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 Sep 2013 Hayley LaTour
My body grows weak from carrying this burden,
At first, a drop of water,
Now a cup of water,
  I try to hold it,
  My arms are tired,
  My burden is leaking,
I keep holding it,
I grow frail,
I need to let it go,
I can’t,
  So now I drown,
  In my own burden,

Please save me,
Hold my burden,
If only for the moment of one breath,
Hold my burden.
 Sep 2013 Hayley LaTour
11:12 on a Tuesday.
A moment when the wind stopped,
Buds popped,
Grass was chopped,
Bunnies hopped,
And my heart dropped.

11:12 on a Tuesday.
A moment when rivers spilled,
Snow was killed,
Birds trilled,
And my soul was filled.

11:12 on a Tuesday.
A moment when spring was delayed,
Children played,
Flowers swayed,
And whole, I was made.
 Sep 2013 Hayley LaTour
It's difficult to tell who you really are,
Your eyes merely reflect my expectations,
I yearn to explore your scar,
I want to expand your limitations,
I hold dear, to our warm worn memory,
but even closer to my heart, is our future,
I'm not sure what you think of me,
Please, I need this wound to be sutured,
So fill my soul with your secret,
Hug my heart with your words,
Give me your heart, I promise I'll keep it,
And we'll nest together like birds.
 Sep 2013 Hayley LaTour
Happy day, and you're not around.
But I still know you love me.
Our relationship fell to the ground.
But I think God's still above me.

Happy day, let's go fly a kite.
Those little girl grins mock my heart,
This tattered thing, filled with spite.
While my smile mocks sour ****.  

Happy day, and I'm all alone.
But I know you still love me.
Not a ring from the phone.
And I'm missing part of me

Today is the day.
When I feel most broken.
But I think you still love me.
Since those were the words you had spoken.

Today is fathers day.
But I think you still love me.
It's not okay, that you're away.
But I know God's still above me.

— The End —