
They may dance and play
In the sky all day and resemble many things
But just because you see a cloud
That makes you shout out loud
It is not your prophecy
Be skeptical of those who paint the sky
With every imaginable pattern as they fly
For they know not what they are doing
As they glide from one horizon to the next
What begins as a rocket ship
Could soon become a dinosaur that then
Might release its weight to begin again
To evaporate and create something
Or nothing to which you can relate!
Jul 2014 · 526
Calvero Jul 2014
Pride runs deep
in the response to critique
believing truth is yours to speak
instead of accepting the thought is complete

Pride creates vanity
when we portray personal perception of sanity
as a means of clarity
to support our desire to shape humanity
ignoring our own profanity
that exists in one's own mind

You reek of pride
hiding behind your glass wall
thinking yourself to know enough
when you know nothing at all

Oh Babylon you sit
on your thrown of ancient stone
will you forever sit there
until Christ has you overthrown?

Leave me alone.
Jul 2014 · 382
i'm free
Calvero Jul 2014
I love free falling in a dream
Floating down at tremendous speed
Not a care and not a scare
Because I know I will soon wake up
But if I don’t and reach the bottom
I’ll just roar back up and do it all again!
Jul 2014 · 424
learned too late
Calvero Jul 2014
I wonder if he knew I was there.
My father, that is.
We were not very close at that time.
Typical things
Hair too long
Wasting energy on foolish things
And on foolish friends.
He worked too hard for nothing I wanted
And I worked too hard at nothing.
Words grew sparse with increasing distance.
When the time came that I was not quite a man
And he dwindling away.
I would go to the hospital on my lunch break,
Creep into his room.
At first he put on the brave face
"Gonna fight this bear"
But the bear was tireless and metastasized.
Often when I arrived, ***** and sweat stained
He would be asleep
And so I would sit nearby
And if he woke we would talk.
I would encourage him to eat
And he'd say "I'll try".
But often my time would pass
His eyes still closed.
And I would creep back out.
Decades later, I wonder
Did he know how many hours I spent
Wordless and waiting.
Unaware of what I needed to say
And believing there was nothing worth hearing.
Calvero Jul 2014
A runner caught in between a choice of two safe havens; one has greater reward than the other yet outnumbered in foe so the plot thickens whilst the crowd roars in glee at the quick facts and fiction of the scramble.

the critique sounds like bable.

You're ending line feels like a runner
who doesn't have confidence in their ability.
a critique
Jul 2014 · 906
quietly confident
Calvero Jul 2014
I miss my voice.
I miss speaking clearly with precision.
With words attempting to paint a vision.
Consistent monotonous syllables pouring
from a mouth connected to a brain that
functioned at a quick pace and found
each word a place.
A learned habit.
Diligently sought.
Quickly forgot.
But I celebrate.
Words will flow freely,
my brain will think purely,
words will be sublime.
With ease I will speak,
with the display of tender
and meek,
reflecting the God I seek,
proof that Christ makes
the strong from the weak.
No worries.
No fears.
Knowing love.
Crying joyful tears.
Jun 2014 · 2.0k
Calvero Jun 2014
shallow roots
the slightest breeze
a torrential event
Jun 2014 · 977
Calvero Jun 2014
Go even long distances
Just to kiss the sea.
Jun 2014 · 376
gentle breeze day
Calvero Jun 2014
gentle breeze day
passionate panorama
the trees dance.
Jun 2014 · 380
hearts full of hate
Calvero Jun 2014
Like a volcano
A heart full of hate can blow
Up without notice
Jun 2014 · 551
late to pi day
Calvero Jun 2014
It's irrational,
why so many pies are round,
knowing Pi R Squared.
Calvero Jun 2014
"Hi" I said-Looking
Back I noticed she was
Not smiling at me
Jun 2014 · 319
a difficult task
Calvero Jun 2014
It is not easy
Understanding the feelings
Of unhappy hearts.
Jun 2014 · 330
we could rob a bank
Calvero Jun 2014
we could rob a bank, you and i, <<with the evening spread out against the sky, like a patient, etherized upon a table,>> make no muttering retreats, no ragged claws scuttling across ocean floors, and nobody would count on us, for anything, half starving, we could have *** outside, or watch a parade, and there would be nothing to discuss, nothing to decide, nothing to fear, or desire, and we could bath in the river, or the lake, or the ocean, trust each other in silence, a wordless communion of minds, this world, this time, this life, like some endless hunger that no meal can satisfy, and we can sit across the table, look into each other's eyes, and maybe rob a bank
<<>> verbatim taken from Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by TS Eliot Many other phrases are taken from the very same poem.
Jun 2014 · 288
a common future
Calvero Jun 2014
My head resting on
Her shoulders-Imagining
A common future.
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