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5.1k · Aug 2014
A hug
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
A Hug
Hug is need for a family member to
Let them know you love them.
A hug is needed for a friend just to let them know you care.
A hug in the time of need is a special thing for you to give.
A hug will make you feel good.
So hug somebody to day and get the joy of making them happy.
4.9k · May 2014
The Horse Race
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
The Horse Race.
The announcer says the horse is at the gate.
There is wee ***** on your just silly;
Patty shes riding cupcake bite.
**** hes on hiccup.
The gate open and they are off. It's **** on hiccup, cup cake and wee ***** on just silly.
As the get to turn one it's ***** on just silly,**** has hiccup at second and patty riding third with cupcake.
In turn two it's just silly,hiccup and cupcake. Turn four its cupcake,hick just silly
And now at the wire you got hiccup just silly and cupcake.
People we have to stop the race. Wee ***** on just silly ate patty cupcake which gave him the hiccups.
4.5k · Aug 2014
slang or common talk
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Slang Or common talk
Yay all knows that peoples talk funny
If yous are from the south.
They cut off the lights and jaw jack alls night long.
If youns need to find something.
We cans find it down the road a piece or maybe over yawner.
So if you think I talk funny or in slang.
You alls need to catch the seconds of taters and grits and pig fat.
You alls come back now you hear.
And yes bring granny and the boys well have a shing dig.
4.3k · Oct 2014
Sunrise Sunset
Harold r Hunt Sr Oct 2014
Sunrise Sunset
Pink sky at morning sailors takes a warning
Pink sky at night sailors delight.
The morning sun gives way to a pink sky mixed with gray clouds.
To let the sailors know a storm may be brewing at sea.
As the sunrises high in the sky, the storm has left high and dry in the clouds that son will fall to night.
As the sun does set the sky is pink once more this day.
To let the sailors knows that the day will be delightful for them at sea.
As they go out to sea the dark gives way to just a pretty pink
Which is a wink for the sailors to see.
4.1k · Mar 2016
I met a deer
Harold r Hunt Sr Mar 2016
I met a deer
I met a deer a big brown deer.
We met in the dark.
Not as friends just a run of the mill meeting.
I had to stop but it was too late
The meeting was over and the deer was dead.
I guess a car at 65 would not make a good friend of a deer.
So stay out of my way. I like deer meat.
4.0k · Aug 2014
Gin again
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Gin Again
On the mountain top
Old grandpa is making his gin again
He presses the corn to fill the ***.
All the way to the top.
The bottles they rattle with the wind just waiting for that gin.
Grandpa he tastes with delight.
Saying it will be gin again before night.
The smell fills the air that might bring the law.
Grandpa is all most drunk.He stumbles and yells
It's Gin again
4.0k · May 2014
Weekend thrill.
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Friday night no home football game. Video games are a bore. Wrestling the same old stuff. So what good is the weekend.
Sunday is here what a thrill needed to clean.The rotten grill.
Monday can't get here fast enough.
Then only four days to be completed. Then it's back to the weekend!
3.3k · Jun 2014
The Morning sun
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
The morning sun.
As the morning sun pecked over the ridge.
In to the valley, you could see the fog and the morning dew burning away.
Dew from  the new spring to the ground.
Down in the valley, the cows were grazing on the fresh cut hay.
The sun brightens the valley with each ray.
The blue ridge mountains stand so tall in the background as the morning sun rises above.
Just another day in the morning sun.
3.2k · Jan 2015
Stressed out
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2015
Stressed out.
Kids are crying.
Dog is barking
Phone is ringing
Someones at the door
Lawyer is on the phone.
Tv is too loud.
Car won't start
Bike has flat
Husband yelling
Fell and broke my foot.
Tell the doctor i'm stressed out
He yells code blue.
Dam it's quite here in my grave.
2.8k · Jun 2014
The Ring
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
The ring.
There are many rings.
The boxing ring , the wrestling ring
There is the high school, college ring
The the best ring of all ,
The wedding rings.
This ring means more than any of  the many rings there is.
Friendship between two, love for the two.
And happiness only if the ring is not broken.
The ring, a circle more than what it is. So simple it has so much to stand for.
But just gold or silver the ring fits on your finger.
2.8k · Nov 2014
Pizza Again
Harold r Hunt Sr Nov 2014
Pizza again
The turkey was placed on the table.
Pies in the oven baking.
