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Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
The little flower grew a little each day. As I watched it out my window. So Pretty as it stood there all alone. Fall rain kept it alive as it feeds on the drops. When the snow started to fall it was so tall it was a pretty sight. A snow flakes, falling Oh, lightly covering it in a blanket of white. The days traveled so fast as I watch it grow. That as the spring sun hit it just right. Pretty pink lite up the snow. The wind blows just right and you see more of the winter flower
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Christmas week my dear, the shopping is done for everyone. The days grow closer, just a few more weeks and football will be done. Ham is about ready One more cold beer for the top and it will be ready. 4 more days and Santa will come.A bag full of toys just to please me. I hope he is on a slim fast diet this year. I forgot to clear the chimney you see. Cookies will be out for his milk will be there if the cow comes back. A few more Hours left and things are going right. I think I will go to bed right now. Grandpa just yells in a loud voice."Where the HE--- is the Snow.Santa wouldn't be coming but in a Chevy
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Two little boys are playing in the mud. Both covered from head to toe. They play as friends with just the thought of mud. When they finished they dumped water on their heads. One of the boys look at the other and said" your mud didn't come off
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
In school, the other day. We had to make a Christmas wish list for Santa I wished for a doll for my sister I wished for a rattle for my baby brother I wished for a better job for my daddy. I wished for my mom to stop her crying I wished that all the soldiers would come home. I wished for the country to be safe for us. I wished for the president to love our country and not to rip it apart. So this is my wish list I gave to my teacher. And with a tear in her eyes she asked me what I wanted Santa to bring me. I said with a smile on my face I just want him to answer my wish for all
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
wait here Jesus is coming.
I don't know when.
but I have been told
That he is coming.
wait here Jesus is coming
Will he ride a donkey or walk across the open water.
could it be on a cloud that he rides.
or on a angels back as she flies.
wait here to see Jesus come.
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Setting here writing a poem.
Nothing much to say.
Do you have knee pain?
we can help.
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so the poem i write is so short that i forgot the words
Harold r hunt sr Apr 2017
Walking down the road one day.when i was joined by a man
He was wearing a cowboy hat and caring a old guitar.
He did say anything just smiled.
As we walked i could hear him start to sing.
The first song was i saw the light.Then he sang I'm so lonesome I could cry.
A short smile as he walked away.
I heard him say by the way my name is Hank
Then he was gone from sight.
Right the I knew who he was.
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