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Nov 2013 · 508
Hayden Nov 2013
New York, street lights so bright, all the crowds,
That’s where I met you, that’s where the sparks flew,
I could hear a voice inside screaming so loud,
“Why would he want you?”
I ignored it.

We went to parks, museums, everywhere together,
The whole time hand in hand,
Once again I heard the voice, “this trip won’t last forever,”
But I was having so much fun and,
I ignored it.

The trip ended like I knew it would,
We went back to our old lives, and suddenly things felt different,
To keep you in my life I gave you everything I could,
It just wasn’t enough, and with each day we grew more distant,
You weren’t who I thought you were, and that hurt most of all.

I was blinded by sheer hope that you could be the one,
You texted me the other day and I couldn’t believe my eyes,
I responded because I was tired of feeling alone,
I’ve never really been good with goodbyes,
This is a fresh start, a second chance, the little voice whispers “People rarely change,” but I’ll just ignore it
Dec 2012 · 469
Hayden Dec 2012
I watch from above, unnoticed.
It takes advantage of all that is around him, including that which made him.
So disgusting and meddlesome, yet a part of nature.
A part of the never ending cycle.
I hate it, and everything it stands for.
Just like the other pests of life, it is necessary no matter how unwanted.
And it seems to me the more you try to get it to go away, the more it insists on climbing in and around you, always there.
Dec 2012 · 482
Hayden Dec 2012
My heart, it stops, I know nothing, I am blinded.
It is empty, dark, cold, all around me,
Your hand reaches inside and rips out all that is left.
I cry out your name, no response.
No one is there to hear my call,
I am alone in my pain.
Water begins to devour everything, it creeps up my body, I drown in my loneliness.
These fears are endless,
Questions consume my soul,
Until everything stops.
My blood runs cold like everything else, the pain is gone.

— The End —