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339 · Sep 2015
The Penny man
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2015
The Penny man
There was an old man who walked the streets.
Day after day. Giving pennies to the young and old.
A gray haired man with a kind smiles.
He would walk by you and if you said "hello " to him.
A penny was all your reward.
Now he walks the streets of heaven. With a smile on his face.
Telling everyone "I'm an angel and these pennies are from heaven."

The man was from Springville N.Y. and everyone knew the penny man.
339 · Jul 2014
The sky
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2014
The Sky
(pink sky at night sailors delight pink sky in morning sailor take warning)
As the clouds bridge the sky, we wonder why they cover and pretty color.
A blue that shines with the sun so great. That no one would want to break.
Clouds may cover it on rainy day, but the blow will be always there. Changing to pink, just let us know
How the day will go.
Rainy or sunny that is the issue but with a blue sky we see the answer so wonderful day ahead.
The sky keeps the birds that fly.
The jets that scream though it're clouds.
The sky that holds a question at all.
337 · May 2014
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
I saw you standing on your porch.
You were dressed in some funny close.
You waved to me and I waved to you.
I asked my dad who you were.He said you were one of the neighbor boy.
I asked him why you were dressed in those humorous close.
Then my dad said to me.He said,That you were  dressed in a uniform.
He serves our country as a member of the arm service.
He does his time to protect us at all times.
A few days later I meet him once more.
I get close to him and I said I remember you.
Thank you very much for my freedom And may God bless you!
337 · Aug 2014
Zoar Valley
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Zoar Valley
There is a place a long the creek in Catt.Co. N.Y.
The valley sits between two cliffs in the low spot of the creek.
It's called zoar valley. The water runs over the fall so you can know where to swim.
A quiet little place with green trees in the summer.
In the fall people come from far away to see the colors of the trees /
Red,yellow and brown as the leaves do change.
In this valley know as zoar valley Catt Co.N.Y.
336 · Feb 2016
Where do poets go
Harold r Hunt Sr Feb 2016
Where Do poets Go
As I write a poem I often wonder where do poets go.
Do travel the world to look for that poem they have been waiting for?
Do just sit and think if I was a great poet would I have all the words to write a great poem?
Where do those poets go?
Do they go to the moon or mars? Or to the underground to find that super hero.
Do they travel to a parade to see all the flags that fly?
May be they go to heaven to find a love one or looks for a well known person.
Well I know of one poet that does know where he is going.
That is to bed to find a great poem.
336 · Aug 2016
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2016
God bless the future of Dixie
May they have Southern grit
To stand strong for Dixieland
May they NEVER forget
What an honor it is to say
My Southern Roots Run Deep
So when I die bury me with my feet in the south.
That way I'll always be in Dixieland.
335 · Mar 2016
the rain
Harold r Hunt Sr Mar 2016
The rain.
The rain is falling so softly on the window.
A light tapping sound is like music.
The *** on the ground is getting washed
As the rain falls.
I look to see if the *** is filling
But I don't know if it is half full or is half empty.
The rain keeps falling.
Birds are bathing in a puddle singing a song of joy.
Then it stops. The rain is gone from this spot.
Moving to the next place. But the *** is still not full.
Maybe next time it will be half full or half empty.
So let it rain.
333 · Sep 2015
Eye That I Saw In Tears
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2015
Eyes that last I saw in tears
Eyes that last I say in tears
Though division
Here in death's dream kingdom
The golden vision reappears
I see the eyes but not the tears
This is my affliction
This is my affliction
Eyes I shall not see again
Eyes of decision
Eyes I shall not see unless
At the door of death's other kingdom
Where , as in this ,
The eyes outlast a little while
Little while outlast the tears
And hold us in derision.
333 · Jul 2014
The Greatest clown.
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2014
The greatest clown
The greatest clown would make you laugh.
He would sometimes make you cry.
He would tell you jokes.
But would tell no lies
But always At the end of the night
He would Say "goodnight and god bless"
Thank you Red.
333 · Jan 2016
winter storm
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
Winter storm
Here i sit with no place to go
All are quiet but the windy outside.
No tv the lights are out
The snow is falling as fast as I type.
The ground is covered with just a little snow.
While the laptop power is about to go.
No cars on the road the police calls for a driving ban.
Now I pray that it will stop soon.
For it's getting close to June.
What a winter storm we did have.
