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4.5k · Aug 2012
Hazel Connelly Aug 2012
Humanity's ego, to resort to violence,
To settle conflicts, makes no sense.
And yet we still have not learned,
The art of peace for which we yearned.

To love our neighbour as ourself,
And to put our grievance on the shelf.
Could this be in our gracious hands
to bring compassion to troubled lands?

With each hill we have to climb,
Life is lived one day at a time.
Let the tears of yesterday's storm,
Bring a smile to a new day born.

For everything to be humane,
We need to be compassionate and sane.
Too lightly on lifes scales
Compassion weighs, and prevails.

© Hazel
4.1k · Aug 2012
Hazel Connelly Aug 2012
I was fit and feisty at fifty
It was no big deal,
Because that's how half a century
Is supposed to feel.

In my sixties I'll take stock
Start making great plans,
Ignoring all the "you cant's"
And embracing all the "I cans".

Can I be **** at sixty?
And try all the fashions and fads,
Wear stockings and suspenders
And Joan Collins shoulder pads.

I can deal with **** at sixty
And wear Vivienne Westwood clothes,
Dress up and go out on the town
Wearing all my buttons and bows.

I'mgoing to be **** at sixty
I'll wear Gok Wan lingerie
Find myself a Toy Boy
Then maybe lead him astray.

Swift and **** at sixty
When I get my Jimmy Choos,
Dancing the night away
To the sound of rhythm and blues.

Oh! I want to be **** at sixty
'cause age is a state of mind,
I'm preparing my body at keep fit
So as not to be left behind.

But, first I have to deal with
Old Skin, Bad Teeth and Grey Hair,
Then remove the unwanted growths
From just about everywhere.

Then I'll definitely be **** at sixty
And undoubtedly done it all,
The only problem is that most
of it I simply won't recall...

© Hazel
2.8k · Aug 2012
Hazel Connelly Aug 2012
Magical moments of pure sweet passion
Flutters within my hearts devotion.
Two hearts beating, they know it's right,
The beat grows stronger, then fades in the night.

Hungry for your heart beating with mine,
Longing, to be with you all the time.
The miracle of the beat drawing us closer,
Two hearts beating within one another.

You saved me a place in your heart,
Letting me stay, never to part.
Two hearts beating strong and true,
Two hearts beating, as one, not two.

© Hazel
2.3k · Nov 2012
Hazel Connelly Nov 2012
Inflow of confetti, brings happiness and fun
Newly wed romance in the November sun
From the valley of dreams, mid the hills and dales
Azure the sky and green the vales
Tantalizing melodies in the afternoon air
Unaware of love lingering everywhere
Against the backdrop of a cloudless sky
The snow capped mountain stands so high
Infatuation or love? A beautiful sight
Oblivious of day turning into night
Nostalgia enters, and music plays in the moonlight.

© Hazel
2.1k · Dec 2013
Hazel Connelly Dec 2013
Candles, chocolates and a bottle of Chardonnay
Heralding the eve of Christmas day
Rollicking good fun is in the air
Icy outside but who gives a care
Surprises all gaily wrapped
To a song that someone just rapped
Mistletoe hangs in the hall
And the clock ticks slowly on the wall
Santa from Lapland is coming to call.

2.0k · Oct 2012
WAR OF WORDS (acrostic)
Hazel Connelly Oct 2012
Wrestling with his conscience
Abstaining from verbal exchange
Regretting his words

Offended by obscenities
Forgetting his ticket

What is happening?
Obnoxious little men
Rallying in no mans land
Dire consequences
Spasmodic verbal abuse..

©  Hazel
1.6k · Nov 2012
Hazel Connelly Nov 2012
A n attempt to bamboozle him.

D irecting  the abomination
I nto my inner soul.
S corn, in the flame of passion,
A ffection going nowhere.
G iving way to struggle, looking for a
R eason to cherish
E very yearning.
E nding this bitter taste,
M aking this relationship
E stranged.
N ever will it bloom
T o a tender love.

© Hazel
1.6k · Aug 2012
Hazel Connelly Aug 2012
My jeans zip is popping
My body's gone crazy
Everyone is noticing
My memory's a bit hazy.

The once upright ******* are dropping
and these flushes aren't for stopping.

