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Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I want to run for President.
When I grow up I wanted to be a race car driver.
Then I saw a big wreck on TV.
Then I thought of a fireman.But I'm to shot to carry a hose.
I said to myself how about being President.
If i was president I could travel the world and talk to other leaders.
About peace and joy among all races.
I could help to make laws that everyone would like.
So I want to run as president so I could have the power of a great service.
Of men and women at my feet.
To see these Soldier fights for our freedom.
I want to run for president. Would you vote for me?
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
I want to be a politician.
Want to run for president.
I will tell you all kinds of thing.
Like how I'm going to give you free things.
Like a iphone or even your own car.
Give you money so you don't have to work.
Food stamps for free, even a full gas tank.
I want to be a politician will you vote for me?
I make it where you work for 5 hrs and get paid for ten.
A new home for everyone. Free heat to keep warm.
I want to be that political.
But of course you know I'm lying just like them all
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The pumpkins are all grown at a pace.
They are waiting for those funny faces.
The witches are getting such a itch
To ride those broom sticks.
The ghost will be the host of the party.
As the trolls fills the bowls with candy.
So now it's time to beat it to the streets
To yell trick or treat for Halloween.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The Painting
In the old house, there was a painting.
It hung over the fire place.
There were trees and a house.
A few birds in the sky.
The old well look as if there was no water there.
Horses in the barn with their heads out the windows
Made the painting so real.
Then I looked out the window there it was. Just as the painting told.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Sunrise Sunset
Pink sky at morning sailors takes a warning
Pink sky at night sailors delight.
The morning sun gives way to a pink sky mixed with gray clouds.
To let the sailors know a storm may be brewing at sea.
As the sunrises high in the sky, the storm has left high and dry in the clouds that son will fall to night.
As the sun does set the sky is pink once more this day.
To let the sailors knows that the day will be delightful for them at sea.
As they go out to sea the dark gives way to just a pretty pink
Which is a wink for the sailors to see
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The midnight racer comes from nowhere.
Racing the road as face as he can.
Zig Zagging in and out passing cars like they do not exist.
You cannot see him for the speed he goes. One winks and you miss him.
No one has seen his car. They have no idea what he drives.
Just a word to the wise is don't try to race the midnight racer.
Your fate will be take and you might get a ticket
With the help of the Midnight racer.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
O'lord of mine.
I have Cheated
I have lied
I have killed
I have steal
I have made people sad
I have made people mad.
But I just want to know one thing before I go.
Is there a golf course in heaven?
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