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Sep 2014 · 191
When the when blows
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
When the wind blows
When the wind blows I hear the sound of sweet music.
I hear the leaves on the branches move so softly in the breeze.
I hear the tapping of the wind as it hits the window pane.
The season it changes so fast as day and night.
Bring warm air to those summer nights.
Then with a blast, the cold winter air sends chills down to your toes.
I watch as those trees branches dance telling me the wind does blow.
Sep 2014 · 270
I'm Perfect
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
I'm Perfect
I saw you were perfect so I loved you.
Then I saw you were not perfect.
So I looked again then I saw it wasn't you.
It was me! I'm seeing in a mirror.
So being a Cat I'm PERRRRRRRRRfect!
So love me more?
Sep 2014 · 144
How poetry began
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
How poetry began
Late at night the day my mother passed away.
I could not stay away from the keyboard long.
I sat at the computer and thought of words. But nothing came to thought.
I felt a hand on my back and I got a chill as I started to write.
A phone call to heaven my first poem a call to God requesting him to let my mother know we would be ok.
This poem was my first until an old girlfriend from school took and gave me a kick.(in the leg, like always).
Now I try to think everyday of at least one poem for you to enjoy.Words are hard but I hope you smile
Cry, and laugh. For the comments I thank you all and Keep coming with the contest and I'll write for you all.
Sep 2014 · 553
The Last words
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
The last words
Here I lay looking at the ceiling
Watching you all crying over me.
Thinking to myself the joke is on you all.
Uncle Joey said I was a great guy.
After he said I was worthless to my eyes.
Aunt June she bends down to kiss me goodbye.
Sticking her ***** job ***** in my face.
What a waste of jelly. I think.
Now i hope I can get my last wish.
That is to be buried face down
So you all can kiss my God! It's time for me to go.
So goodbye and haha, The jokes on you.
I'm taking my money with me!
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
The Twins may have fallen but will never die.
They made the towers fall today Just 13 years ago
People scream and people died.
Nevertheless, their memories will live on.
They bought them down with a crash
They shall live together within our memories.
So the twin towers they may have fallen, but they will never die.
We honor those that were there that day with thoughts of why and then we cry.
We tell each other that he was with them as they came into the gate of heaven.
Sep 2014 · 215
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
For 13years the tears have fallen
They fall for heroes and they fall for love ones.
They crash into three parts of the country.
To remember a day that we now honor them.
A day of pain not of joy a day of lost not of find.
The country is flooded with not of water but of these tears.
Two building falls to the ground. One building left with a hole.
In a lonely field, it becomes not lonely no more.
We honor these people for their love.
We will never forget because that is our love for them.
So don't wipe the tears away because you'll wipe away memories.
Sep 2014 · 857
One Autumn Day
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
One Autumn day
One Autumn day I watched the moon fall.
One autumn day I watched the leaves fall from the trees.
On Autumn Day, I watched the twin towers fall to the ground.
On this autumn, I saw tears fall from so many faces.
On this autumn day, we remember those that died.
Sep 2014 · 474
In a dark dark Room
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
In a dark dark room
In a dark dark room
They gather to make their Halloween brew.
Mixing frog legs and bat wings to a tasty treat.
The room of witches and troll they do dance
Getting ready to take your soul.
The moon is full, but no light does shine in the dark room.
The part is wild and as the door does open nobody shows for a minute or so.
Then they come one by one on their brooms heading to the sky.
You hear the yell Happy Halloween.
Let's party in the ,dark dark room when we return.
Sep 2014 · 175
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
The snow blows across the open fields.
The lake is beginning to freeze.
The plows set still as the snow is falling.
Cars are hard to find them under the white of snow.
People are buying all the bread and milk.
As the only warm place is the fireplace.
The wind it howls an ugly sound as it hits the window with snow.
The door you can't open for its frozen shut till morning.
There will be no school for the roads are closed.
It's so cold the dog doesn't want to go out.
Winter time in N.Y. is such a joy.
That's why I moved south.
