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Jun 2019 · 253
no more
Harold r hunt sr Jun 2019
No more
no more fishing
no more hunting
no more baseball
no more football
no more fireworks
no more picnics
no more birthdays
no more Christmas
but most of all no more Father days
because your gone to from here.
to be with others that have left.
so Happy Fathers day from me to Dad

Harold R Hunt Sr
Jun 2017 · 456
The Home Run
Harold r hunt sr Jun 2017
The game was tight
The score was tied
It was the bottom of the ninth inning with two outs
The bases was loaded.
Up to bat was mad cat Alex Bly
The count was 3 & 2
The pitcher was shaking in her shoes.
As Mad cat was swinging the bat waiting for the pitch,
The pitch The crowed went wild as the ball was headed to center field.
High in the air it was, to first she ran
To second it looked good.
Third was was there for the taken.
oh good home it could be.
Then the ball came flying bye
The crowed went quite
The umpire yelled.
No home run today out by a inch
Then she woke up, And said The game is later Today.
Jun 2017 · 310
No place to go
Harold r hunt sr Jun 2017
Right turn ,left turn
No place to go!
Forward , Backward
No place to go!
Up and Down!
No place to go!
Around and around
No place to go!
I found a place to go
To bed because I'm tired from having
No Place to go!
May 2017 · 276
I'm alone
Harold r hunt sr May 2017
I'm all alone. my mom and dad have gone to heaven.
two of my three sisters have join them.
the dog and the cat won't talk to me.
my third sister lives to far away to see very day.
I'm all alone. trip to the store didn't get me a Hi even from the cashier.
the policeman on the corner waved but i think it was to move on.
I'm all alone with nothing to do. no place to go no one to see.
I'm all alone.
May 2017 · 257
God's angels come to church
Harold r hunt sr May 2017
God's angel the do come to church on every Sunday.
They come to listen to our prayers.
They listen to prayer of sadness and some of joy.
The angels hear of loved ones we lost and loved ones that are sick.
God send them to hear the prayer so he can answer each one.
In his own way
God's angels they come to church to be with us.
on this Sunday his day of rest.
May 2017 · 443
Pull up that Chair
Harold r hunt sr May 2017
Pull up that Chair she said.
Sit your * down.
I want you to listen.
He wrote this poem only once.
Pull up that chair
The words are not going to **** you.
Read each word aloud
Think What it is.
now can you tell me what it is .
Pull up that chair after you get out
For school is over and you don't need the chair.
May 2017 · 825
He Was A Farmer
Harold r hunt sr May 2017
He Was A Farmer
He was a farmer for most of his life.
A friend to all that came along.
Would help anyone with a dollar or more.
A jack of all trades and a master of none <He once said.
Loved life his family and his farm.
He is now gone to plow the fields in heaven .
Maybe milk a cow before Sunday church.
Then to a good place to eat. Missing Mary's cooking.
He'll be missed by all that called him Farmer Monroe.
R.I.P. Monroe 5/15/17
May 2017 · 318
Mothers Day
Harold r hunt sr May 2017
Today is mothers day.
We honor our mothers with all kinds of hugs and kiss.
What about the mothers in heaven.
No hugs for them
No kiss
No I love you Mom.
Heaven is full of moms too.
Let think of them.
and honor them too
For they loved us till they died .
they look down on us each day .
With a smile , A kiss that fall
Tear drops for that kiss.
mom"s we miss you and your day
May 2017 · 250
the race
Harold r hunt sr May 2017
dog chase cat
cat chase dog
dog chase bird
mouse chase cat
who is the winner?
Apr 2017 · 270
Build That Wall
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Build that wall Mr trump
to keep the illegals out.
Build it 20 feet tall that big wall.
Miles and miles long. It won't be wrong.
keeping America safe that is first,
Build it with stone and iron
Make it where they can't get in.
Money you need they say to build it .
Make congress take a pay cut.
Or take all the drug money and make the dope heads pay.
They don't need welfare or food stamps.
Build that wall Mr Trump And you might just be President once again.
