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2.7k · Mar 2014
Henry David Mar 2014
I was
Not too long ago
Tired of being sad
Tired of being alone
Tired of pretending
Tired of being angry
Tired of being stuck
Tired of needing help
Tired of remembering
Tired of being different
Tired of missing out
Tired of feeling forgotten
Tired of wishing to start over
Tired of feeling aimless
Tired of feeling worthless
Tired of hating myself
Tired of all my problems
Tired of feeling like it was all my fault
Tired of dreaming dreams that would never pass
But most of all I was Tired of being Tired

And then you came into my life
And I became awake
864 · Mar 2014
Henry David Mar 2014
Though the sun might not always shine, and the night may grow dark and cold, remember that you don’t stand alone. Remember that you need not face the challenges of life without help. Remember that we are here, and together we will, together we will move forward, together we will find strength, together we will find the dawn.
514 · Mar 2014
Henry David Mar 2014
In the summer, I felt my heart ablaze, the world was full of life, the air was full of song, then came the wind of fall, the leaves changed, the air grew crisp and cold, I felt my fire die, and the world with me fell, the winter came on fast ready to ****, my fire receded till it was just an ember, struggling in the cold. I listened to the world, felt the stillness of it all, I thought of how the warmth had fled, how the life was gone and as I sat, I counted the stars above my snow choked world, and found there was just as many in the sky, and as I sat, I counted the sounds I could here in the stillness and heard all but one, for my own voice shattered in despair chose to not rise up and join the chorus that is the world floating in the air, and as sat in my own pool of grief, I thought of things, not as they seem, but as they are, and as I sat I felt my ember kindle and into a mighty blaze it did roar, till I found the cold and dark just as bright and warm as any day of that summer for which I had mourned
481 · Mar 2014
Henry David Mar 2014
you are crazy
and energetic
full of life
and song
you know what real sorrow is
to want to never see tomorrow
you felt that long ago
and yet you've seen today
and by the means of true sorrow
you also know the feeling of true joy
when it comes to you
you burn like a fire, and I like a cold beggar are drawn to it
you are beautiful
and when I say beautiful, I don't mean attractive (but that too) but I mean beauty, a feeling that when I look at you I look upon one of the wonders of nature, something wonderful and rare,
you are you
you are
440 · Mar 2014
Moonlight and Stars
Henry David Mar 2014
Once upon a time
My world was a dark hellish place
where no light existed
a veil of woe obscured my vision
and all I that was visible was pain.
I walked with my head bowed,
eyes perpetually locked with the ground
I began to suffocate
The air of that place was too heavy with sorrow for my lungs
and just as that dark, depressing place seemed to grow even darker,
as the last bit of will fled my body
the horizon was broken
by the singular first ray of sun
and for the first time in what seemed forever
the world was illuminated
for the first time in what seemed forever
I saw the beauty of it all.
Like the early morning dew, the sun burned off all of my grievances
leaving me free of the burdens of that place
allowing me to move on.
Even now the sun doesn't always shine
but these days
the night has moonlight and stars
402 · Mar 2014
Tonight, Tonight
Henry David Mar 2014
Tonight's the night
Tonight's the night we dance, as we haven't before
We dance together, alone together
We dance under the sky
We dance to the songs we dare call "ours"
Tonight we believe in each other and nothing else
Tonight we forget everything else
Forget our youth
Forget the impossible
Forget the worries of the past
We look to the stars, as they bring tears to our eyes
We look to the future, as it brings a smile to our faces
We look to one another, as we bring warmth to our hearts
Tonight we are together
And that is all that matters
396 · Mar 2014
Henry David Mar 2014
There are two types of secrets in this world. There are secrets of the mouth, simple things like gossip, such as who likes who. Unimportant things that once a person learns, it begs to be let out and passed to the next person. Then there are the secrets of the heart, the things that people keep to themselves, ones that weigh them down. They can’t share for fear, or pride, or shame, or some combination there in. These secrets are the ones that you sometimes want to say, but when you try they stick in your throat like a bitter poison. They are like stones within your heart, turning it cold. Once they've formed they’re hard to get rid of. It’s better to deal with them before they form, spit the poison out instead of consuming it, though it is much harder to do. We crave the secrets in our heart, they’re the ones that no one knows and no one could begin to guess. They’re what makes us, us. This craving will **** you if you let it, don’t. I urge you to at least try and give one up, just one, to anyone you wish. Take that stone out of your heart and throw it away. Let each step be lighter.

— The End —