The football game on tv.
Grandma yells"dinner on"
Went all of a sudden the turkey is gone. Can't be found nowhere.
The back door was open, but no one was there.
When grandpa yells pizza again!
There was no Thanksgiving dinner this night.
For the dogs on the corner had a joy.
While we sat and gave blessing for the pizza boy
It's pizza thanksgiving not turkey this year.
2.6k · Nov 2015
Nude Wrestling
Harold r Hunt Sr Nov 2015
**** Wrestling
After having a few beers.
I made my way to the bar.
I was so drunk the got happy when i read the sign out front.
**** wrestling all is welcome.
I crawled to the door and stood up to walk in.
There it was. A mud pond is just waiting for them.
Two more beers and i could hardly see once more.
The band began to play. And out they came.
Two women was in swim suits.
Pursued by a man in a g string.
I ordered two more beers and took my two the chair at ring side.
Another man came out on to the floor. Dressed the same as the first.
Then ring side became a mans dream. Women all around the ring.
I heard someone Yell take it off.
But to my shock, the two men jumped in the mud pond.
After a few beers more.I yelled wheres the **** wrestling.
And to my surprise, someone yelled, it's dude wrestling not ****.
2.5k · Jul 2014
The Hare And The Turtle
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2014
The Hare and The Turtle
The hare and the turtle were in a race.
No one was there to set the pace,
The hare took the lead we did see.
With the turtle far behind.
We we all know the story
But what you don't know is how the hare won the race.
He won by a hare when driving a Ford.
2.3k · Jul 2014
He Empowers
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2014
He empowers the thought of your mind.
Giving you many strange thoughts
He controls your love.And your hate.
He empowers the night and the day
The stillness and the wind.
He empowers us all.To live or die.
The power lies within.
A 2nd Place Award Winner
2.3k · Aug 2014
The stairway
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
The Stairway
The stairway is long and dark.
We climb one step at a time.
Trying to reach the light above.
Each step takes you closer.
But it's a trip.
You get to the top and reach the door.
Then you remember that you forgot the laundry basket on the floor.
2.2k · Jun 2014
Cabin in the woods
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
Cabin in the woods.
There is a cabin in the woods.
All are broken down from stormy weather.
Holes in the roof so birds can fly in and out.
No door to shut the air out.
Broken windows from days gone by and a few stones from those that know.
Floors all ***** and boards all torn.
Who own this cabin in the woods.
See if it is a hunter or a slave or maybe even old Abe.
The cabin in the woods may hide stories of Jessie James.
Or it could bring the tail of Betsy Ross making the flag for good old George.
All we know is this cabin sits here in the woods.
2.2k · Oct 2014
Moonshine Runner
Harold r Hunt Sr Oct 2014
Moonshine Runner
Old grandpa is at it again. The is still up and cooking once more.
He fills the bottles so carefully. Not to spill a drop
Loads the old pickup truck with boxes of shine Ready to make a run to the bars.
He goes so fast the Fed boys can't catch him in that old truck of his.
Running down the road to the bars not missing one with a jar.
The hills knows the old moonshine runner as he runs the shine tonight.
So get your or
order in now for tomorrow will be too late for the moonshine runner.
Will be right at his still.
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Do they play baseball in heaven.
Wonder if you know if they play baseball in heaven?
Think they have a baseball field in the clouds?
Does guys like Mickey mantle and Frank Robins on.
Does the great Babe Ruth hit home runs?
Are there teams like the Yankees or the braves up there.
I know God must have a team he likes.
I want to find out if they are the angels.
Do you think that I will be able to play with the cool ones?
I know they must have a hall of fame  with guys like Joe and Stan
2.1k · Jul 2014
No honor given
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2014
No honor given
American people honor many things.
We honor soldiers, fireman, policeman.
We honor football player, baseball players
But we don't honor the american Indians
The way we should.
The is running bear, Cochise, and many others.
This land was owned by them before our father took it from them.
No honor is given to them or even a thank you.
2.0k · Nov 2014
The Elf
Harold r Hunt Sr Nov 2014
The elf.
Santa was set to come on Dec 25 1901.
But something happens that no one knows.
As Santa was climbing in to his sled. A train fell on his head.
He was out cold and in the snow.
Time was getting short.
And that's when sparks the elf came up with the Idea.
To fill the wishes of each boy and girl.
He jumps in the sled and with a yell off he went in to the night.
