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1.1k · Apr 2017
I met a deer
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I met a deer a big brown deer.
We met in the dark.
Not as friends just a run of the mill meeting.
I had to stop but it was too late
The meeting was over and the deer was dead.
I guess a car at 65 would not make a good friend of a deer.
So stay out of my way. I like deer meat.
832 · Apr 2017
Teacher teacher
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Teacher, teacher I want to know can we go to the moon.
Teacher teacher I want to know can we go to the zoo.
Teacher teacher I want to go to lunch.
Teacher teacher will you please answer me.
Teacher teacher I have to go ***
821 · May 2017
He Was A Farmer
Harold r hunt sr May 2017
He Was A Farmer
He was a farmer for most of his life.
A friend to all that came along.
Would help anyone with a dollar or more.
A jack of all trades and a master of none <He once said.
Loved life his family and his farm.
He is now gone to plow the fields in heaven .
Maybe milk a cow before Sunday church.
Then to a good place to eat. Missing Mary's cooking.
He'll be missed by all that called him Farmer Monroe.
R.I.P. Monroe 5/15/17
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
how do you mend that broken heart.
The bee gees sang a song called
how do you mend a broken heart?
well super glue will not work.
for the thoughts of you can't mend my broken heart
duct tape won't last for my heart bleeds for you.
a string would break for my love is still strong.
so how do you mend a broken heart
668 · Apr 2017
Password please
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Password please
There are just to many passwords.
strong ones weak ones
large letters small letters.
to many letters not enough.
password please.
you have given the wrong one.
retry the password.
no password you can't get on this site.
change your password you still can't get on this site.
mickey mouse that password is taken.
password please.
That's it!!!
560 · Apr 2017
If I had a dime
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
If I had a dime for every question i was asked.
I would be a rich man.
A dime for how do i get to -------.
A dime for is it far?
A dime for do you know if they have this?
A dime for is this free or do i have to pay?
A dime for where is the bathroom?
A dime for do you have coffee?
now if I had a dime for these questions I would not have to work
For the questions just made me $.70
536 · Apr 2017
A phone call to Heaven
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
A phone call to Heaven.
Ring, ring, Hello God, I'd like to talk to my mother  please."
            Why? Who is she?
Well, God, She is the one who gave me birth.
Who raised me when I was little.She is the one who had all the answers when I
needed them.
She is the guy who stayed by my side when I was sick.
Well, God, she is the one that cried when I went to school the very first day.
She was here to pull those off that fought with me.
She was the for the high school years.
To see us walks the halls with our former love.
Also, God, she came to see us marry the love of our lives.
She liked to see the first and all her grandchildren to be born.
                AS proud as she could be!
  She was still there when we needed her.
So God, wonders if you know who she is
I know I do! And what you try to me to tell her?
                  Well God.
I ask you to thank her for being our mother.
And though she is not here. We all love and miss persons her.
Say to her that things are fine and not to worry.
That she did a great job. And to face all of us.
            Can you do that?
Why sure I Can For You. She Is Great To Me
        Click, Buzzzzzzzzzzzzz
This is my first poem. It has been put in a newspaper in the north. and in a book.
I hope everyone that reads it enjoys it.
532 · Apr 2017
summer is coming
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Schooldays are all but over
the bells will stop ringing soon.
the children will be yelling all day long as they play.
summer is coming
hot dogs and swimming
baseball and hamburgers
as the days get hotter.
summer is coming
fire up the RV for that camping trip.
to the water park we must go.
bike riding and horseshoes
bake bean and ice cream cones.
summer is coming
when will school start again??
519 · Apr 2017
Grandma's rocker
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Grandma would sit on her rocking chair
Rocking all day long.
The chair was her joy each day.
As she grows old.
She loved to rock on the porch.
As the car drove by she would smile.
Now the rocker is old.
It sets in the cold of the day.
Now that grandma is off her rocker
444 · Jun 2017
The Home Run
Harold r hunt sr Jun 2017
The game was tight
The score was tied
It was the bottom of the ninth inning with two outs
The bases was loaded.