Apr 2017 · 313
4 seasons
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
the wind is blowing as the trees say welcome spring.
the trees are full of buds as they begin to bloom
the smell of fresh cut grass makes you noise itch
the bugs say hi there as the bite your arms and legs
it's time to welcome spring once more.
children are waiting for the clock  to tick fast.
as they want vacation to come.
swimming pools are being filled.
baseball games are being played.
summer is around the corner.
hot dogs are burning on the grill.
leaves are falling on the ground.
rakes are scratching the the ground
pools have no water
fall is next to come so fast.
the cold air is blowing the snow
cars are stuck on the hillside.
the water is now ice
winter go away fast .
the four seasons they come and they go
year after year as we grow old we watch them.
Apr 2017 · 533
summer is coming
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Schooldays are all but over
the bells will stop ringing soon.
the children will be yelling all day long as they play.
summer is coming
hot dogs and swimming
baseball and hamburgers
as the days get hotter.
summer is coming
fire up the RV for that camping trip.
to the water park we must go.
bike riding and horseshoes
bake bean and ice cream cones.
summer is coming
when will school start again??
Apr 2017 · 239
April showers
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
April showers bring those May flowers.
may flowers bring those June weddings
the hope of every girl.
so let those April showers fall on those flowers
to make each girl dreams come true.
as the teardrops fall the April showers come
so let it rain today.
Apr 2017 · 360
days go bye..
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
setting here waiting as the days go bye.
nothing to do but look at you as the days go bye.
fun times are long but not forgotten as the days go bye
schooldays have past and so have friends as the days go bye.
growing old each day year by year as the days go bye.
now is the time to leave and let the next one wait as the days go bye..
Apr 2017 · 212
God Makes Heroes
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Today and everyday God makes a hero.
Our soldiers and those that came before us.
Those that will die and those that have died.
God made a hero.
God gave them bravery to strive for freedom here and everywhere.
To keep what the believe in free
God made them a hero
They ask nothing in return
But a smile to keep their day happy.
Apr 2017 · 202
I walk my tiger home
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Walking my tiger home is a job.
She pulls me down the street for that food at home
She runs like a rabbit pulling me right behind.
It becomes a tug of war she pulling me and I pulling her back.
No cat or dog can stand in her way.
For being only 2 feet tall shes a real tiger when
I walk my tiger home
Apr 2017 · 196
No love like a puppy's love
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
No love like a puppy's love
There is no love like yours.
Sweet kisses that I"ll miss.
The dancing of joy when you missed me.
The rides we took together with your head on my shoulder.
A sweet kiss before you went to sleep.
There is no love like a puppy's love
Your heart may have stopped but your love will live in my heart forever.
So sleep tight my little pup in the arms of God.
For I'll miss you.
There is no love like the puppy's you gave me
Apr 2017 · 206
A puppy's dream
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I go to bed at night. I lay my little head in my bed.
I start to dream the day away.
Bacon in the morning, oh what a smell.
The red ball I chase down the hall under the table it goes.
Then out doors are my greatest thing. The neighbors cat is my target.
Around the house and through the follows I go.
Up the tree, the cat does run.(one of these days she will be mine).
Then it's suppertime for me a stake bone might be nice.
Then to the bathroom I go. Water in the tub is just for me.
A rubber duck I find is great.
Then it's to bed I go.Oh, what a dream.
This is my puppy dream and it is GRRRReat!!!
Apr 2017 · 199
A flag that does not fly.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
They place a flag up on his casket.
One to honor his life he gave to his country.
It will not fly today on a building.
Only in the hearts of those he left behind.
Stars and stripes an American flag.
Give to his family to honor him.
with the stars up facing heaven
As he is called to another place to serve a higher power.
May we bless those that left and those that will
For this flag will only fly for them
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
I met a deer
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I met a deer a big brown deer.
We met in the dark.
Not as friends just a run of the mill meeting.
I had to stop but it was too late
The meeting was over and the deer was dead.
I guess a car at 65 would not make a good friend of a deer.
So stay out of my way. I like deer meat.
Apr 2017 · 404
The poem I forgot
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The poem I forgot
I wanted to write a poem
A poem that everyone would not forget
One of flowers, one about dogs.
