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Oct 2016 · 616
When the rain falls
Harold r Hunt Sr Oct 2016
When the rain fall it is tear drops from heaven.
As they fall each one is a drop from love ones.
And friends.
Drops of love and tears of love wanting you to know how much your loved
falling from heaven here they come .
When they fall look up one is for you.
When the rain falls love will fill the air.
Oct 2016 · 617
Harold r Hunt Sr Oct 2016
Harold Hunt
Just now ·
Little girl she does dream. While a little Boy he does play.
While the angels do a dance to the song she does sing about a star they begin to to pray.
little grrl she begins to sing a song of a star so near but so far
The little boy he plays a drum to the song she does sing
While the angels do a dance to the song she does sing about a star they begin to to pray.
They all pray for those that have died,
That are on  the star which are near but far.
The little girl far.does dream As the little boy he does play.
The Angels they still do a dance on the star which is so near but so far.
Sep 2016 · 384
I can't sleep
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2016
I can't sleep at night because my heart is broken.
you left and my heart is falling apart.
I had always said that I would protect you,
But I failed to do so.
I can't sleep
I cry for you my little one.
So Young and cute.
I can't sleep for I can't say bedtime.
I can't put your tiny body next to mine.
I can't check on you through the night.
I can't protect you
I can't sleep at night my heart is all broken.
Sep 2016 · 509
I won't say goodbye
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2016
It's hard to say goodbye to you.
You capture my heart as well as my love.
Your cry when you was barked to get up/
Your happiness just to be with me.
I won't say goodbye my Taco.
You died so young.
Without a kiss
Without a cry.
Without a goodbye
I won't say goodbye but a so long for now.
Till we meet again A kiss to you and a so long
i just won't say goodbye
Love you Taco So long
Sep 2016 · 545
No love like a puppy's love
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2016
There is no love like yours.
Sweet kisses that i'll miss.
The dancing of joy when you missed me.
The rides we took together with your head on my shoulder.
A sweet kiss before you went to sleep.
There is no love like a puppy's love
Your heart my have stopped but your love will live in my heart forever.
So sleep tight my little pup in the arms of God.
For I'll miss you .
There is no love like the puppy's you gave me.
Sep 2016 · 695
My sweet little puppy
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2016
My little puppy was a pretty little girl.
She slept at the foot of my bed.
all you need to do was rattle your keys and she was ready to go.
She would ride in my arms as I drove.
Sleeping away as she rode with me.
If I left her at home, she would greet me with a lot of kisses.
She was my little puppy.
Then one night she was taken from me.
A driver of a fast car killed her.
A helpless little pup full of joy.
My sweet little puppy now in the hands of God.
But her heart will always be with me, my sweet baby girl.
RIP My little baby Taco.
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2016
No honor but God will love you
There is no honor if you disrespect God.
No honor if you doesn't stand for the flag.
No honor did you stand on the flag or burn it.
No respect for back talking your parents
No honor if you do these thing
But God will love you.
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2016
We Bleed Red white And blue.
We bleed as a soldier is killed.
We bleed as a policeman gives his life.
We bleed as a child of many color die in the streets.
We bleed for the lost of a love one.
We bleed because we care.
We bleed because we ALL ARE AMERICANS
Sep 2016 · 301
eyes that cry
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2016
Eyes That Cry
My eye cry when I just think about the day the towers fell.
They cry when the hear of people being killed.
They cry for the policemen that get killed for only doing their jobs.
My eyes cry for the young that watch as their parents are killed in the street.
They cry for America We are dying as a nation.
My eyes cry when someone tells me another soldier has killed by freedom.
This is the eyes that cry.
They cry one tear at a time for one death
No more they say I can't cry no more.
Sep 2016 · 793
You Impress me
Harold r Hunt Sr Sep 2016
You Impress me
You impress me with your smile.
One of happiness and joy.
You Impress me with your eyes.
That has seen tears of both joy and sad.
You impress me with your mouth.
That gives joy with the words you speak.
You impress me the most by saying" I Love you till i die"
Aug 2016 · 344
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2016
God bless the future of Dixie
May they have Southern grit
To stand strong for Dixieland
May they NEVER forget
What an honor it is to say
My Southern Roots Run Deep
So when I die bury me with my feet in the south.
That way I'll always be in Dixieland.
Aug 2016 · 540
I saw a light
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2016
I saw a light
I saw a light in the sky. See if it is from a jet that was passing by?
I saw a light in the sky see if it is a light from an airport light.
I saw a light in the sky was it from your flashlight so bright.
I saw a light in the sky  it was from a star that God sent to you
Letting you knows he is watching over you
So leave the light burn bright and my God Bless you.
Aug 2016 · 456
walking my tiger home
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2016
Walking my tiger home
Walking my tiger home is a job.