From land to land and house to house
He saved Christmas night.
The elf knew what to do and as the sled drove out of sight.
He yelled those words we all know so well,"MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND A GOOD NIGHT!!
1.8k · May 2014
The Deer Hunter
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
I grab my gun and to the woods. Thinking today will be fun.
I stand next to a tree not to *** .Justas I see a bear coming towards me.
I drop my gun and start to run.
As I hear my gun go bang. I look to see the bear on the run.
But on the ground under a tree I see . A deer just for me.
So I take my deer and have another beer.
Thinking deer meat for me tonight.
1.8k · Jul 2014
the letter puzzle
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2014
The letter puzzle.
You find these days you have a puzzle if you need help.
You have the FBI, CIA, NSA, HHS, DEA.
If you don't have a book to see what each one stands for.
You're *******.
1.8k · Nov 2014
Harold r Hunt Sr Nov 2014
Death is so hard and bad.
We lose so much and gain so little.
We watch as they come and go
Only to say no words that can make them stay.
We fill our hearts with the greatest of pain
But God hears only so few.
We cry before God to know why.
But he only knows the reason why.
The young,The old they walk side by side.
Knowing someday, we shall see them all.
Death is hard. But what can we do.
But just ask why!
God  hears us Today as another angel falls
Our prayers we cry go to those that have lost.
Our prayer to God goes heaven bound.

Death is so hard and bad.
We lose so much and gain so little.
We watch as they come and go
Only to say no words that can make them stay.
We fill our hearts with the greatest of pain
But God hears only so few.
We cry before God to know why.
But he only knows the reason why.
The young,The old they walk side by side.
Knowing someday, we shall see them all.
Death is hard. But what can we do.
But just ask why!
God  hears us Today as another angel falls
Our prayers we cry go to those that have lost.
Our prayer to God goes heaven bound.

Death is so hard and bad.
We lose so much and gain so little.
We watch as they come and go
Only to say no words that can make them stay.
We fill our hearts with the greatest of pain
But God hears only so few.
We cry before God to know why.
But he only knows the reason why.
The young,The old they walk side by side.
Knowing someday, we shall see them all.
Death is hard. But what can we do.
But just ask why!
God  hears us Today as another angel falls
Our prayers we cry go to those that have lost.
Our prayer to God goes heaven bound.

Death is so hard and bad.
We lose so much and gain so little.
We watch as they come and go
Only to say no words that can make them stay.
We fill our hearts with the greatest of pain
But God hears only so few.
We cry before God to know why.
But he only knows the reason why.
The young,The old they walk side by side.
Knowing someday, we shall see them all.
Death is hard. But what can we do.
But just ask why!
God  hears us Today as another angel falls
Our prayers we cry go to those that have lost.
Our prayer to God goes heaven bound.

Death is so hard and bad.
We lose so much and gain so little.
We watch as they come and go
Only to say no words that can make them stay.
We fill our hearts with the greatest of pain
But God hears only so few.
We cry before God to know why.
But he only knows the reason why.
The young,The old they walk side by side.
Knowing someday, we shall see them all.
Death is hard. But what can we do.
But just ask why!
God  hears us Today as another angel falls
Our prayers we cry go to those that have lost.
Our prayer to God goes heaven bound.

Death is so hard and bad.
We lose so much and gain so little.
We watch as they come and go
Only to say no words that can make them stay.
We fill our hearts with the greatest of pain
But God hears only so few.
We cry before God to know why.
But he only knows the reason why.
The young,The old they walk side by side.
Knowing someday, we shall see them all.
Death is hard. But what can we do.
But just ask why!
God  hears us Today as another angel falls
Our prayers we cry go to those that have lost.
Our prayer to God goes heaven bound.

Death is so hard and bad.
We lose so much and gain so little.
We watch as they come and go
Only to say no words that can make them stay.
We fill our hearts with the greatest of pain
But God hears only so few.
We cry before God to know why.
But he only knows the reason why.
The young,The old they walk side by side.
Knowing someday, we shall see them all.
Death is hard. But what can we do.
But just ask why!
God  hears us Today as another angel falls
Our prayers we cry go to those that have lost.
Our prayer to God goes heaven bound.

Death is so hard and bad.
We lose so much and gain so little.
We watch as they come and go
Only to say no words that can make them stay.