Up to bat was mad cat Alex Bly
The count was 3 & 2
The pitcher was shaking in her shoes.
As Mad cat was swinging the bat waiting for the pitch,
The pitch The crowed went wild as the ball was headed to center field.
High in the air it was, to first she ran
To second it looked good.
Third was was there for the taken.
oh good home it could be.
Then the ball came flying bye
The crowed went quite
The umpire yelled.
No home run today out by a inch
Then she woke up, And said The game is later Today.
437 · May 2017
Pull up that Chair
Harold r hunt sr May 2017
Pull up that Chair she said.
Sit your * down.
I want you to listen.
He wrote this poem only once.
Pull up that chair
The words are not going to **** you.
Read each word aloud
Think What it is.
now can you tell me what it is .
Pull up that chair after you get out
For school is over and you don't need the chair.
414 · Apr 2017
I beat up Santa
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I beat up Santa
I beat up Santa because he said i was bad.
he told me i was on he naughty list.
so on Christmas eve i climbed the tree.
I hide just to see if that fat man
Was going to bring me toys.
There he was just as i looked.
out came a bag of coal for me.
I jumped up and dropped kick like I was in the WWE.
Put a headlock on him until he passed out.
I took his hat a award for me.
And as i went to bed I yelled Hay fat man don't mess with me.
400 · Apr 2017
The poem I forgot
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The poem I forgot
I wanted to write a poem
A poem that everyone would not forget
One of flowers, one about dogs.
Maybe one about the clouds in the sky
Or the cold snow or the sunshine.
I just always wanted to write a poem.
But I forgot the words!
390 · Apr 2017
How poetry began
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
How poetry began
Late at night the day my mother passed away.
I could not stay away from the keyboard long.
I sat at the computer and thought of words. But nothing came to thought.
I felt a hand on my back and I got a chill as I started to write.
A phone call to heaven my first poem a call to God requesting him to let my mother know we would be OK.
This poem was my first until an old girlfriend from school took and gave me a kick.(in the leg, like always).
Now I try to think everyday of at least one poem for you to enjoy.Words are hard but I hope you smile
Cry, and laugh. For the comments I thank you all and Keep coming with the contest and I'll write for you all.
380 · Apr 2017
You Impress me
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
You impress me with your smile.
One of happiness and joy.
You Impress me with your eyes.
That has seen tears of both joy and sad.
You impress me with your mouth.
That gives joy with the words you speak.
You impress me the most by saying" I Love you till i die
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
We bleed as a soldier is killed.
We bleed as a policeman gives his life.
We bleed as a child of many color die in the streets.
We bleed for the lost of a love one.
We bleed because we care.
We bleed because we ALL ARE AMERICANS
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Wonder if you know if they play baseball in heaven?
Think they have a baseball field in the clouds?
Does guys like Mickey mantle and Frank Robins on.
Does the great Babe Ruth hit home runs?
Are there teams like the Yankees or the braves up there.
I know God must have a team he likes.
I want to find out if they are the angels.
Do you think that I will be able to play with the cool ones?
I know they must have a hall of fame with guys like Joe and Stan
356 · Apr 2017
days go bye..
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
setting here waiting as the days go bye.
nothing to do but look at you as the days go bye.
fun times are long but not forgotten as the days go bye
schooldays have past and so have friends as the days go bye.
growing old each day year by year as the days go bye.
now is the time to leave and let the next one wait as the days go bye..
317 · Apr 2017
Cabin in the woods.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
There is a cabin in the woods.
All are broken down from stormy weather.
Holes in the roof so birds can fly in and out.
No door to shut the air out.
Broken windows from days gone by and a few stones from those that know.
Floors all ***** and boards all torn.
Who own this cabin in the woods.
See if it is a hunter or a slave or maybe even old Abe.
The cabin in the woods may hide stories of Jessie James.
Or it could bring the tail of Betsy Ross making the flag for good old George.
All we know is this cabin sits here in the woods
315 · May 2017
Mothers Day
Harold r hunt sr May 2017
Today is mothers day.