It's the hormones
That's what it's about
All around my middle
I'm getting more stout.

There's nowhere to hide
There's nowhere to run
My newly aquired mustache
And chin hairs are fit to stun.

I joined a club that weekly meet,
They tell me all the can't haves,
I just go home and eat.
Don't have this, don't have that,
I paid all that money just for a chat.

My feet are still the same size shoe
I could always buy them something new.

Time passes quickly, teenage years gone,
There's no more excuses to rely on.
The one about puppy fat ran out long ago,
So now it's time for a revamp
From head to toe...

© Hazel
1.5k · Aug 2012
Hazel Connelly Aug 2012
Sports men and women ready
All wanting to aspire to their dreams
Each with goals to set
Within their own teams.

In an Olymic event
On the track ready to run
Making sure you don't come last
People cheering you on.

In a moment of peace
Like when doves fly
Tears flow down their cheeks
As dreams aspire to reach the sky.

2012 They came to London
They competed, they won they lost.
Returned to their own countries
Memories forever embossed.

© Hazel
1.3k · Sep 2012
Hazel Connelly Sep 2012
The net's a big headache
I need a bloke you see
I search and search for hours
But can't get one for free.

I bought myself a web cam
I thought I could chat and play
But there wern't any blokie blokes
Only the ones that were gay.

Hang on! Who's this?
It's a blokie figure
He looks like me grandad
But me grandad's thinner.

Says his name is Bertie
Asks if I'm into leather
Then said I was a bore
We wouldn't be good together.

Oh wait! I must be dreaming
I see a tanned Blokee
I smile at his picture
He smiles back at me.

He speaks , I can't hear him
He hears, but can't see
I think my PCs broken
Why does it happen to me?

I think I'm in love
I hope he feels the same
Oh ****! my PCs crashed
And I never got his name.

© Hazel
1.2k · Aug 2012
Hazel Connelly Aug 2012
I'm here to shed light on your day
We're not having any black or grey,
Ride the rainbow high and low
Spread the colour wherever you go.

From the rainbows seven colours true
Painting the sky with dazzling hue
Red, orange, yellow, green
Blue, indigo and violet seen.

In every life ther's a rainbow
With nothing but the world below
It has no gate it has no door
It arches like a bridge from shore to shore.

Each individual colour is so clear
Which never ceases to bring cheer
Way way up in the sky
And we really don't know why..

© Hazel
1.2k · Sep 2012
The Races
Hazel Connelly Sep 2012
I've won a day at the races
For me and my friend Doreen Maguire
Posh frocks and new hats
That's what we require.

So off we go shopping
Hair and nails done on the way
Well we girls want to lookj our best
For the big race day.

Now Doreen's buxom and curvy
Me I'm thin as a latt
Or you could say slim and slender
And Doreen's just fat.

We went in loads of shops
Nothing seemed to fit the bill
Everything was kind of frumpish
And we're definitly not over the hill.

Then we came accross this shop
In a side street in the town
It's called Reds Closet Boutique
And we both came out with a gown.

We got fascinators to match
Shoes, accessories and bags too
Doreen got something in pink
I got something in blue.

It was the day of the races
We were up with the lark
Had our lunch at Tom and Jerry's
Then off to Haydock Park.

The horses are under starters orders
And I'd backed the grey
Well it came home last
But it was winning all the way.

Now we came to the last race
And we're digging deep in our pocket
Doreen said put it on this
It's called Super Rocket.

Well it romped hom at 50/1
This horse called Super Rocket
And me and Doreen Maguire
Went home with brass in our pocket.

© Hazel
1.0k · Oct 2012
Mellow Autumn
Hazel Connelly Oct 2012
Autumns rich mellow flavoured air
Unmasked, the trees  are now bare.

Seldom do we hear the birds sing
When the Autumn leaves are falling.

Smoke trails from the burning leaves
Carried on the light cool breeze.

The scent of spiced apple days
In the suns golden haze.

The pine towering heavenly high
Dropping fragrances on passers by.

Smell the crisp refreshing air
Wind is blowing everywhere.

The leaves they scatter without sound
Gently cascading to the ground..

©  Hazel
1.0k · Feb 2013
Hazel Connelly Feb 2013
Rose Maloney sits in her chair
The room is dim
The floor is bare
And life for her is very grim.

