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May 2014 · 201
In The deep
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
In the Deep.
I get ready to go into the water. Ready as I can be.
As I get in to the water, I splash a little on my face.
I jump around like a fish. In a dish.
I put my head in the to see. What kind of thing I can find.
In the deep, I go like a rock to the bottom I do fall.
I get to the bottom real fast.
I think to myself.
This water really isn't deep.
I'm in my bath tube in the to water chin.
May 2014 · 243
I'm alone
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
I'm alone.
L'm alone sitting at my home. Nothing to do because I'm alone.
I walk the floor to the door.But I'm alone.
I don't hear a sound all quiet as can be. Because I'm alone.
I decide to get the door to see if I can hear a sound at all.
But I'm alone.
No lights are on now I can't even hear a cow.
Because I'm alone.
The woods are dark as they can be. I'm alone as can be.
Just as I turn to leave, I hear an owl say who.
So I'm not alone.
May 2014 · 444
Who Are you?
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Who are you? You are not rich, you are not famous, you're not a politician, not a movie star, not poor. Who are you? You are not a preacher, you are not a teacher or even a Sunday school teacher you are not a football player or a sports star. But who are you?
Your not a Fireman or even a policeman, Your not a solider or a ring master.
Your not a wrestler or a boxer to.
Your not a cowboy or a redskin fan.
Who Are You ? I"M ME!!!!
May 2014 · 283
A Day in heaven.
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
A day in heaven with God, in the early morning he hands all the angels a list of names of people he wants in heaven with him. By noon, he stops at the gate and welcomes the new comers.A long line that takes him to the early evening, Then it to the gates of hell to bring the good people away from there. A job that runs the whole night. Then it to sleep he says,with one eye open to watch who is coming soon. To spend a day in heaven with him.
May 2014 · 183
When will I grow up?
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
When will I grow up?
I look at others and think of nothing but another day of being small.
I go to school and there I am I can't reach things like the others.
When I go to lunch to sit with my friends. And I can't see over the table to see if they are there.
I just want to climb the stairs at night. But get told, I'm to little.
I can't reach the sink. To wash my feet. So now they stink.
I need a boost in to bed. However, I bump my head.
I lay awake and really think.
When will I grow up?
May 2014 · 357
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Well one full week of school gone bye. Kids are asking when Christmas vacation starts. Not enough work to keep awake in class. So 1st - 4th period is sleep time. But wheres the teachers. In the teacher's room drinking and being all sorts of fun.Weekend here more homework. Can't watch tv can't play video games can't go to girlfriends house.(Boy) I thought school was from Monday to Friday  not the whole weekend too.!!Weekend is over back to school tomorrow. Homework not done. Dog ate part of it the birds ate the rest. Teacher will be ****** but not going to school tomorrow. Have Dr appointment so who cares.Week two of school more homework that will never end. Teacher takes a cell phone because you're bored in a class that you don't need. Football team stinks so bad that even the mascot had to cry why me. So what will next week bring the same old stuff. Oh welcome back to school kids have fun!!
May 2014 · 4.0k
Weekend thrill.
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Friday night no home football game. Video games are a bore. Wrestling the same old stuff. So what good is the weekend.
Sunday is here what a thrill needed to clean.The rotten grill.
Monday can't get here fast enough.
Then only four days to be completed. Then it's back to the weekend!
May 2014 · 146
I can see you!
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
I can see you.
I see you. But you can't see me. I walk with you. But you can't feel me only in your heart. I listen to you. But I can't talk to you. I'll be there for you. All you do be just needed to say my name. I'm your family, but I'm your friend. I'm your god call on me!
May 2014 · 222
What they say!
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
They say I 'm a hero. But I'm not I fight for what I and millions of us belive in. To carry out what this nation was formed on. The belief that every AMERICAN should live free. I'm not the hero I just do what I can to make you and this country free for all...I am a veteran and first of all AMERICAN>GOD BLESS US ALL
May 2014 · 291
The Swing Door.
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
The Swing Door.
Open and close goes the door.
All day long.
In and out goes the people.
No one stopping to think.
Open and close one more time. Ouch!! I was hit in the eye.
Back and forth goes the swing door.