We honor our mothers with all kinds of hugs and kiss.
What about the mothers in heaven.
No hugs for them
No kiss
No I love you Mom.
Heaven is full of moms too.
Let think of them.
and honor them too
For they loved us till they died .
they look down on us each day .
With a smile , A kiss that fall
Tear drops for that kiss.
mom"s we miss you and your day
312 · Apr 2017
Why must I die
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Today I see babies born
Just to be torn and killed.
Thousands of young and old
Yelling why must I die.
I did nothing wrong.
Is it hate or is it joy
They don't know the fate.
Rwanda 's genocide killing all those that stand.
Swing clubs and machetes. Cutting them all down.
But they don't know why i must die they think.
The blood rolls in the streets.
Who can stop it we want to know
Peace is the answer not the dope.
308 · Apr 2017
4 seasons
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
the wind is blowing as the trees say welcome spring.
the trees are full of buds as they begin to bloom
the smell of fresh cut grass makes you noise itch
the bugs say hi there as the bite your arms and legs
it's time to welcome spring once more.
children are waiting for the clock  to tick fast.
as they want vacation to come.
swimming pools are being filled.
baseball games are being played.
summer is around the corner.
hot dogs are burning on the grill.
leaves are falling on the ground.
rakes are scratching the the ground
pools have no water
fall is next to come so fast.
the cold air is blowing the snow
cars are stuck on the hillside.
the water is now ice
winter go away fast .
the four seasons they come and they go
year after year as we grow old we watch them.
307 · Jun 2017
No place to go
Harold r hunt sr Jun 2017
Right turn ,left turn
No place to go!
Forward , Backward
No place to go!
Up and Down!
No place to go!
Around and around
No place to go!
I found a place to go
To bed because I'm tired from having
No Place to go!
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I often wondered about that night in 1954.
When Santa almost got busted.
The tale goes that Santa was wanted for 250 million breaking and entering charges.
But they could not catch him in the act.
The town was slight that Christmas eve.
When the police were eating their nightly doughnuts.
Then out on the streets they did see..
Santa was drag racing a ford pickup.
When all of a sudden here comes supper trooper in his hopped up Chevy.
He caught the ford and Santa too.
He was going to lock him up.When out of his bag
Came the biggest pizza pie you ever seen.
But as Santa drove out of sight.You could hear him say Merry Christmas and please call my lawyer.
282 · Apr 2017
She has a little wiggle
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
She has a little wiggle
you could see it plain
she couldn't help it
it was just there
a wiggle to the sidewalk
a wiggle to the grass.
you had to look real close
you didn't want her near
for the wiggle would stop
then you would look twice
to see her wiggle once more.then you say that was a big as* snake
274 · May 2017
I'm alone
Harold r hunt sr May 2017
I'm all alone. my mom and dad have gone to heaven.
two of my three sisters have join them.
the dog and the cat won't talk to me.
my third sister lives to far away to see very day.
I'm all alone. trip to the store didn't get me a Hi even from the cashier.
the policeman on the corner waved but i think it was to move on.
I'm all alone with nothing to do. no place to go no one to see.
I'm all alone.
267 · Apr 2017
Build That Wall
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Build that wall Mr trump
to keep the illegals out.
Build it 20 feet tall that big wall.
Miles and miles long. It won't be wrong.
keeping America safe that is first,
Build it with stone and iron
Make it where they can't get in.
Money you need they say to build it .
Make congress take a pay cut.
Or take all the drug money and make the dope heads pay.
They don't need welfare or food stamps.
Build that wall Mr Trump And you might just be President once again.
267 · Apr 2017
Rain walker
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I walk along a long road.
The rain begins to flow.
A drop here and a drop there, oh so lightly.
You listen to the drops as they hit the trees and the signs on the road.
I walk a little faster as the rain is getting harder.
The drop s start to cover the holes in the road as I walk alone.
Rain drops on my head they start to hurt as they fall.
Now the rain walker becomes a runner to hold off from getting wet.