Only a half inch on the ground.
331 · Aug 2014
The Chicken
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
The chicken
There was a chicken that would not cross the road.
She didn't care if the others did.
Getting to the other side wasn't on her mind.
When she wandered about, she stayed away far apart.
When the other asked her why.She didn't cross the road.
She replied I don't want to end up as chicken nuggets at Mc Donalds!
331 · Sep 2014
Mountian top
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Mountain top
The leaves are all but gone as they fall from the trees on the mountain top.
The breeze blows the last few away making way for the winter snow.
A few flake start to fall with the help of old mother nature
Fall as if God had taken them from her and places them here on the mountain top.
Soon it will be covered like a white cap on your head. Snow is blowing here and there.
Each mountain top covered in its own way . Snow flying from tree to tree.
As the tops are white and ready for the long winter storms.
The cold will blow and the snow will fall until the birds do fly once more.
But the mountain top snow will remain till the warm summer breeze.
328 · Jan 2015
Punxsutaweney Phil Speaks
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2015
Punxsutaweney Phil Speaks
A interview with Punxsutaweney Phil
Groundhog News.
Reporter: Mr Phil , How did you get in to weather reporting?
Mr Phil: My dad did it and my granddad did it so it's in the family.
Reporter: Why Feb 2nd of every year?
Mr Phil: It's Mid winter
Reporter: Do you like seeing your shadow?
Mr Phil: Not Really!
Reporter: How about Today?
Mr Phil: Well it's like this a 50/50 Chance. And all will be seen.
Reporter: Punxsutaweney Phil speaks today of either an early spring or a long winter. I guess will have to see.
And this report is betting on Phil.
328 · Sep 2014
The lights of Christmas
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
The lights of Christmas
I see the snow as it falls on the trees so pretty.
People they gather in the town to see the lights of Christmas.
Red, blue,green and yellow.
Sparkle under the white snow on the trees.
Santa and his sled are all decked out in lights of Christmas.
Snowball fights and songs of joy fill the air and are a sight.
The bells make a song of the season as the snow falls for no reason.
The town is all lite at night with the lights of Christmas.
325 · Nov 2014
The green eyed monster
Harold r Hunt Sr Nov 2014
I seen a green eyed monster
I went to bed with a thought of good things.
My belly made a really bad noise I thought it was a possibility that monster.
With everyone to sleep I went downstairs without a sound.
To the cookie jar I went. Then out it came from the dark.
This big green eyed monster.
I just wanted to hide but no place to go. I was caught with the cookie jar.
I reach into the jar and took a cookie out.
I handed the cookie to the green eyed monster.
He took it with a grump then went out of sight.
The green eyed monster looked back at me
He said in a voice I heard before.
Go to bed my son or that green eyed monster might get you.
321 · Dec 2015
He See you
Harold r Hunt Sr Dec 2015
He Sees you
I know the song for dear old santa.
But there is someone else that sees you.
He sees you when 're awake,he sees you when you're a sleep.
He sees you when you're in school, he sees you even in the swimming pool.
He sees you on sat he sees you the most on sunday.
He goes every place you go.
He also hears you. At night saying his name.
Santa might be good but God  has the greater power
To see you all the time.
321 · Aug 2015
Will I remember....
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2015
Will I Remember...
Will I remember how you smiled
To see me write your name upon
The soft sea-sand...'o what a child!
You think you're writing upon stone!"
I have since written what no tide
Shall ever wash away , what men
Unborn shall read our ocean wide
And find Bella's name again.
321 · Jun 2014
Thunder And Lighting
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
The thunder and lighting.
When I was little I hear a boom and the lights went out.
As we was in the dark my parents sat us about.
We ask what that noise was and why did the lights go out.
My mom, said that was thunder and lighting.
We wondered what caused it.
She said with a smile.
Those are little men in the sky and they are bowling.
That is the thunder you hear.
The lighting comes from the men getting a strike.
Which causes the sky to light up.
I looked at my mom and said with a smile
I want them on my bowling team.
321 · Jun 2014
Kiss Advice
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
A Kiss for advice.
A kiss is the upper pervasion for lower invasion.
So keep your legs cross and your mind on your manners.
This is my advice.
319 · Aug 2014
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
One rainy night
One rainy night there was very little light.
The road was wet with mud
The corners I started to dread.
Rain was falling as hard as could be.