Rose takes in sewing
It helps to pay the bills
Though it pays almost nothing
For her meagre skills.

Her children are playing in the yard
Not knowing their fate
Times for Rose are very hard
And the rent man won't wait.

Rose lost her husband, he drowned at sea
And she wishes he'd walk through the door
Tommy the youngest he's only three
There's Lizzie at six, and Billy at four.

A bowl of soup, a crust of bread
Their little faces washed clean
Then up the stairs off to bed
None of them too keen.

The rent man's waiting for his money
As Rose sells her husbands clothes
She knows life won't be milk and honey
So Rose Maloney sits and sews and sews..

© Hazel
993 · Aug 2012
Hazel Connelly Aug 2012
Before my eyes brilliant colour perfection
Dancing gracefully in every direction
The world of trees, the art of nature
Are simple reasons for a painter.

The power mother nature can release
could make a painter a masterpiece
A gallery of natures finest hues,
Enough to stir the most reluctant muse.

Should mother nature tutor me in art
My tree would show a living beating heart
And should I save one single living tree
My canvas would inspire the world to see.

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Brown
Colours of beauty my brush would put down,
Bright and vibrant Maple red and Golden Oak
Living breathing with every brush stroke.

© Hazel
968 · Apr 2013
The River of Silence
Hazel Connelly Apr 2013
Fair as the morning, bright as the day
Life changes, then passes away,
Bright as a sunbeam, pure as the dew,
We wake to see the beauty renew.

Over the river to the other side
Sun and moon shall still abide.
As the time passes over the sky,
Make good your farewell, make good your goodbye.

Only when you drink from the River of Silence
And the blue waves beat a steady cadence,
With other voices, Shall you indeed Sing,
When you reach your final resting.

© Hazel
926 · Aug 2012
Hazel Connelly Aug 2012
Walking, Sitting, talking everywhere
People standing, please don't stare.
Running, jogging, around the park,
Please don't go there after dark.

Screaming, yelling, children shout,
Mothers queuing at the checkout.
Singing, dancing, laughing, crying
Babies born, people dying.

Talking on the mobile phone
Sat at home all alone,
Settling in the old armchair
I'm sure I should be elsewhere.

Daylight now is growing dim,
Chance of visitor now slim.
Locking up for the night,
Waiting, for tomorrows daylight..

© Hazel
894 · Oct 2012
NOT IN LOVE (acrostic)
Hazel Connelly Oct 2012
Not in love? he asked
Over and over again
There was a silence.

Indignant towards her
Not in love? he asked again.

Leaning towards her
Over the dinner table
Vacant look on her face
Evident that she meant every word.

©  Hazel
837 · Sep 2012
Class of 54
Hazel Connelly Sep 2012
I saw an ad in the local paper
A reunion for the class of 54
I decided I would attend
I’ve never been to one before

It should be grand and lots of fun
So I rented a tux and black tie
Put new batteries in me hearing aid
Bought a wig and polished me eye

I emptied a bottle of old spice
Did me toupee nice with brylcream
I soaked me teeth in steredent
Then gargled with some Listerine

I soon arrived in splendid form
Smelling my very best
It was held in a hall at an old folks home
A place called the shady rest

It’s the fortieth year and it’s very clear
Every one  is  out to impress
Even the Janes that was always plain
Wore their most elegant dress

They came round with name tags
But  didn’t  have one for me
Then suddenly I remembered
I was in the class of 53.

822 · Aug 2012
Hazel Connelly Aug 2012
The orchestra of wind blowing
Through lush green trees,
Builds from a whisper
To a forte with ease.

Lightning casts a blinding light
In white, dangerous rhythm
Thunder drums quietly, then boom
In crescendo to the anthem.

Maestro of land sea and sky
Of many sounds and sights,
Living breathing symphonies
Singing lullabies at nights.

And then to amaze us all
Playing symphonies again
Applause ripples through the valley
and showers us with rain.

The rise and fall of notes
A rush of lightning rhapsody
The concerto finally comes to  rest
In such peaceful harmony..

© Hazel
800 · Oct 2012
Hazel Connelly Oct 2012
The moon was lost behind a cloud
When something weird went by
I tried to see what it was
But it flew so fast and high.