Maybe one about the clouds in the sky
Or the cold snow or the sunshine.
I just always wanted to write a poem.
But I forgot the words!
Apr 2017 · 169
Winter storm
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Here I sit with no place to go
All are quiet but the windy outside.
No tv the lights are out
The snow is falling as fast as I type.
The ground is covered with just a little snow.
While the laptop power is about to go.
No cars on the road the police calls for a driving ban.
Now I pray that it will stop soon.
For it's getting close to June.
What a winter storm we did have.
Only a half inch on the ground
Apr 2017 · 196
The teddy bear dance
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
At night do you wonder what goes on after you go to sleep.
It is the dance of all dances.It's the teddy bear dance.
At the stroke of midnight. The bears line up to start the dance.
Big bears, little bears are marching to the beat of their music.
Bears with hats, bear with ribbons all in a line.
Around in the table and by the bed. You see them there.
The other toys watch so quiet. No movement from the trucks.
As your bears dance everywhere.
By the stroke of one of the bears they return. At the spot they stay at.
The night has ended and all is still.
Not a bear is moving you just think it's a dream.
As the night goes on the bears are ready for the next dance
As they dance the teddy bear dance
Apr 2017 · 179
The old church.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The old man stood so quite outside the church.
He stood there for a long time.
Then he walks a little closer.
He said to no one
Can't you hear the sweet music coming from inside.
They sing so loud and what a pretty song.
Now the preacher is given his best service.
The church had faded paint on it. The doors were old and ready to fall.
But the old man stood and smiled, as I said to him.
The old church is abandoned these days.
Then the old man laughed as loud as he could. Then said to me.
No church is abandoned as long as it has been blessed with God loving people
Apr 2017 · 199
Last Second shopping.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The stores are running out of things
People are still pushing to get the buys.
The hour is getting close to the stores will stop.
I got to hurry I do know got to buy for mom and pop.
Uncle joe wants a new saw aunt sue want some slim fast.
The store shut the back lights off got to run now faster then
O, no theres no saws.Have to go to k-mart ten min.To go
I hope they have it.I can be slow.
Down one lane to the next time is going and I might not get it.
Pa gets loud as the y say one min to shop please come to the front.
I get the saw now to the food lane aunt sue needs the slim fast.
Grab it and go, it's a race. Down one lane and up another.
In the front here, I am. the pa says with a blast.
The store is closed Christmas is here.Please put your things back and have a good night
I am mad as he__ and i say to my self next year I buy gift cards
Apr 2017 · 151
Not Far at all
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
We may be apart o'little one.
Not by those of yours or mine.
Too far to travel just to say hi and to far just to stay.
But with the question in mind we can find that way to talk.
You call and happy you become now you know we give love.
Lost love that has always been there from grandma and me.
A phone call away from love you'll be, so smile little one
You're not far at all
Apr 2017 · 162
Soldier friend
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
May I stay with you my soldier friend.
May I cry with you till the last tear drop falls.
For may no soldier be unloved for the freedom that he gives.
May no soldier walks the heavens above. God will be you.
Let no soldier be forgotten, when the bell rings that no soldier will be left behind.
They all will return safe and proud
Apr 2017 · 183
Stressed out.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Kids are crying.
Dog is barking
Phone is ringing
Someones at the door
Lawyer is on the phone.
TV is too loud.
Car won't start
Bike has flat
Husband yelling
Fell and broke my foot.
Tell the doctor i'm stressed out
He yells code blue.
Dam it's quite here in my grave.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I want to run for President.
When I grow up I wanted to be a race car driver.
Then I saw a big wreck on TV.
Then I thought of a fireman.But I'm to shot to carry a hose.
I said to myself how about being President.
If i was president I could travel the world and talk to other leaders.
About peace and joy among all races.
I could help to make laws that everyone would like.
So I want to run as president so I could have the power of a great service.
Of men and women at my feet.
To see these Soldier fights for our freedom.
I want to run for president. Would you vote for me?
Apr 2017 · 171
I want to be a politician.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I want to be a politician.
Want to run for president.
I will tell you all kinds of thing.