May 2014 · 175
Today somewhere
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Today somewhere a gun killed somebody. It does not really matter who it was that  did it. It could have taken place on the streets of the USA or in some war hating country overseas. But the question my friends is. Do we give up our rights to bare arms here to save a life or to let some war hater **** us?
Somewhere today we lay to rest . A child, a bother, a sister or our father and mother.
Today somewhere a gun goes quiet! A body lays dead, A person cries," When will this stop?"
Today somewhere in this world.
Today somewhere a gun killed somebody. It does not really matter who it was that  did it. It could have taken place on the streets of the USA or in some war hating country overseas. But the question my friends is. Do we give up our rights to bare arms here to save a life or to let some war hater **** us?
Somewhere today we lay to rest . A child, a bother, a sister or our father and mother.
May 2014 · 233
I Walk Not Alone
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
I walk  not alone
I walk not alone. But with many of my brothers and sisters. I watch them fall. Knowing I maybe next. I carry my head high knowing what I doing was making my nation proud.
I stand up for freedom in the world. So I can see little children grow. This land that I serve has been free for over 200 years. Many before me gave their life. Now it's mine to do the same. As the bombs drop, I see  out in the distance a flag. It has many stars and red and white stripes ripped but not fallen. I just think about only one thing this flag is mine and I helped keep it flying. So not only we serve a nation. We serve those that have died before us. So God blesses America And my brothers and sisters.
May 2014 · 212
Nothing Wrong.
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Putting yourself down is wrong. There is nothing  wrong with you. You are yourself and if the others don't like it. Well they are just wrong about themselves.You are you and that's how it is!! So believe in yourself.
Because there is nothing wrong. keep your head held high
Theres' nothing wrong!!
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Do American's misunderstand the meaning of Christmas? We Do! We give gifts of toys, video games, tv and yes even guns. We don't say Merry Christmas anymore for the thought it might offend someone. The Joy Of seeing young children face's light up has turned to tears of death and fright. No long does we say to our neighbors Merry Christmas and how are you today. We run in the house and hide in fear. In 15 mins, it will be Christmas God gave us his only son 2012 years ago. Today as you share your family's joy thinks of those that lost love ones here and afar. My God blesses all my face book friends AND A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!
May 2014 · 397
When I
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
When I
When I was five I wanted a BB gun. My father bought me a water gun. When I was 10 I wanted a 22. But my dad bought me a cap gun. When i was 15 I wanted a shot gun and I got a bb gun. When I turned 22 I wanted an ak47. And got kicked in the **** and told you're not a killer you're still my child. And you get what I give you or tell you what you can have because I'm your father and God says honor your father and mother!
May 2014 · 234
Who Are These Killers
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Who Are these killers? They are, ***  that want to get their joy off by killing others. 1 second of fame can claim one life. Is it really worth the money time and greatness to give them their wishes? 1 sec one life 1 life is priceless when you can see that life grow. They say time will heal. But nothing can heal the feeling of hugs and kisses missing from the lost. You shall not forget the lost. But you also will never forget the horror of what causes a lost. We have sport stars. Movie actors,they should get the fame. Not the killers! 6 secs 6 lives may the heavens cry for what has happened here on earth. 6 young angels sending kisses to all of us from above.
May 2014 · 232
11 Days Before Christmas
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.
Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
They were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.

They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"Where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
"This is heaven." declared a small boy. "We're spending Christmas at God's house."
When what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
Then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
And in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring,
those children all flew into the arms of their King.
And as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
And as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."
Then He looked down on earth, the world far below.
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe.
Then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"let my power and presence re-enter this land!"
"May this country be delivered from the hands of fools."
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"
Then He and the children stood up without a sound.
"Come now my children, let me show you around."
Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
All displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
And I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT
May 2014 · 361
A Letter to a Soldier
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
A letter to a soldier.
Dear Solder:
   I saw you the other day. You had on a uniform so neat. With shinny buttons and shoe.
I like the way you carried the flag. Nice tall For all to see.
My dad says, You fight for our freedom and for me to be able to write this letter.
My dad says freedom doesn't come cheap. And many of your friends.Have gave their lives?
He told me about the American wars and how the first war was for our freedom and rights.
He told me how a man tried to **** us all and take our country. How the soldiers stop them all.
