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Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Who will be president
I do not know but I hope it's not bozo.
it can be mickey.
mouse or even goofy.
as long as they run the government better than
who will be that person/ I do not know yet.
only days away and time is running out.
who will lead this country. will it be daffy duck or porky pig.
now you should vote for the best, just remember
I want to know who will it be, I know not me!!
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
How poetry began
Late at night the day my mother passed away.
I could not stay away from the keyboard long.
I sat at the computer and thought of words. But nothing came to thought.
I felt a hand on my back and I got a chill as I started to write.
A phone call to heaven my first poem a call to God requesting him to let my mother know we would be OK.
This poem was my first until an old girlfriend from school took and gave me a kick.(in the leg, like always).
Now I try to think everyday of at least one poem for you to enjoy.Words are hard but I hope you smile
Cry, and laugh. For the comments I thank you all and Keep coming with the contest and I'll write for you all.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
There is music in the clouds today.
As the kings gather to play.
The stage is set as the gold does sparkle
The King of country is ready to sing. Hank Williams Sr
Walk to the stage as he sings I saw the light.
The king of rock comes to the stage and the clouds began to shake.
Elvis sings a whole lot of shaking going on.
The last king to show was the king of pop as he did his moon walk.
Michael Jackson As he sings beat it.
They all gather for one more song as the king of bluegrass walks to the stage.
The kings of music they came to play
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The sun has slowly set, and the long grass now
Waves dreamily in the evening wind;
And the birds has flown from that gray stone
In all the lonely landscape around
I see no light and hear no sound,
Except the wind that is a long way away.
Comes sighing over the sea.
For the sun has slowly set
And the night starts to fall
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
If Roses grow in Heaven
Lord, please pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my Mother’s arms
and tell her they’re from me.
Tell her that I love her and miss her,
and when she turns to smile,
place a kiss upon her cheek
and hold her for a while.
Because remembering her is easy,
I do it every day,
but there’s an ache within my heart
that will never go away
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Teardrops for flowers flow
I present to you a rose and you smile.
I give you two and you begin to woo.
Six flowers are half my heart.
But seven and you think you're in heaven.
Eleven roses make you think.
But a dozen start the teardrops flowing.
Red, pink they bloom with each drop of tears
Only you can make the flowers bloom with teardrops that flow.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Rain drops fall so lightly that you can almost count each drop.
As they fall they form a puddle all gathering in one place.
The little ducks they came to play as they stand in the rain.
The rain it falls now harder that even the trees bend to try to get away.
The sound of a larger tap on the windows as they drop from the sky.
The sound of thunder in the far away land lets us know that a storm
May come soon.
Harder and harder the rainfall. Now the sound is like a drum.
Making music for the birds as they sat to bathe in the drops.
The water from the drops now from a little brook as the duck try to float
I look to see how highs the water but I doesn't need a boat yet.
So let it rain and fall so just maybe by the end of the day it will be snowing.
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