Like how I'm going to give you free things.
Like a iphone or even your own car.
Give you money so you don't have to work.
Food stamps for free, even a full gas tank.
I want to be a politician will you vote for me?
I make it where you work for 5 hrs and get paid for ten.
A new home for everyone. Free heat to keep warm.
I want to be that political.
But of course you know I'm lying just like them all
Apr 2017 · 190
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The pumpkins are all grown at a pace.
They are waiting for those funny faces.
The witches are getting such a itch
To ride those broom sticks.
The ghost will be the host of the party.
As the trolls fills the bowls with candy.
So now it's time to beat it to the streets
To yell trick or treat for Halloween.
Apr 2017 · 203
The Painting
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The Painting
In the old house, there was a painting.
It hung over the fire place.
There were trees and a house.
A few birds in the sky.
The old well look as if there was no water there.
Horses in the barn with their heads out the windows
Made the painting so real.
Then I looked out the window there it was. Just as the painting told.
Apr 2017 · 183
Sunrise Sunset
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Sunrise Sunset
Pink sky at morning sailors takes a warning
Pink sky at night sailors delight.
The morning sun gives way to a pink sky mixed with gray clouds.
To let the sailors know a storm may be brewing at sea.
As the sunrises high in the sky, the storm has left high and dry in the clouds that son will fall to night.
As the sun does set the sky is pink once more this day.
To let the sailors knows that the day will be delightful for them at sea.
As they go out to sea the dark gives way to just a pretty pink
Which is a wink for the sailors to see
Apr 2017 · 216
The Midnight Racer
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The midnight racer comes from nowhere.
Racing the road as face as he can.
Zig Zagging in and out passing cars like they do not exist.
You cannot see him for the speed he goes. One winks and you miss him.
No one has seen his car. They have no idea what he drives.
Just a word to the wise is don't try to race the midnight racer.
Your fate will be take and you might get a ticket
With the help of the Midnight racer.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
O'lord of mine.
I have Cheated
I have lied
I have killed
I have steal
I have made people sad
I have made people mad.
But I just want to know one thing before I go.
Is there a golf course in heaven?
Apr 2017 · 170
Season end
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Baseball bats will soon be quiet.
As football season takes a kick
Golf ball will be put away so a president can go to work.
Hockey sticks will soon hit the puck
And baseballs will go in the net.
The summer season is scheduled to end.
Hello winter let it begin
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Wonder if you know if they play baseball in heaven?
Think they have a baseball field in the clouds?
Does guys like Mickey mantle and Frank Robins on.
Does the great Babe Ruth hit home runs?
Are there teams like the Yankees or the braves up there.
I know God must have a team he likes.
I want to find out if they are the angels.
Do you think that I will be able to play with the cool ones?
I know they must have a hall of fame with guys like Joe and Stan
Apr 2017 · 233
The whooper
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I went fishing the other day.Caught a fish that I was surprised.
The fish was a least six inches long.
I took my fish and went to the market to look for beer.
Their I told, the butcher I caught a fish.
That was 12 inches long.
On the way to my house I saw a cop friend of mine.
I told him that i had a fish that was 18 inches long.
I stopped for a few beers at the bar I saw joey the postman.
I told joey that i had a whopper of a fish that was
Two feet long
Apr 2017 · 252
No Hot Dog for this dog
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I'm a little puppy that loves to eat.
Ham bones, pork chops that are great.
But no hot dogs for this dog.
Pizza and chips they make me flip.
Ice cream and cake i can rake it in.
But please no hot dogs for this dog.
I'm the queen of the house, even the mouse don't get the cheese
Steak or nothing for me.
May be a taco for this taco.
Just no hot dogs!!
Apr 2017 · 177
I Fly high
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I fly high and proud these days
I have flown for over 200 years.
I fly high on buildings and on poles.
I wave to those that sing pretty songs for me.
I fly each and everyday somewhere.
Men and women salute me proud.
To say they love for who I' am.
I fly high yes I do!
I'm The America flag And i will bow to no other
I fly high just for you
Apr 2017 · 168
I saw a rainbow
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
i saw a rainbow today.