Now it stops I walk in the rain once more.
258 · Apr 2017
Storms do not last forever
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Storms do not last.
The rain started to fall on the window sill.
Harder and harder as I sat still.
Thunder and lighting soon turn to wind.
As the night begins.
I look out the window once more.
There I saw snow on the ground.
Blowing and bitter cold.
The storm stopped and the night was quiet.
For storms don't last forever
254 · May 2017
God's angels come to church
Harold r hunt sr May 2017
God's angel the do come to church on every Sunday.
They come to listen to our prayers.
They listen to prayer of sadness and some of joy.
The angels hear of loved ones we lost and loved ones that are sick.
God send them to hear the prayer so he can answer each one.
In his own way
God's angels they come to church to be with us.
on this Sunday his day of rest.
249 · Apr 2017
Cookies and milk
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Cookies and milk
On Christmas eve night.
Get ready to go to bed.
Before i go, I get a glass of milk to drink.
I also got a glass of milk and cookies for Santa.
They tell me that the milk helps him make it in for the night.
The cookies are a treat to help him stay awake.
So off to bed I go. Thinking should I have left more.
When I hear a thank you.
I run to the room and the milk and cookies were gone.
247 · Jun 2019
no more
Harold r hunt sr Jun 2019
No more
no more fishing
no more hunting
no more baseball
no more football
no more fireworks
no more picnics
no more birthdays
no more Christmas
but most of all no more Father days
because your gone to from here.
to be with others that have left.
so Happy Fathers day from me to Dad

Harold R Hunt Sr
247 · May 2017
the race
Harold r hunt sr May 2017
dog chase cat
cat chase dog
dog chase bird
mouse chase cat
who is the winner?
246 · Apr 2017
No Hot Dog for this dog
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I'm a little puppy that loves to eat.
Ham bones, pork chops that are great.
But no hot dogs for this dog.
Pizza and chips they make me flip.
Ice cream and cake i can rake it in.
But please no hot dogs for this dog.
I'm the queen of the house, even the mouse don't get the cheese
Steak or nothing for me.
May be a taco for this taco.
Just no hot dogs!!
244 · Apr 2017
Bump ouch
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Bump ouch.
around and around they go.
thump ouch and bump ouch.
around and around they go
thump ouch and bump ouch
Da* it i wish i knew how to roller skate
239 · Apr 2017
It's Tax Time
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
It's Tax Time
It's that time of year once more.
Let the headache begin.
It's Tax Time
A 4 here and a 7 there can drive a person incense
yes you can claim this or no you can't.
Everybody hurrying to do it.
File E or by paper, do you want it now or later.
600 maybe or 8713 sounds great to me.
Oh no here comes the IRS.
They Took it all D** it is tax time.
230 · Apr 2017
April showers
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
April showers bring those May flowers.
may flowers bring those June weddings
the hope of every girl.
so let those April showers fall on those flowers
to make each girl dreams come true.
as the teardrops fall the April showers come
so let it rain today.
227 · Apr 2017
The whooper
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I went fishing the other day.Caught a fish that I was surprised.
The fish was a least six inches long.
I took my fish and went to the market to look for beer.
Their I told, the butcher I caught a fish.
That was 12 inches long.
On the way to my house I saw a cop friend of mine.
I told him that i had a fish that was 18 inches long.
I stopped for a few beers at the bar I saw joey the postman.
I told joey that i had a whopper of a fish that was
Two feet long
226 · Apr 2017
9 puppies
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
9 puppies
one white, one brown
o, two black two gray
two black and gray
one brown gray and black.
9 puppies born on a rainy day.
warm they are next to mom.
as they lay in a row.
eyes are closed but just waiting to eat
9 puppies fast to sleep.
Like (1)
224 · Apr 2017
Playing at the county fair
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The bus pulled up to the gate.
All you could see was the ferris wheel.
As we rolled through the gate, we could see people all around.
Cowboys and cowgirls and old and young.
At eight pm, we rolled out on to the stage.
Ready to sing our hearts out.
When in the group we hear play Flowers on the wall.