We fill our hearts with the greatest of pain
But God hears only so few.
We cry before God to know why.
But he only knows the reason why.
The young,The old they walk side by side.
Knowing someday, we shall see them all.
Death is hard. But what can we do.
But just ask why!
God  hears us Today as another angel falls
Our prayers we cry go to those that have lost.
Our prayer to God goes heaven bound.

Death is so hard and bad.
We lose so much and gain so little.
We watch as they come and go
Only to say no words that can make them stay.
We fill our hearts with the greatest of pain
But God hears only so few.
We cry before God to know why.
But he only knows the reason why.
The young,The old they walk side by side.
Knowing someday, we shall see them all.
Death is hard. But what can we do.
But just ask why!
God  hears us Today as another angel falls
Our prayers we cry go to those that have lost.
Our prayer to God goes heaven bound.
sorry for the post being posted twice.
1.7k · Aug 2014
Hillbilly Music
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Hillbilly Music
Grandpa got the boys to gather at night.
Grandpa on the fiddle is so sweet.
Old Pa on the big bass can really make it sing.
Uncle Joe plays a mean wash tube.
While I slap the knees with my spoons.
The sound of old rocky top
Brings the valley to the hills.
We play all night long
As the sing the songs.
The hills do rock to the hillbilly sound.
Of nothing can be finer the being in Carolina.
Hillbilly music is the sweetness of the hills.
1.6k · Feb 2016
The Last Skate
Harold r Hunt Sr Feb 2016
The Last Skate
Many years ago, I went roller skating all the time.
We all had fun each we went.
The boys would race each other.
Around and around we would go till the bell sounded.
What fun it was.
Today my grandchildren wanted me to go skating with them.
I have not was on skates for 40 years.
My grandson said you can do it grandpa.
So I put skates on for the first time in that many long years.
My grandson said here grand pa I'll hold your hand.
I made it to the first table then headed to the floor.
15 steps I took with .pride. But that was not it.
Down I went to the floor.right on my ****.
My grandson with tears in his eyes he said to me grandpa I think this is your last skate
1.6k · Jun 2014
The bike ride
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
The bike ride
ME on my bike with a thrill until I came to that hill.
I start to pedal so hard I hit a bump and a jar.
Then I knew it was going to be far.
Up I go with no threat you should see how I sweat.
Each pedal is so tough. I knew this road was rough.
To the top, I must go.
Just a few more and I'll be done.
Here I go now it's fun.Down hill, all the way WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
1.6k · Aug 2014
Knock knock
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Knock knock
Knock on the door I do hear.
Knock Knock who could be there
I'm not ready to be a host.
I just wonder could it be a ghost.
I go to the door, but no one is there.
Now should I be scared.
Knock knock i hear again
Where is it coming from i do dispose
I hear it but don't see it.
Knock  knock  goes the rocking chair.
1.6k · Aug 2014
The Witches teaparty
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
The witches tea party
Tonight is the beginning of a site. You might find myself in a fright.
Tonight starts the witches tea-party.
They fly from near and far just to be there.
Black hats and cats stand in place waiting to start the flight.
Rhonda and Sammi they pour the tea.
That cast a spell on Halloween night.
Look to the sky that very night and you can see
As they ride through the sky.
One by one headed home from the witches tea-party.
1.6k · Aug 2014
Teardrops for flower flow
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Teardrops for flowers flow
I present to you a rose and you smile.
I give you two and you begin to woo.
Six flowers are half my heart.
But seven and you think you're in heaven.
Eleven roses make you think.
But a dozen start the teardrops flowing.
Red, pink they bloom with each drop of tears
Only you can make the flowers bloom with teardrops that flow.
1.6k · Jan 2016
Snow football
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
Snow football
I lived in western New York when I was a kid.
We want to play football most of the time.
So we started this thing called snow football.
On Jan 14th, we would get together for my birthday.
We would take a keg of beer to the football field.
Then the game would start. Snow to our knees
We would try to run.
The first team to get to the goal. Would get to drink beer first.
By the time it got dark. There was little snow on the ground. We would slide
Or get buried in the snow.
But the beer was cold and we enjoyed our game of snow football.
1.5k · Aug 2014
Grandma's rocker
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Grandma's rocker
Grandma would sit on her rocking chair
Rocking all day long.
The chair was her joy each day.
As she grows old.
She loved to rock on the porch.
As the cars drove by she would smile.