We solder,. 't time for me to go to bed . But I'll say a prayer for you tonight.
Thanking you for my freedom and my life.
                Thankyou American solder,            
May 2014 · 179
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
The Race is on.
When I was a kid we resided in a big house.
My family continued to be in a hurry.
One day I was going down the hallway. Towards my room.
When all of a sudden my sister came with a charging.
She was running like a jack rabbit.
She yelled out of my way.
I made a dash to the door.As I heard footsteps coming behind.
So the race was on. Down the hall to the door.
I made it and closed it behind.
She yelled hurry up. I yelled I just have to ***.
May 2014 · 260
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
American Red.
For many years, we have struggled for our freedom.
Starting with England at Bunker Hill.
We have fought even with our own neighbors.
We have been in Two world wars.
Wars in korea,Japan and viet nam.
Today we continue to be fighting a war.
But the American red is the blood of every American that died for our freedom.
American red that stands for the love they gave us.
We put this red together with white and blue. And you have the American Flag.
Long may it wave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
May 2014 · 423
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
The tour bus of heaven.
I was told that when I die.
I should take the tour bus of heaven.
They told me I would see a lot of stars.
I would see Ricky, Lucy, Fred and Ethel.
There might be a chance that I could see Roy Roger and Dale Evens.
Riding through the clouds.
They said the bus would go by Andy and Barney with aunt Be.
As you ride down the street they said, look for Curly,Larry and Moe.
Always doing something crazy.
The last stop will be a big one, for there will be a group of stars,
Hank, Tex, Bill and Minnie pearl.Country music finest.
So make sure to take that tour bus to the stars in heaven.
May 2014 · 335
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
I saw you standing on your porch.
You were dressed in some funny close.
You waved to me and I waved to you.
I asked my dad who you were.He said you were one of the neighbor boy.
I asked him why you were dressed in those humorous close.
Then my dad said to me.He said,That you were  dressed in a uniform.
He serves our country as a member of the arm service.
He does his time to protect us at all times.
A few days later I meet him once more.
I get close to him and I said I remember you.
Thank you very much for my freedom And may God bless you!
May 2014 · 465
Tail of Two Buffalo s
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Tail of two Buffalo s.
There are two Buffalo s I do know.
One very close and the other very far.
They both have different things.
A football team and tall buildings.
The other has a racetrack and very nice people.
One Buffalo is in the north and the other in the South.
I know of these Buffalo s because I have lived close to them both.
Buffalo, N.Y.  Buffalo, S.C.
May 2014 · 280
No Lights
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
No lights.
What happens when the lights go out?
It gets dark and you can't see.
It gets scarey and you become afraid.
You can't walk because you'll bump your head.
So what happen when the lights go out?
You go to sleep for its bed time!
May 2014 · 306
The Train
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
The train.
I hear a sound in the far distance.
I can't quite distinguish between the sound.
As I listen it becomes more clear.
A sound of a horn I do hear it now.
A train is coming down  the tracks.
Don't know where it's going.
I hear it drawing closer. Could it be?
Yes, as it sounds once more it goes pass  my house.
My house shakes a little then things begin to be come quiet once more.
The train to nowhere just went by.
May 2014 · 258
The Pond
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
The pond
There is a pond at the end of the road.
no gate no fences just a little pond.
The grass is green but freshly cut.
You see people there fishing all day long.
The water is very clear as it can be.Just ready to swim in if could be.
The pond in real neatly takes care of.
Because it set near the center of town.
May 2014 · 1.1k
Two Thumbs Up
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Two Thumbs Up.
My granddaughter she plays baseball.
One day she had a game I went to see her.
She got up to bat and hit the ball hard and far.
She yelled from first that one is for you grandpa.
The next time she came to bat she hit the ball farther than before.
She headed to second I yelled keep going. As she rounds to third
I gave her a thump up.
She headed to home and I wishing so hard.
But the umpire yelled ,"You're out!"
She was looking at me with tears in her eyes.
But I still gave her two thumbs up.
To my MVP.
May 2014 · 279
MY Bird
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
My Bird
My bird is a parrot.
He is funny as can be.
He hangs upside down in his cage. Like a bat.
He squawks and screams to let you know that he is there.