Sep 2014 · 191
When The Lights go out
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
When the lights go out.
It rains and thunders
As has as could be.
A lightning bolt hits a tree.
Out goes the lights. Pop and a bang.
Here you set with no lights tonight.
Nobody in the house not even a mouse.
The phone does ring and you jump
Almost out of your bedroom shorts.
Someone want to know why you have no lights.
No fire sticks to burn for light.
And you're scared to call it a night.
When all of a sudden you do hear a knock that makes you
Shout the lights are out.
You're to scared to answer the door but you hear a whisper sound.
That's what happens when the lights go out.
Sep 2014 · 306
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Little keys open big locks
Simple Words reflect great thoughts
Your smile can cure block hearts
So keep on smiling like a rock
With each smile you get a friend
And with each friend you get love in return.
Smile my friend and love will grow
As you can only smile.
Sep 2014 · 300
He comes At night
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
He comes At Night
Who is this man they call Santa?
Is he a crook that just likes milk and cookies?
Why does he dress in red?
So I can't see him from my bed!
Why does he bring me toys?
Is it a joy for him to be given?
He comes at night and not at day
I hear the bells on his sled.
Wonder why he comes at night is it because i ask him why
He comes at night?
Sep 2014 · 326
The lights of Christmas
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
The lights of Christmas
I see the snow as it falls on the trees so pretty.
People they gather in the town to see the lights of Christmas.
Red, blue,green and yellow.
Sparkle under the white snow on the trees.
Santa and his sled are all decked out in lights of Christmas.
Snowball fights and songs of joy fill the air and are a sight.
The bells make a song of the season as the snow falls for no reason.
The town is all lite at night with the lights of Christmas.
Sep 2014 · 212
Last letter
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Last Letter
Dear Former love,
     This is my last letter to you.
You have made me blue just one too many time.
I can't sleep thinking of all the heart aches.
This is the only way.
Goodbye and good luck for this is my last letter to you.
wrote for a contest.
Sep 2014 · 191
Moving on
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Moving on
You left in a hurry and I felt sorry.
You did do not say good bye. And I felt like I would die.
You looked sad, but I thought and I was glad.
Glad that I could move on.
Pass on to better things in life and someone that would not give me grief.
Proceed to a love that I can share and not one of despair.
Now you are gone I can say to you.
Move on and don't look back. Don't look back because there is nothing there.
No love,no happiness, because I'm moving on.
A 4th place award winner
Sep 2014 · 239
walk the road of life
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Walk the road of life
As I walk the road of life
I find many road blocks.
Some are harder to make than others.
Life is at the cross roads when you don't know which way to go.
I see the final road is reached when you try to turn and can't find a road to take.
But if you take that final step. You did n't work hard enough to find a better road.
Choose the right road as there are many.
And life is too short to hunt for the right road.
Sep 2014 · 282
One Autumn Night
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
One Autumn Night
I looked at the moon on this autumn night.
I thought I saw a sad face on it.
Because Autumn was about to end on this one autumn night.
Sep 2014 · 630
Waiting at the door
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Waiting at the door
Here I stand waiting for you.
Wondering if you're coming soon.
Are you packing your bags or just taking your good old time?
Waiting at the door is really nice.
Hurry I say I want to close the door.
So I don't have to wait at the door no more.
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Swimming the Allegheny River.
The Allegheny River is a beautiful river set in the heart of the Allegheny Mountains.
When I was a kid we would go camping at a camp site in the Allegheny forest.
My uncle would run his boat.
We would swim in the river almost all day long.
From one side to the other side, it was approximately 1 1/2 miles wide.
We would cross the river by swimming. At least three times a day.
So we swam the Allegheny River every year for about ten year.
Allegheny River in the heart of Pennsylvania a river of fun.
Sep 2014 · 194
Walking with heroes
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Walking with heroes
I walk at night in the graveyard.
To see the headstones of those that are there.
I call each name aloud to be understood. And I hear them all answer yes sir.