Now the rocker is old.
It sets in the cold of the day.
Now that grandma is off her rocker!
1.5k · Sep 2014
Cowboys in the badlands
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Cowboys in the badlands
They ride their horses coming from everywhere.
To the badlands, they do ride.
They come from cattlemen and farmers and gunmen.
Ready to make a name for themself.
Either by robbing a bank or killing someone for revenge.
These cowboys in the badlands.
All are gone now, but a few not as bad as the once were.
Have they all gone to a new land to make a new name of a place in beyond?
A new bad land these cowboys do come riding their horses and carrying a gun.
1.5k · Aug 2014
Why must I die
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Why must I Die
Today I see babies born
Just to be torn and killed.
Thousands of young and old
Yelling why must I die.
I did nothing wrong.
Is it hate or is it joy
They don't know the fate.
Rwanda 's genocide killing all those that stand.
Swing clubs and machetes. Cutting them all down.
But they don't know why i must die they think.
The blood rolls in the streets.
Who can stop it we want to know
Peace is the answer not the dope.
1.5k · Sep 2014
The lighthouse
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
The lighthouse
It stands on an island all alone.
Shinning so bright at night.
Looking for the ships that go by in the dark of night.
Looking for a friend to wink at is away of life for this house.
A wink in the fog will guide these ship safe and sound to the main land.
When at night you look to the sea you will see.
The lighthouse so bright is sending you a friendly wink.
1.4k · Dec 2014
Chuckles The Elf
Harold r Hunt Sr Dec 2014
Chuckles the elf
Santa has alot of elves at the North Pole.
But chuckles was his best elf.
Chuckles keep the Merry in Merry Christmas.
He would sing pretty song of joy.
Till one night chuckles had a sad face.
He told the other elves that people didnot believe Christmas and Santa no more.
Told Santa And Santa told him that the joy of Christmas falls on those who believe.
And those that give till they can't anymore.
He told chuckles that to say Merrychristmas to the world and those that believe will
Say it back with joy.
1.4k · Aug 2014
Don't look back
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Don't look back
As you walk out the door.
Don't look back
You leave you love behind
No more fun and no more hugs
Don't look back.
It's hard for you to go
But you're the one that has to do it.
So don't look back
Just be a good dog and go for a walk outside in the cold
And don't look back.
1.4k · Jun 2014
Apple pie
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
Apple Pie.
I wake to such a clatter.I did not know exactly what was a matter.
I smelled something sweet to my noise. So I put on some close.
I ran to the kitchen and almost tripped on a pan just to find out what it was.
There she stood with a knife in hand cutting something without a bother.
The smell was great I knew that it was a treat that could not be beat.
There on the window ledge was to apple pies.
So golden brown.I soon had a frown.
I heard mom say none to supper time.
Oh, I can't wait for those apple pies.
1.4k · Oct 2014
The Hoe Down Show Down
Harold r Hunt Sr Oct 2014
The *** Down Show Down
Old Grandpa tune his fiddle with pride.
Uncle Joe on the old banjo
Dad he was willing to go on the old washtub.
I had my spoons in my hand ready for the old showdown.
In walked the Matfields with a smile on their face.
Thinking this hoedown was their place.
It all began in one face pace song after song and the dance was right on a faster pace.
Orange Blossom special was the Matfeilds last song.
But old grandpa had one more to be done.
As the cheer rang out old Rocky Top began to play.
The place jumped with joy and began to perform with pride.
Because old Rocky Top Tenn is our home town you see.
1.4k · Aug 2014
Teacher Teacher
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Teacher teacher
Teacher, teacher I want to know can we go to the moon.
Teacher teacher I want to know can we go to the zoo.
Teacher teacher I want to go to lunch.
Teacher teacher will you please answer me.
Teacher teacher I have to go ***.
1.3k · Jun 2014
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
The other day I was looking at the clouds.
I saw so many different things.
I saw a dog and what looked like a frog.
I saw a goat and a boat.
A ball I did see and top with wings.
But the prettiest of all.
Was an angel with a horn.
Her wings were a fluffy white.
She stood there in the sky until the night did fall.
The clouds they change so much.
1.3k · May 2014
We Honor
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
We honor God, for he is the King of kings.
We honor our mother and father, for the gave us life.
We honor our teachers, for giving their time to teach us the things we require for life.
But most of all we honor the men and women that protect us.