But he is the funniest when he says get me the hell out of here.
Woody is his name and he'll tell you he's a good boy.
He flies through the house without a care landing on your head to let you know he cares.
2 Honoeable mention Awards and is being published in a book..
May 2014 · 382
Two Sisters
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Two Sisters at the gates to heaven.Looking for someone they know.
They look as they walk,left to right.
Looking to see them soon.
Two sister walking hands and hand.
As they walk a little more. They saw a friend the missed before.
Asking him, "has you seen "?
He pointed down the way.
Two sisters hands and hand.
One sister tells to the other as she points. There they are.
The fresh looks with a face of joy.
there is mom and dad.
Two sisters being in heaven so the can be family once more.
For My Two Sisters My you R.I.P. Hope you found them!
May 2014 · 251
Why Do You Cry?
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
A little boy and his mother were talking one day.
The little boy was having a great time.Asking all sorts of question.
When out of the blue the boy did ask.Why do you cry at night?
Is it because I am mad? See if it is because you are sad?
Is it because you miss Dad?
Oh, why do you cry?
Is it because you are cold or is it because I'm coming old?
Is it because you are lonely?
So mom why do you cry?
May 2014 · 1.3k
We Honor
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
We honor God, for he is the King of kings.
We honor our mother and father, for the gave us life.
We honor our teachers, for giving their time to teach us the things we require for life.
But most of all we honor the men and women that protect us.
And provide us with the freedom we have.
God blesses them and protects them.
May 2014 · 228
The Doctor Visit
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
I went to the doctors today.
He came in to the room.
He asked do you smoke.
I said "Why now do you see any?"
He said,"do you drink", I said," Why do you need one?"
Then he said. "Strip off you close".
I said," I hope you 're not taking off yours"!
Then the doctor said. "Can I see your ears?"
I said,'i clean them everyday"
Then he says. "Broaden your mouth and stick out your tough,".
I said,"I only do that a to my wife"!
Then he says."Why are you here today?"
I said,"Why Don't you know you 're the doctor"!
May 2014 · 264
No Time
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
My wife asked me to mow the lawn.
My wife  asked me to wash the car.
She then tells me to take out the trash, As I walk the dog.
She says to me "please clean the grill".
After you, take the kids to school..
She says "don't forget to go to the bank" pick up the food for tonight.
My wife tells me. "Hurry or the food will burn".
I shout, I have NO TIME!
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
As I open the gates of heaven. I listen to the sweet music of Johnny cash.
As I board the train, as he sings the orange blossom special.
I take the train for the stage. Where there stood Patty page.
She was singing loud and strong.Beyond the clouds, the sky is always blue.
So true to hear.
As we traveled down the tracks. I have a sound that I member so well.
As Conway Twitty sang Hello darling
As we approached the end of the trail.
I heard the King Hank Williams Sr himself singing to God I saw the light.
As i left the train i could hear them all sing,
I walk the floors of heaven.
Do you still hear them sing
May 2014 · 241
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Banjo man
Banjo man plays all day long.
Plays music that can make you cry.
Plays music that makes you always wants to sing.
Banjo man has played with the best.
Playing his music from the east to the west.
He plays  with Patty Page.
He been  on every stage.
He plays his banjo proud and tall.
Banjo man plays a great banjo.
May 2014 · 399
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
It's on to the floor and out the door.
In the hall and to the wall.
Over the wall to the fence.
Over the fence, we go. Freedom not far away.
We hear the horn blow to enable them to know a jail break is on.
It's back go to our cells.
Lock down it shall be.
May 2014 · 451
The Mighty Boxers.
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
I get to the ring as brave as can be.
No fear at all as I listen to the crowd cheer.
I go into the ring with no signs of fright.
Just ready to fight.
They call my name. Now i wait for my fame.
I take steps to the center of the ring as the bell sounds with a ding.
A job here and a job there. As we dance around the ring.
I hear the bell ring and I think the world is prepared to see.
The mighty boxer I can be.
Then I hear the count of eight.
Someone, yells you should have ducked.
. Now there is nothing more to fight.
May 2014 · 233
I Walk.
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
I walk through the valley of  death.
Not knowing which way it will be.
I carry only my rifle to protect me.