I could not really see.
I had to reduce my speed.
I looked to the left and then to the right.
Just then, in my sight there he stood.
I hit my brakes and tried to stop.
The rain kept me from doing so.
As they drove away, they drove away I heard them say.
He saved her life on this rainy night.
The bridge is washed out and it would have been a sight
On this one rainy night.
2nd Place Award winner
Harold r Hunt Sr Feb 2016
I love thee let me count the ways
I love thee let me count the ways.
I love you when you wake me in the morning
My love for laying out my close for me.
I love you when you have the car running for me.
I love you for dinner on the table.
I love you when you turn the tv to football.
I love you for all of that.
Only if it was true.
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
There will be blood on his hands none in his heart.
A boy is shot. A girl is *****.
Where is the man in charge.
A school has a,shooting, people in a church gun down.
What is the man in charge of doing.
Young and old being killed for no reason at all.
There is blood on his hands because he has none in his heart.
Soldiers are dying all over the world.Even on our streets.
Who is in charge. He has blood on his hands and no blood or love in his heart.
318 · May 2014
M. (MY) O. (OLD) M. (MOM)
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
My old mom: Has gray hair.
My old mom: Can't climb the stairs.
My old mom: Has a rock in chair.
My old mom : Really cares.
My old mom: Doesn't drink no beer.
My old mom: Has lots of tears.
when I say, "I LOVE YOU DEAR".
My old mom: Can't dance the latest.
My Old Mom : She's the greatest!!!
Wrote May 11, 2014.
316 · Aug 2014
School days #3
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
School Days 3
Can't find my homework.
The dog must have eaten it.
Missed the bus.So I had to walk next door to the school.
Mom is going to get mad. I got a F for lunch.
The day is almost over.
I watch the clock with care.
Then it happens.I wake up!
Then I think it's only the second day of school.
315 · Jun 2014
Press 1
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
Press 1
Press 1 for English is the song we get today.
Every phone calls we make.
It's not a human we speak to.
But just a machine.
They give you more numbers to press
But you always hear press 1 for English.
I often wonder if America moved and we all lost our English talk
If your from the south a howdy, would be nice. .
Press 1 for English press 2 to find your number, press 3 if you know your number.
Press 4 if the number is not listed. And you go on to o which then they have a human on the line.
Then they  tell you they can't help you press 1.
315 · Jun 2014
Main Street U.S.A.
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
Main Street U.S.A.
Every town has a main street.
Some Short and some long.
But in this town on main street  
We once saw clowns.
They dance and ran around as they went up the main street.
We saw the bands coming from all around.
Play a Yankee doodle tune.
All the way downs our main street.
No more do we hears that band.
For in some towns, they have forgotten the good times on our main streets U.S.A.
311 · Oct 2014
Praise Thee
Harold r Hunt Sr Oct 2014
Praise Thee
Praise thee that has hands that heal.
Praise thee That kneels to him.
Praise thee who ask in prayer.
Praise Thee that answers them.
Praise God that serves us all.
Praise God that gave us life.
310 · Oct 2014
Harold r Hunt Sr Oct 2014
Tom the Turkey he ran away.
I don't know where he is going to stay.
He vanishes one afternoon when pa went to town.
Tom was a big fat bird.
That followed me through the barn yard.
Now it's Thanksgiving day I ask pa if I could say a dinner prayer.
I asked God if he could make Tom return.
310 · Jun 2014
love poison
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
Love Poison
Love is just like an abscess that forms in the head and bust in the A.
Love is it poison for you or me?  
We fall in love so they say so we can be here with you and me.
But love is poison if you are not around with me!
Love Is an abscess that just busted in my a
When I say I love you!!
That is love poison.
309 · Sep 2014
Halloween Parade
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Halloween parade
    It was Halloween night and the moon was bright.
Looking to the sky I had a real surprise.
As I saw the moon so bright gain a funny sight.
There on their broom so proud ten witches riding high in the sky.
The first witch had a cat as her co pilot
The followed in line as if they were chained together.
They took a dip towards the ground .123 all ten in a row.
Then all of a sudden the disappeared out of sight at the other end of town.
I ran to find out where they were and to my surprise I saw ten broom sticks all in a row.
Standing as if they were told. The ******* cat stood guard.
The light in the old vacant house was as bright as the full moonlight.
It was a sight to be seen for sure 10 witches in a parade.