It was high in the sky. shining through the clouds.
Right next to the sun.
Pretty colors of yellow, pink, green and red.
I couldn't see it touching the ground.
But I saw a rainbow next to the heaven.
It bought a smile to my face. As I watched it traveling across the sky.
As the rainbow disappeared out of sight.
i looked for another rainbow
Apr 2017 · 194
Pizza again
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Pizza again
The turkey was placed on the table.
Pies in the oven baking.
The football game on TV.
Grandma yells"dinner on"
Went all of a sudden the turkey is gone. Can't be found nowhere.
The back door was open, but no one was there.
When grandpa yells pizza again!
There was no Thanksgiving dinner this night.
For the dogs on the corner had a joy.
While we sat and gave blessing for the pizza boy
It's pizza thanksgiving not turkey this year.
Apr 2017 · 173
A sweet flower
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
There is a flower that is growing
It has no stem but will grow big.
The center of this flower has the eyes for you.
No petals to hole the beauty in
Nevertheless, is the prettiest you ever seen.
You may have one or there maybe more
However, the flower is always there.
You tell the flower that it is pretty
But you really are saying, daughter, I love you.
Because you're my sweet flower and no one has one like you
Apr 2017 · 181
Christmas prayer
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
He kneels down on the ground and looked to the north.
A bright star he did see.
He walks away and found another shepherd standing looking at the same star.
A third man then joined the other two.
And they walked. God stopped them and said, behold a king has been born on this night.
And they walked, they found the king in an old barn.
They knelled before him and they prayed.
This is now a Christmas prayer only we have many more to say.
So God behold I take your son and you in my heart
Let no man change this my lord for you are king of all.
Apr 2017 · 139
I write poetry in my sleep.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I lay down as to close my eyes.
I see letters marching one by one.
Onto the paper they do go.
I know from my dreams I write them in my sleep.
A poem of sadness and one of joy.
One of trees and one of being free.
Each word goes in to place to forma poem you do read.
I write poetry in my sleep just to put it here.
Apr 2017 · 154
Dear Soldier hero
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Dear soldier hero,
I address you with a prayer just for you.
I tell God to keep you safe, so you can give me my freedom.
I thank you and all the heroes that have to fight each night.
I cry for you as I pray and ask God to send you home.
You're my hero Daddy And i love you
            Love johnny
Apr 2017 · 174
Breakfast with a ghost
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Early in the morning traveling down I-77
I saw a young soldier in uniform.
I stop to choose pick him up.
We talked a awhile he spoke of the war.
How he lost so many friends.
We parked in the dinner. I ran in to get something to eat.
When I return to the truck.He finished his story.
He said that he loved America. And the freedom it stands for.
How he fought for each American.
He then told me this was his exit.
So I stopped. He said thanks to my friend
I said no thanks you my hero.
For fighting for me.
I drove off and I looked back and he was gone.
I thought I just had breakfast with a hero ghost
Apr 2017 · 173
Does Santa Clause live at?
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Does Santa live at the north pole
Or does he live at Walmart?
I see him in the parade and then I see him at Kmart.
I go to the fire hall he is there with the fire dog.
I meet him on the streets handing out candy canes.
Then I go to Walmart there he his sitting on a chair with a friend that my picture.
I see him in the toy lane looking at all the toys that are fun.
I see him at the dinner area eating a sub from subway.
I want to know where he sleeps if he lives at Walmart.
Apr 2017 · 178
Who will be president
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Who will be president
i do not know but i hope it's not bozo.
it can be mickey.
mouse or even goofy.
as long as they run the government better than
who will be that person/ i do not know yet.
only days away and time is running out.
who will lead this country. will it be daffy duck or porky pig.
now you should vote for the best, just remember
i want to know who will it be, i know not me!!
Apr 2017 · 185
Who will be president
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Who will be president
I do not know but I hope it's not bozo.
it can be mickey.
mouse or even goofy.
as long as they run the government better than
who will be that person/ I do not know yet.
only days away and time is running out.
who will lead this country. will it be daffy duck or porky pig.
now you should vote for the best, just remember
I want to know who will it be, I know not me!!
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