Knowing death my come from  him.
I live to server those that i protect.
Like so many have before me.
I love my job and my country.
I'm an American soldier.
So I walk through the valley of death only for you.
May 2014 · 365
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
A little oldy gave me a dollar.
I gave her two in return.
The little old lady gave me two.
I gave her three in return.
The little old lady gave me four.
I gave her five in return.
The little old lady gave me five.
I gave her five in return.
The little old lady Ask me why i only gave her five.
I said "the Government would declare it a income and I would be taxed.
May 2014 · 962
The Ladder.
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
I climb the ladder rail by rail. I don't even know why.
Up and up I go towards the top.
Just a few more to go then i'll be there.
To the top i am now. I hear from down below.
You can start painting the house now.
had to re do might not be the same if anyone copied please send me a copy.
May 2014 · 1.8k
The Deer Hunter
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
I grab my gun and to the woods. Thinking today will be fun.
I stand next to a tree not to *** .Justas I see a bear coming towards me.
I drop my gun and start to run.
As I hear my gun go bang. I look to see the bear on the run.
But on the ground under a tree I see . A deer just for me.
So I take my deer and have another beer.
Thinking deer meat for me tonight.
May 2014 · 265
The Red Apple
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
There is a red apple in the tree.
It was planted with a seed,
Now put the apple on your head.
With this arrow i will shoot.
Straight and narrow.
Oops, i missed .
Look at the nice red apple.
May 2014 · 270
The End
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
The beginning .

The Middle.

The End.
May 2014 · 414
A hole in the ground
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
There's a hole in the ground.
There's a town in the hole that's in the ground.
There are friendly people.That is positioned in the town. Live in the hole in the ground.
There is a creek that passes through the town. That is positioned in the hole in the ground.
There are trees that are next to the creek. That passes through the town. That is placed in the hole that is in the ground.
This town is Gowanda, New York.
My hole in the ground.
To get to this town.No matter what road you are put on. You have to go down hill
To get to this town .No matter what road you are on . You have to go down hill.
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Children playing on the play ground.
Swings going back and forth.
See saws going up and down.
Merry go rounds going around and around.
Children running everywhere.
Now no children on the play ground.
No swings going back and forth.
No see saw going up and down.
The merry go round has stopped.
No children running .
Where have all the children gone?
Back to class. School is going on.
2014 Harold R Hunt Sr.
May 2014 · 107
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Off and On , Off and On .
Bright and bright. Dark and dark.
   Who's playing with the lights?
May 2014 · 201
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Up and down, up and down.
Back and forth , back and forth.
Around and around , around and around.
What a fun day at the park!!!!!!
May 2014 · 252
Am I Near Heaven.
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
A little boy and his went for a walk on Wednesday.
They came up on a big mountain that touch the sky.
The little boy said," we are going to climb up there today!"
                The dog barked.
They climbed for miles and miles. Up and up. Towards the sky
When they where almost to the top. He looked down to see the town.
As they climbed higher and higher the town became smaller and smaller.

When they got to the top. All they could see was clouds.
He could hear the birds below but no trees he could see.
He turn to his dog, a friend indeed, he asked with a look of need,"  Am
I near Heaven?"
   For just days ago his mother had died. and he wanted to be near..
Harold Hunt Sr   April 6, 1997
May 2014 · 256
The Sunset.
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
How beautiful the sunset:
It's color filled the western sky.
Crimson, yellow , purple and orange.
Watched him change as words go by.
So quickly fade and disappear.
Our earthly lives once the past. And return of Christ is near.
The beauties that wait us in heaven and glory all about.
Far suppress that of the Sunset.
And we will ever be with those we love.
May 2014 · 340
Firemen Prayer.
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
When I am called to duty, God.
Whatever flame may rage.
Give me strength to save a life.
Help me embrace a little child before it is late, or save an older person from the horror that fate.
Enable me to be alert and quickly and efficiently to put the fire out.
I will want to fill my calls and give the best of me, to guard my every
neighbor and protect his property life recording to my fate.
plus, with your protecting hands my children and my wife.
This was written by a brother firemen. Whose name is unknown.
I carried a care with this prayer for 42 years in my wallet.
I thought I would share it with all of you and my brother fire fighters.
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