On this Halloween night under the moonlight.
309 · May 2016
A Dot
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2016
A dot is small, a dot can be big.
A dot is round, a dot can be a clown....
A dot can be blue or it can be red..
A dot can mean something or maybe nothing.
but we use it so much that it means we are done.
309 · Aug 2015
The sun has slowly set
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2015
The sun has slowly set
The sun has slowly set,and the long grass now
Waves dreamily in the evening wind;
And the birds has flown from that gray stone
In all the lonely landscape around
I see no light and hear no sound,
Except the wind that is a long way away.
Comes sighing over the sea.
For the sun has slowly set
And the night starts to fall.
308 · Aug 2014
You write you write
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
You Write,you write
You write,you write till the words become a poem.
Long verse or short stories
You write,you write.
Maybe a song or a love letter to those that read.
You write you write it must be a joy.
To see the words you wrote in a contest to be judged.
You win a few you lose a few.
But you write you write till the ink runs out.
307 · Oct 2014
A letter To Santa
Harold r Hunt Sr Oct 2014
The Letter To Santa
Dear Santa,
   I'm very sorry I said i 'm mad at you.
But mommy told me why you did not show up this year.
She said my daddy died in something they call a war.
He was fighting to keep me safe and free.
Mommy said she did not have any money left after working two jobs to feed the three of us.
I thought you forgot me because we live in an old car.
I hear my mom cry at night and now I know the reason why.
I saved you some cookies I got at school.Nevertheless, I gave them to little johnny as a gift from you.
I hope next year will be better, but if not I still love you and thanks for not forgetting me.
                                                             ­    Love you Santa ,
                                                               ­            Alisa
                      P. S. I hope everyone had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
this poem has taken First place in three contest and was entered in a contest for best of 2014 And placed first. Enjoy
307 · May 2014
The Train
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
The train.
I hear a sound in the far distance.
I can't quite distinguish between the sound.
As I listen it becomes more clear.
A sound of a horn I do hear it now.
A train is coming down  the tracks.
Don't know where it's going.
I hear it drawing closer. Could it be?
Yes, as it sounds once more it goes pass  my house.
My house shakes a little then things begin to be come quiet once more.
The train to nowhere just went by.
306 · Jan 2016
the wall
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
The wall
The wall was built to keep them out.
Or was it built to keep us in?
Built so tall you can't climb over
And you can't go under it.
So long that you can't go round.
No doors at one end
But a gate to let you in or out.
You can touch the wall
But don't climb on it.
It's just a wall to me and you.
306 · Aug 2015
The dead poet
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2015
The Dead poet---lord alfred douglas
I dreamed of him last night,I saw his face
All radiant and unshadowed of distress,
And as of old, in music measureless,
Heard his golden voice and marked him trace
Under the common thing the hidden grace, a
And conjure wonder out of emptiness,
And all the world was an enchanted place.
And then methought outside a locked gate
I mourned the loss of unrecord words,
Forgotten tales and mysteries half said,
wonders that might have been articulate,
And so I woke and knew that he was dead.
This poem i liked and thought i would share
306 · Sep 2014
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Little keys open big locks
Simple Words reflect great thoughts
Your smile can cure block hearts
So keep on smiling like a rock
With each smile you get a friend
And with each friend you get love in return.
Smile my friend and love will grow
As you can only smile.
305 · Jun 2014
Love for gramma
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
True Love for Gramma
I said to my mother I want to go to Gramma's house.
She said, not today!
I was attempting to walk but with no luck.
I would ride my bike, but it's just a trick.
I can't drive a car it's too far.
I took a box and went inside to cry I want to see Gramma's house.
Momma heard the cry.
When she just opens the box, I said mail me to Gramma's house.
305 · Dec 2015
Christmas Prayer
Harold r Hunt Sr Dec 2015
Christmas prayer
He kneels down on the ground and looked to the north.
A bright star he did see.
He walks aways and found another shepherd standing looking at the same star.
A third man then joined the other two.
And they walked. God stopped them and said,behold a king has been born on this night.
And they walked, they found the king in an old barn.
They kneeled before him and they prayed.
This is now a christmas prayer only we have many more to say.
So God behold i take your son and you in my heart
Let no man change this my lord for you are king of all.