And provide us with the freedom we have.
God blesses them and protects them.
1.3k · Jul 2014
Under the stairs
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2014
Under the stairs.
There is a person who lives under my stairs
He has gray hair and long hair on his face.
I know he takes that place under the stairs.
He wears a dark coat to come out to milk the goat.
Do not mean to imply a word, but his smile is a mile.
I see him everyday when he comes upstairs to stay.
He is so funny when he gives me money.
Tells me of candy for Tammy and I
My mom tells me to go under the stairs
To see if he is there.
I bump my head and I do not hear the roar from under the stairs.
Grandpa there is just laughing hard as he can.
1.3k · Nov 2014
They wear their boots
Harold r Hunt Sr Nov 2014
They wear their boots
For over 234 years, they have worn their boots.
They walked the mud of bunker hill
The snow of Gettysburg.
Through the valleys of Italy and France.
They wear their boots with pride across the world.
Each American in their own boots they do march..
They shine those boots to march down  main street.
With their heads all high and tall.
The American soldier fills those boots they wear.
Blood sweat and yes tears drops fall on these boots.
But they are worn with freedom by design.
Each soldier wants to die with their boots of freedom on.
1.3k · Jun 2014
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2014
Joe was a man in town that did pretty much of everything.
He was the sheriff, and the butcher, he hauls food to the neighbors.
Joe also was working on cars and trucks, pumped gas if you needed some.
Joe had an old tow truck, red in color to match the fire truck.
The tow truck was joes pride and joy.
He made money at the county fair.
He would be tow for miles around. But on race at the fair is where you would find old Joe
They say old Joe died the other day. Just days after he parked the old tow truck.
Joe the handy man.
1.3k · Nov 2015
The Light Of twinkle toes
Harold r Hunt Sr Nov 2015
The light of twinkle toes
Last night I was watching the sky.
And a funny sight my eyes did see.
For in the sky I saw a red light Oh, so bright.
I knew right away it must be the red nose reindeer.
But when I looked again there were four more lights.
They were just as bright as the first one.
When I asked someone close. Who that was?
They said that it was twinkle toes. Santa's new reindeer.
Santa said, i love the red nose, but i get more light from
twinkle toes
1.3k · May 2014
The weekend Bash
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
You cut the lawn and clean the garage.
You fire up the grill.Oh, what a thrill.
For the weekend bash.
The hot dogs are cooking the beer is chilling.
The game will appear to be a killing.
For my weekend bash.
The guest are all but here.
I want to drink my first beer.
Can't wait I'm going insane.
O! Dam here comes the rain.
So there goes  my weekend bash.
1.3k · Jul 2014
Night owl
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2014
Night owl.
I sit on my pouch at night and hear the night owls hoot.
First one then another call back and forth
You can hear them far away.Another here and there.
Hoot hoot they cry just to see who answers them.
A coyote off in the far distance answers with a howl.
Hoot hoot at times I think they are talking to me.
The night owls up late like me.
1.2k · Jul 2014
Car Wars
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2014
Car Wars.
You have fords which some people afford
Chevy they abandoned the levy.
Dodge they play that with a ball in some halls.
Honda is for Rhonda as she tries she might cry.
Toyota is just that a toy that runs on pedal power.
This is the car war. Now we have
Cars that run on corn.
Battery cars that even the copper top will pop.
Electric cars that you plug in, but the cord are short.
Car Wars, I believe that we should buy a horse.
1.2k · May 2014
Guardian Angel
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014

  Oh Guardian Angel of mine. Guide me through the night Keep me safe
From those who fight
Teach me right and wrong. Help me sing pretty happy song.
Taught me how to be happy and not sad.  I don't so I would not be desolate.
Pick me up by the hand. Lead me to the promised land.
Show me to love me. That heaven can be divine.
Full of joy and not of sorrow.
Down the lanes that is narrow.
From Earth to heaven. You know the way.
As you take me here to stay.
Just guide me as I make up my way. For all of I know you will be here.
Here my Guardian Angel. And you know what.
So show me the night that you will be there for Guardian Angel of mine
1.1k · Sep 2016
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2016
We Bleed Red white And blue.
We bleed as a soldier is killed.
We bleed as a policeman gives his life.
We bleed as a child of many color die in the streets.
We bleed for the lost of a love one.
We bleed because we care.
We bleed because we ALL ARE AMERICANS
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