We walk the graveyard and see so many from different ways but hero s the same.
The join our walk till day light comes each returning to their spot.
But not before I say thank you to each one of them.
Giving thanks for the freedom they gave and the enjoyment of their company.
As I search for those they say was my family.
I walk with heroes till then.
Sep 2014 · 272
The Phone Calls
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
The phone call.
I sit here just waiting for the phone to ring.
In the middle of the night. I hear it ring.
It gives me a fright.
Two rings and I want to scream 'do I dare to pick it up.
I dread who might be on the other end. Or could it be them.
Three rings and I think different things.
Did they make it or are the dead.
I think this is the call that we all do dread.
The fourth ring and I reach for the phone thinking should I let it ring once more.
The phone does stop and I wonder why I froze to this call.
Then it rings once more. I grab the phone.
To hear a voice say. We made it mom and we are alright.
Love you and goodnight.
I start to think this was a call that was of joy but of those that are not.
Should I have answered it before.
Sep 2014 · 511
Bad luck day
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Bad Luck day
Fell out of bed and broke my arm.
Cooked my lunch and burnt the soup.
Went for a ride and got a flat.
Went to the store and got a ticket.
Took a shower and slipped and broke my leg.
Went to bed and knocked the light over and started a fire.
Just a bad luck day and the week just began.
Sep 2014 · 339
Man needs
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2014
Man needs
Confucius Said "Man cannot live on bread alone"
No he needs an Ipod, a computer, cellphone, Tv, suv.
Did Confucius really know that man needs more than bread?
Aug 2014 · 411
The Day After Christmas
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
The day after Christmas
It's the day after Christmas And the stores are full
People are returning those soxes they don't want.That grandma bought.
While at the North Pole the elves do sleep
Dreaming of a day off.
Santa is in the hospital.
Getting his belly pumped away.
From all the cookies and sour milk he drank.
He thinks out loud to himself. Just this one time.
Why couldn't I have been the Easter bunny or that tooth fairy guy!
Aug 2014 · 393
The night after halloween
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
The night after Halloween
It's the night after Halloween
Witches and goblins are gone.
No more tricks but a lot of treats.
Candy corn and candy apples are all that is left of the scary night.
No spooks to scream and no cats meow.
Just an old owl that says whooo
Who is out there on this night after Halloween.
Aug 2014 · 303
You write you write
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
You Write,you write
You write,you write till the words become a poem.
Long verse or short stories
You write,you write.
Maybe a song or a love letter to those that read.
You write you write it must be a joy.
To see the words you wrote in a contest to be judged.
You win a few you lose a few.
But you write you write till the ink runs out.
Aug 2014 · 201
I can't take you with me
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
I can't take you with me
As I ready to died I find my self needing your smiles.
I can't take the with me for missing them will be such pain.
I can't take the joy of you for there is no joy missing you.
I can't take your heart for missing the beat would not be fair.
Needing you is what keeps me fully going. But I can't take you with me.
I can't take your love because that's all you'll have for me.
But I'll take the memory of use. To hold.
A 8th place Award winner
Aug 2014 · 241
Fall is coming
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Fall is coming.
The leaves are falling out of the trees.
Football season is kicking off.
Schools are filling up.
As the children start their day.
Fall is coming once again
As the cooler weathers returns with a breeze.
The geese they fly to the south.
In a V shape in the wind.
Fall is coming in one month.
Aug 2014 · 367
Blessed the gift
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Blessed The gift
O'Lord blessed are all your hands that heal.
O'Lord blessed are the prayer your answer.
O'Lord blessed are the gift you give each day.
Want to say thank you Lord for the lives you save.
Blessed Lord that answers thee.
By Harold r Hunt Sr
4th place Award
Aug 2014 · 788
The drums beat softly
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
The drums beat softly
I hear far away a drum as it beats.
The beat is like a heart as it beats softly.
The to the right I hears another start to pound.
The beats sound like they is talking to each other.
First one then the other.
Two beat softly playing back and forth.
