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Harper Nov 2011
Pain is deep
It buries itself into the deepest corners of my mind
Pain is throbbing
It pounds through my head with every beating pulse
Pain is constant
It unremittingly reminds me of feelings I don’t want to find
Pain is dull
I can’t escape its dreary presence, it remains so close

Pain is burning
It brings fire to my eyes with each and every tear
Pain is sharp
It stabs my chest with every inhaling breathe I take
Pain is lightning like
It does not warn with sounds of thunder for me to hear
Pain is unique
Without pain, love would be fake
Harper Oct 2011
Your eyes the OCEAN
I sink into their dark abyss,
intrigued by your capricious mind.

I grow weary in the tide's push and pull.
Waves crash against my crumbling heart.
Lips dry, dehydrated, a single kiss would quench my thirst.
I'd drown in your presence before surrendering to land.

Your eyes the OCEAN
I sink into their dark abyss,
As you look right past mine.
Harper Nov 2011
You search the desolate land in hope of finding love.
You shift through sand, looking for the one you've been dreaming of.
I watch your lonely heart every day, hoping to be the one you want.
You find a spot and pick me up, how I wish to end your hunt.

I rapidly fall through your shifter, I am only sand.
I am not the treasure you desire, just dust in your hand.
My heart drops as fast as I fall to the barren ground.
Where once again I go unnoticed, will I ever be found?

You continue searching without a pausing thought.
I struggle to be seen, do you even notice that I’m distraught?
I slowly fill my place beneath your searching sight.
I will wait so patiently, through every day and night.
Until you come back to this spot to search and shift once more.
And on that day I will be all that you adore.

On that night, desert storms take over dark blue skies.
Lightning strikes and turns me into glass, rain pours and fills your empty eyes.
Now I am free, you can see, how I am the one you need.
Harper Nov 2011
“My body is a cage that keeps me from dancing with the one I love.”
Don’t fear your enslaving cage, unlock your heart and I’ll dance with you.

“Maybe next time we’ll make room to let love in…I can only imagine.”
Love needs no room. It expands into the deepest crevasses of our hearts and infiltrates our souls.

“I’ve super glued my wounds together and forgotten how to feel.”
Numbness is deceitful, its glue can only hold for so long.

“By the time the glue has worn away and feelings are able to seep through, all the joy and faith that try to flow through will be demolished by pain and lies…the devil uses love like his temptress.”
Pain is victorious only in solitude. Together we can break through its restraints and run free into the night, chasing each others' silhouettes in the moonlight.
Harper Oct 2011
The ghostly moon,
transparent in the blue afternoon,
waits patiently for its time to shine
while me losing you consumes my mind.
Bright pinks and blues fade as the sun begins to rapidly sink,
portraying how you left in such a hurried blink.
Darkness devours the remaining color in the sky.
The stars begin to shine, for they are not shy.
Although their beauty agaisnt the midnight blue
have no comparison to that of you,
they still compete for my attention.
But your gravity insistently grounds me from ascension.
The moon expands to light the night,
in hopes of aiding in this vicious fight.
Despite all this, they fail to see
the enormity of your control over me.
Temperatures drop as the night grows strong.
I see my breath as I contemplate what went wrong.
The silence of the night is prominent,
coercing me to bear in mind your callous heart so dominant.
Meteors burn and fall as quickly as tears on my cheek,
And yet you are still the only one I seek.
When will the sun come back to life?
And mask the pain of your wounding lies.
Harper Oct 2011
The purest white with speckled grays
The dark blue sky without a haze
The brightest light you shine on and on
I fear you will disappear to the early dawn
You promise you will return so soon
So I will wait, you are my moon
Harper Nov 2011
Pain and time are intertwined.
The pain will not unbind my mind.
Time is stalled with you near,
Anticipating the loss I fear.
The ticking clock is a warning sign,
of the moment you will leave me behind.
Time flies by as we run through the motion,
while we both know you have a notion
I’m willing to confess
I won’t want to accept.
You say the time spent was worth it all
But you walk away as I fall.
Pain expands into the day
As I practice what I should say
If time allowed one last chance
To catch your heartless glance.
If time is stopped and my heart the same,
How will time heal this pain?
Harper Nov 2011
Soothing, warm, gentle, calming, melodious wind-
Your soothing breeze cools me off on the hottest of days
The warmth of your hug is all I desire under the fullest moon
Your gentle touch raises each hair on my body
Your calming whisper in my ear reminds me of your love
I cannot help but sway in harmony with your melody

Loving wind, it does not last forever
Your calm did not prepare me for this storm…

Violent, unrelenting, thunderous, stubborn wind-
Your violent gusts tangle my hair
Your unrelenting force dries out my eyes
Your thunderous bellow bring pain into my heart
Your stubbornness pushes me away
I tried to fight it, all I have left to do is take cover

The storm is over
As are we

— The End —