They all screamed as the song finished then we broke into another
How Great Thou art. The crowed went slightly and they all stood still.
As we played at the county fair
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
O'lord of mine.
I have Cheated
I have lied
I have killed
I have steal
I have made people sad
I have made people mad.
But I just want to know one thing before I go.
Is there a golf course in heaven?
217 · Apr 2017
The Doctor Visit
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I went to the doctors today.
He came in to the room.
He asked do you smoke.
I said "Why now do you see any?"
He said,"do you drink", I said," Why do you need one?"
Then he said. "Strip off you close".
I said," I hope you 're not taking off yours"!
Then the doctor said. "Can I see your ears?"
I said,'i clean them everyday"
Then he says. "Broaden your mouth and stick out your tough,".
I said,"I only do that a to my wife"!
Then he says."Why are you here today?"
I said,"Why Don't you know you 're the doctor"!
216 · Apr 2017
no words to write
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
no pen in hand
no paper to write on
no words to write
so i'll turn off the light.
215 · Apr 2017
moonshine and gin
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
the new years is fast up on us.
everyone is buying Christmas things.
and buying the ***** for new year..
all but grandpa,
head headed to his still in the woods about a week ago.
moonshine was on his mine.
the gin in the old bath tub was gone weeks ago,
so he fired up the old still for this new year treat.
moonshine and gin that is grandpa's best treat,
bring in the holiday season with a bang.
people come from miles around just to get grandpa's gin
215 · Apr 2017
Grandma's camping trip
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Grandma got a new RV and is ready to go.
she packed her close and had some fun thought of going.
first her teeth then her shoes.
a book to read and a pen to write.
climbs up the steps and in her seat.
after the dog was there asleep.
down the road away she goes
to the campgrounds she goes.
parks the RV and then she remembered.
she forgot her underwear
back she goes to the house.
what a time she was having.
their once more
she stopped and thought.
should i back out of the driveway or go around the house.
open the door and fell down the steps.
the police just laugh as the wrote her a ticket
for blocking the road and trying to park.
off to jail and laughing all the way. saying this is my first trip wait til the next i
will have a boat!
214 · Apr 2017
No money honey
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
she says she wants ten bucks.
now she wants 40
before you know it, it's 50 he needs.
here we are just at the store
she says to me ' can i have a 100 please.
i look at her with a plea for help.
i say in these nice words.
no, money honey you broke me
213 · Apr 2017
Dixieland Ghost
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
In the South. Deep in the hills.
There is a forgotten town. Of a war past.
On a clear night you can see an old schoolhouse.
Next to a grave yard of soldiers from the past.
When the moon is full and all is still.
A light appears From a window in the old school.
At the stroke of midnight you hear a scream.
One that could curl your toes.
Then on a Whitehorse in the grave yard.
A soldier dressed so proud.
the school he did go. Riding fast as he could go.
In the window, you could see him as he rode the halls.
A scream once more and then a yell
The South will rise again and God blesses dixieland
This poem is in the semi-final round of Poetry Nation's Amateur Poetry Competition for 2016 .
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The geese are flying to the north.
The robins are making their nest.
The farmers are plowing their fields.
The snow is gone on the hill tops.
spring is here and the child are playing.
what a happy time..
the school bell is ring
the dogs are barking.
spring is here
211 · Apr 2017
The Midnight Racer
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The midnight racer comes from nowhere.
Racing the road as face as he can.
Zig Zagging in and out passing cars like they do not exist.
You cannot see him for the speed he goes. One winks and you miss him.
No one has seen his car. They have no idea what he drives.
Just a word to the wise is don't try to race the midnight racer.
Your fate will be take and you might get a ticket
With the help of the Midnight racer.
210 · Apr 2017
God Makes Heroes
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Today and everyday God makes a hero.
Our soldiers and those that came before us.
Those that will die and those that have died.
God made a hero.
God gave them bravery to strive for freedom here and everywhere.
To keep what the believe in free
God made them a hero
They ask nothing in return
But a smile to keep their day happy.
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