Then to my left, a sound comes loud as a third drum starts to beat.
The sound is may sound scary.
One beats two beat three beats as they beat the drums softly.
The drums speak to let the natives talk.
Aug 2014 · 235
What If I
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
What if I
What if I stood on my head like a clown?
What if I barked like a puppy dog?
What if I follow you home? >
What if I held my heart and just smiled at you?
What if I bought you a dozen roses?
What if I said, " I love you"?
What if I gave you a ring?
Would you say I love you too?
Aug 2014 · 228
Walking the river.
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Walking the river.
As I walk the river banks
The water seems to flow as if it was following me.
The trees with their branches sum the touch of water to drink.
The river is so quiet that it is nice to walk along just to think.
The birds are flying above the trees ready to take a fish they might see.
The sun it sets and the glare makes the water shine in different colors.
I enjoy a walk along the river and to see all that there.
Got a Honorable Mention Award.
Aug 2014 · 243
the simple things
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
The simple things
It's the simple things in life that mean the most.
A simple smile , a kiss , a hug, holding hands and cuddling.
That's what makes the heart smile.
Being with friends and family simply sets the heart a blaze.With happiness.
Knowing you are loved by all of them.
That's the simple things in life that make the world turn today.
Aug 2014 · 5.0k
A hug
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
A Hug
Hug is need for a family member to
Let them know you love them.
A hug is needed for a friend just to let them know you care.
A hug in the time of need is a special thing for you to give.
A hug will make you feel good.
So hug somebody to day and get the joy of making them happy.
Aug 2014 · 170
I write poetry in my sleep
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
I write poetry in my sleep.
I lay down as to close my eyes.
I see letters marching one by one.
Onto the paper they do go.
I know from my dreams I write them in my sleep.
A poem of sadness and one of joy.
One of trees and one of being free.
Each word goes in to place to forma poem you do read.
I write poetry in my sleep just to put it here.
Aug 2014 · 276
The Kings Came to perform
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
The king came to perform.
There is music in the clouds today.
As the kings gather to play.
The stage is set as the gold does sparkle
The King of country is ready to sing. Hank Williams Sr
Walk to the stage as he sings I saw the light.
The king of rock comes to the stage and the clouds began to shake.
Elvis sings a whole lot of shaking going on.
The last king to show was the king of pop as he did his moon walk .
Michael Jackson As he sings beat it.
They all gather for one more song as the king of bluegrass walks to the stage.
The kings of music they came to play.
Aug 2014 · 328
The Chicken
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
The chicken
There was a chicken that would not cross the road.
She didn't care if the others did.
Getting to the other side wasn't on her mind.
When she wandered about, she stayed away far apart.
When the other asked her why.She didn't cross the road.
She replied I don't want to end up as chicken nuggets at Mc Donalds!
Aug 2014 · 203
Need of healing hands
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Need of healing hands.
Dear God,
  Lay your healing hands on those that need.
May your hands take what's wrong away.
Don't shy away from this call.
We all pray for their needs.
Lay your hands on the sick
And take the pain from them to fix.
Lay your healing hands on their head.
Bless them as we pray in your name
A 4th place Award winner
Aug 2014 · 178
When the moon goes out.
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
When the moon goes out
I always wonder where the moon goes
When the sun comes out.
Does it go to bed?
Does it play hid and seek?
When the moon goes out where does it go.
Does it go in the clouds? I really want to know.
If it is made of cheese who eats it all?
I want to know where it says I really don't know.
Does the man in the moon turns off the light.
I know it shines real bright.
When the moon goes out what happens then?
Aug 2014 · 604
Ghost town night out
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Ghost town night out.
I was passing through this town one night.
No street lights Were on they were old.
The old bar doors was open
I heard a sound of music from inside.
But as I walk to the steps, I could see nothing inside.
When I walked through the door to my surprise.
There was a bar full of glasses all half full.
But nothing was there.
The sound of music coming from the corner.
The old piano was just a playing. With no one at the keys.
The stairs were all but broke.