I don'tbelieve in witches
But that is what I saw
Sailing high in the sky
On broomsticks made of straw.

The stars were gone the night was dark
When something else took place
I couldn't quite believe it
There was a gruesome face.

A skeleton with corpse like face
I viewed it in awe
I don't believe in zombies
But that is what I saw.

The howls and cries
Under the moons eerie light
A master of changing shape
With one infectious bite.

I don't believe in werewolves
But that is what I saw
Walking down the street
With blood stained jaw.

Another creature of the night
With fangs dripping red
A piercing bite upon your neck
Then you are bled.

I don't believe in vampires
But that is what I saw
Lurking near the graveyard
When the moon was low.

All too soon the mellow moon
Lights an empty late night street
Children dreaming, planning, scheming
For next years trick or treat..

© Hazel
780 · Sep 2012
Hazel Connelly Sep 2012
Miserable grey, damp, wet Days
Days shorter and winters Long
Long bleak dark Evenings
Evenings as black as pitch.

Bright frosty cold Mornings
Mornings glistening in the Sun
Sun shines cold as the Day
Day soon will become night.

Snow crisp and White
White flurries fall from the Sky
Sky as white as the Day
Day fades into a crisp evening.

Days engulfed with Floods
Floods devastating your Home
Home unfit to live In
In shelter we seek comfort.

© Hazel
This is my first attempt at loop poetry.
720 · Oct 2012
Hazel Connelly Oct 2012
On remembrance day we honour all
Each gave their best enduring call
God bless each one for being there
All our service men did their share.

Soldiers young and soldiers old
Fought the war brave and bold
They fought in Air, Land and Sea
If not for them where would we be.

Some lived while others died
As they fought side by side
They fought many a day and night
Their mission sure their spirits bright.

The loved ones bore the greatest pain
So many thoughts will never wane
We're proud of all the forces who
Fought for the Red, White and Blue.

We'll never let their special day
Their time of honour slip away
Though we may not know each name
We thank all the forces just the same.

'Wrote for November 11 th'

©  Hazel
647 · Aug 2012
Hazel Connelly Aug 2012
My mind is empty from thought
I am nowhere, I am everywhere, I am free
of things that I was once taught
I look and do not see.

I think about nothings, no thoughts,
No feeling, no sight, no touch.
I walked and mused, on hidden truths,
My awareness expanding so much.

There is no turning back,
The illusion can never be true,
When the veil is lifted
I will see my way through.

What is not real, will not last
There's calm in the knowing,
This is the time I've been waiting for,
An incredible change that is flowing...

© Hazel
610 · Aug 2012
Hazel Connelly Aug 2012
A day in my life
I wish you could see
Just what it's like
To be plain me.

A little bit picky
A stickler for what's right,
When the going is tough
I read poetry all night.

When yesterdays madness,
Storms in my way,
I raid my silent mind
And hope for a better day.

When evening draws near,
Sadness cascades down my face,
It's you that I turn to
With a smile, to replace.

O' Virtual lover, one more thing,
Facebook or Tweet, if you'd like to share
Visit me in My Space
E-mail, if you really care..

© Hazel
608 · Nov 2012
Hazel Connelly Nov 2012
Memories made over the years
Brings myself to shed some tears.

As future on the past will knock
We can't go turning back the clock.

Replaying the memories in my mind
Of the heartache that I left behind.

Clues to what the future will hold
As the passage of time does unfold.

My entire search is in vain
That it will never come again.

Is what makes life so sweet
A memory caught in a single heartbeat.

© Hazel
570 · Aug 2012
Hazel Connelly Aug 2012
How I feel for the poor things
Unable to fly or spread their wings
Each day with the same view
Sad and lonely nothing to do.

To  the bird, the world is that room
Confined to the cage, that's his tomb
For life without freedom is nothing at all
No matter whether big or small.

Longing to fly on the breeze
Soaring high over the trees
Seeing new places everyday
Flying and twirling in glorious play.

Never knowing freedom of the bird that fly's
Sitting in the cage on his perch 'till he dies,
How can a bird that's born for joy
Sit in a cage and sing like a stuffed toy.

© Hazel

— The End —