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Hayley Dunn Dec 2015
If, eventually, everything dies,
and absolutely nothing matters,
Then there is only freedom.
Hayley Dunn Jul 2014
A fragile
sticking the cracks together
between skin cells,
and a freshly minted
working together
in a web
that pulses bright through
the fields of these people
Hayley Dunn Jul 2014
The way you scrapped me
solidly so the meat on my bones is picked clean.
Malingering with the charm of a sweet cream
but filled with distaste underneath,
neatly putting me in the box beneath your bed.

I find it unweildy, inconvenient;
To be carrying such a scene
in parts of me that you outlined without knowledge
They tell you to say grace before a meal
or at least wipe your hands first.

— The End —