But suddenly I almost had a stroke.
The curtain on the stage it began to rise.
I heard voice but could not see anyone at all
This was so funny because the sign out side
Read ghost town night out.
Aug 2014 · 487
My feather Friend
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
My feather friend
My little feather friend is a bird.
He sets on my head.
He likes to scream in my ear
Hello or good boy.
He can be a pest at times.
When he wants to play with my pen.
He puts his head down for me to rub.
Sets so still till I'm done.
My feather friend.Says hello to all from woody.
Aug 2014 · 764
Can you remember
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Can You remember
Can you remember the good old days
When milk costs only 25 cents.
How about when bread was a dime.
Can you remember your neighbor's name?
Or when he said hello.
Can you remember stealing a kiss from the girl
Down the street.
Can you remember playing baseball in the park
Until dark.
Can you? Really can you? .
Aug 2014 · 340
13 bars and 50 stars
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
13 bars and 50 stars
Old glory is my name
I'm over 200 yr old.
But yet I fly above the rest of them.
I do not run when I'm shot at.
And I do not back down from none.
Red white and blue are my colors.
I go to school and to war.
I fly high on buildings top.
13 bars and 50 stars
How can anyone not like me?
Aug 2014 · 1.7k
Hillbilly Music
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Hillbilly Music
Grandpa got the boys to gather at night.
Grandpa on the fiddle is so sweet.
Old Pa on the big bass can really make it sing.
Uncle Joe plays a mean wash tube.
While I slap the knees with my spoons.
The sound of old rocky top
Brings the valley to the hills.
We play all night long
As the sing the songs.
The hills do rock to the hillbilly sound.
Of nothing can be finer the being in Carolina.
Hillbilly music is the sweetness of the hills.
Aug 2014 · 409
I'm Sorry
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
I'M Sorry
I'm sorry that it rains
I'm sorry you're in pain.
I'm sorry that your love is'nt true
I'm sorry that I made you blue.
I'm sorry This is wrong
I'm sorry I just don't belong.
I'm sorry is just a word
That true love is misunderstood.
I'm sorry let's just be friends.
I'm not sorry that I still love you.
Aug 2014 · 691
The Chimes of life
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
The Chimes Of Life
The wind blows each day.
You know your time is in the process of being paid.
The chimes of life they does sing.
As you look and just wonder what it will bring.
The chimes of life plays a song
But it's sweet and not wrong.
The wind it blows to tell you life must continue by.
As the chimes of life plays on.
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
Why must I die
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Why must I Die
Today I see babies born
Just to be torn and killed.
Thousands of young and old
Yelling why must I die.
I did nothing wrong.
Is it hate or is it joy
They don't know the fate.
Rwanda 's genocide killing all those that stand.
Swing clubs and machetes. Cutting them all down.
But they don't know why i must die they think.
The blood rolls in the streets.
Who can stop it we want to know
Peace is the answer not the dope.
Aug 2014 · 372
Behind these bars
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Behind these Bars
I'm behind these bars
I don't know why.
They put me here from far away.
I see others but can't get out.
I'm just going out of my mine.
Being behind these bars.
I get food twice a day.
And that is my pay
I'm a tiger, that's behind these bars.
Aug 2014 · 316
School days #3
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
School Days 3
Can't find my homework.
The dog must have eaten it.
Missed the bus.So I had to walk next door to the school.
Mom is going to get mad. I got a F for lunch.
The day is almost over.
I watch the clock with care.
Then it happens.I wake up!
Then I think it's only the second day of school.
Aug 2014 · 335
Zoar Valley
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2014
Zoar Valley
There is a place a long the creek in Catt.Co. N.Y.
The valley sits between two cliffs in the low spot of the creek.
It's called zoar valley. The water runs over the fall so you can know where to swim.
A quiet little place with green trees in the summer.
In the fall people come from far away to see the colors of the trees /
Red,yellow and brown as the leaves do change.
In this valley know as zoar valley Catt Co.N.Y.
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