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 Sep 2014 harry ride
young poet
Although you don't talk a whole lot
Your eyes tell your story
Your an open book to me

You're never quite living in reality
You're always

You don't seem to realize how beautiful you are

How much you remind me of myself at a young age
And darling take it from someone who's had there best friend ripped away
Who didn't have anyone there when they needed someone the most  

Wether you realize it or not
Theres always someone there
You just have to look
for a friend
 Sep 2014 harry ride
young poet
You're A tiny spit fire
You're all ways laughing
Always smiling
Driving me to insanity is your favorite game
Im not really sure why you infuriate me  
Maybe it's because you're so happy
All the time
So naive
so careless

You don't let the poison of this corrupted world
Taint your your sprit
Just maybe its because I was like you
Before the world creeped up on me
and shattered my perfect image of this imperfect world

Young spit fire
Try to keep your naive soul intact
as long as you can
for a younger friend
 Sep 2014 harry ride
young poet
Barking orders
I am a person to you know
Just because i'm young
Doesn't make me any less human
Although your word isn't law,
It may as well be

Respect is earned
Not given

You haven't been here long
But it feels like an eternity
I have fought your ruling
At every turn you shoot me down
Your everything I don't like
Everything that is wrong with this world

Teacher or Dictator
 Sep 2014 harry ride
young poet
Do I wish to put myself through the agony that is you
Your lips taunt
Ragged hair begging to be pulled
That smirk
Daring me to come closer
Falling for you
Beautiful chaos

— The End —