305 · May 2014
Love You Mom
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
I look I see, I touch I feel
Just to see if this is real
So much pain I should not have to bear
If only I knew that someone cared
You were always there, always so aware
Yet problems of yours you never would share
If my life holds just one regret
It would be that your suffering I could have erased
I miss you Mom, your love I will never forget
My life now will never be the same
Your phone calls, your visits, the thoughtful things you used to do
No one could ever be quite like you
But i'm a mom also and I have to pursue
You are my inspiration to be loved like you
Good bye now I love you, take care .
304 · Jun 2014
The America Flag
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
The America Flag.
I have been home since I was born.
I have participated in many wars.
Be discovered in every state and every country in the world.
I march down every main st that will carry me.
As the wind blows i say hi to all and let you know
You are free.
Some say that i am offended, but I say nothing.
303 · Sep 2014
He comes At night
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
He comes At Night
Who is this man they call Santa?
Is he a crook that just likes milk and cookies?
Why does he dress in red?
So I can't see him from my bed!
Why does he bring me toys?
Is it a joy for him to be given?
He comes at night and not at day
I hear the bells on his sled.
Wonder why he comes at night is it because i ask him why
He comes at night?
303 · Aug 2014
America will be back
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
America will be back.
We the people have fallen once more.
To the trouble of todays world.
Just a small step we have done.
But we say that I'll be back strong and tall.
We strive to live our lives freely.
They launch a curve from all direction.
Nevertheless, we say I'll be back to swing a bat to hit them it out.
We will stand tall once more when I mean I'll be back.
Life will change here he america as we the people will be back
And America Says I'll be back strong once more.
Because I will be back.
Award Winner 1st Place
303 · Oct 2014
Harold r Hunt Sr Oct 2014
Tears are here
Tears are there
Tears are everywhere
Cries of tears from men
Cries of tears women
Cries of tears from all the children
They cry tears for peace
They cry tears to stop the wars
They cry tears for help from all of us
302 · Sep 2015
Hollow brick road
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2015
Hollow Brick Road
You can hear the echoing sounds
When the horses go passing by.
The loud sound in your mind.
A hollow sound.
The children playing make the noise only louder
As they run and play on the hollow street of brick.
Where can you find this hollow road you want to know?
To your dreams, as you listen to the sounds of the clock passing time.
301 · Nov 2014
Be Kind
Harold r Hunt Sr Nov 2014
Be kind.
Be kind to your family
Be kind to a friend
Be kind to a neighbor
Be kind to god
And he'll be kind to you!
300 · Nov 2014
The Angel Parade
Harold r Hunt Sr Nov 2014
The Angel Parade.
They come to heaven all dress in white.
One by one at the gates they come.
No flags they fly. no guns they shoot.
No crowds to watch or hear them shout.
no floats to ride with such pride.
No one rides for free there is always a price to be paid.
As the angels march today.
Two by two they fill they sky. Just as we shout why.
The gates they open as they go behind the gates.
All dressed in white, not red or blue. This is true.
No shoes on their feet so we can't hear them march.
In the Angel parade.
299 · Nov 2015
The Days Before Christmas
Harold r Hunt Sr Nov 2015
The days before Christmas
It was about two days before Christmas.And dad was hanging the lights on the roof.
Things were going just great at the time. When all hell broke loose.
Dad he fell through the roof. And broke both his legs.
The doctor told him it would be six weeks before he could come home.
Mom was at the mall buying last min gifts. When she fell on the ice and broke her arm.
I found myself in the kitchen making pies for Christmas dinner.When the cat jumps on the table.
And ate the pie fillings.
I went to turn on the tree lights. When a light blew out and caught the tree on fire.
And burnt house down.
The neighbors they brought us food to eat. It was pizza and wings.Because the dog took the turkey.
It was all gone.
At the hotel I step out to go to the store. But when I return our gifts was gone.
The police when they left said "Merry Christmas to you have a good night".
My reply to the best I could was Ba humbug to Christmas I believe in the Easter bunny.
298 · Dec 2015
The Rabbit dance
Harold r Hunt Sr Dec 2015
The Rabbit dance
I look out my window
There it is a snow white rabbit.
He runs to the left then to the right.
There are two..
They run to the right and back to the left.
Then there is three around they go two time then they stop
Then there is four.
  To the right than to the left around they go and then they stop.
This is the rabbit dance. It can be fun.
Watching those rabbits makes you want rabbit stew.
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