She pulls me down the street for that food at home
She runs like a rabbit pulling me right behind.
It becomes a tug of war she pulling me and I pulling her back.
No cat or dog can stand in her way.
For being only 2 feet tall shes a real tiger when
I walk my tiger home
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2016
There are candles burning somewhere.
Tonight there are candles burning
For the falling heroes that gave their lives for our freedom.
A candle burns to say thank you.
From the highest mountain top.
To the lowest coastline of our shores.
A candle burns tonight to show our love
No hate, no disrespect for these soldiers.
As the candles burn somewhere, let the flame burn bright for America.
Aug 2016 · 603
Stay in touch with God
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2016
Stay in touch with God
Stay in touch with God
Don't lose him from your life.
A prayer will tell him that you care.
Stay in touch with God.
A word of love and a smile will be all you need.
For he knows you are there. To stay in touch with him.
Aug 2016 · 613
God Makes Heroes.
Harold r Hunt Sr Aug 2016
God makes heroes.
Today and everyday god to make a hero.
Our soldiers, those that came before us
Those that will die today and forever.
God made a hero.
God gave them the bravery to strive for freedom here and everywhere.
To keep what they believe in freedom.
God made them a hero.
They don't ask for nothing in return.
A prayer for them makes their job happy for the day.
Jul 2016 · 447
No Hot Dogs For This Dog
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2016
No Hot Dog for this dog
I'm a little puppy that loves to eat.
Ham bones, pork chops that are great.
But no hot dogs for this dog.
Pizza and chips they make me flip.
Ice cream and cake i can rake it in.
But please no hot dogs for this dog.
I'm the queen of the house, even the mouse don't get the cheese
Steak or nothing for me.
May be a taco for this taco.
Just no hotdogs!!
Jul 2016 · 299
A tear from mom
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2016
A tear from mom.
Mom has gone to the heaven above. To be with dad.
Setting at the window looking at the heaven.
Thinking of times of joy and fun.
A drop of water falls from the sky
I think it's a tear from mom.
A tear to let me things will be ok.
Another tear to say I love you
Sweet tears from the heaven that are mom's
To a dear friend .
Jul 2016 · 411
Color Blind
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2016
Color blind
Two little boys are playing in the mud.
Both covered from head to toe.
They play as friends with just the thought of mud.
When they finished they dumped water on their heads.
One of the boys look at the other and said" your mud didn't come off"
Jul 2016 · 495
A puppy's dream
Harold r Hunt Sr Jul 2016
A puppy's dream
I go to bed at night. I lay my little head in my bed.
I start to dream the day away.
Bacon in the morning,oh what a smell.
The red ball I chase down the hall under the table it goes.
Then out doors are my greatest thing. The neighbors cat is my target.
Around the house and through the follows I go.
Up the tree, the cat does run.(one of these days she will be mine).
Then it's suppertime for me a stake bone might be nice.
Then to the bathroom I go. Water in the tub is just for me.
A rubber duck I find is great.
Then it's to bed I go.Oh, what a dream.
This is my puppy dream and it is GRRRReat!!!
Jun 2016 · 393
What happen
Harold r Hunt Sr Jun 2016
What happen
What happen to the Fourth Of July parade
What happen to the flags that led the parade?
What happen to all the floats and funny clowns
What happen all the old cars and the fire trucks.
What happen to the bands that played the music.
Where did it go?
No more they say it might offend someone.
Well if you are offended Please think who's country, you're in.
May 2016 · 315
A Dot
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2016
A dot is small, a dot can be big.
A dot is round, a dot can be a clown....
A dot can be blue or it can be red..
A dot can mean something or maybe nothing.
but we use it so much that it means we are done.
Apr 2016 · 353
Harold r Hunt Sr Apr 2016
I'm blind by no chose of mine.
I can  not see the flows grow or the birds that sing.
I can't see the blue sky or the planes that flies.
I can  not see the children smile or why they may cry.
I'm blind by no chose of mine.
I can't watch their car that go by.
Or the band that marches by.
I can't see the stars at night or the moon that shine so bright.
I can not see the green trees grow or the cows walk the fields.
I'm blind by no chose of mine.
Harold r Hunt Sr Apr 2016
There is someone following me
There is someone following me. Everywhere I go.
He follows me to school. He follows me to the church.
I see him on the playground. I see him on a swing.
I not see him at night unless the light is on.
I meet him at the picnic grounds eating a hot dog.
There is someone following me but when I look around.
There is no one in sight but me and my shadow.
could that be who is following me?
Harold r Hunt Sr Apr 2016
I should not read that fine print
I should not read the fine print
For it hurts my eyes as I try.
It's so tiny that I cannot read.
To find out that they are taking my money
Or that i have to pay twice to get the gift.
I should not read the fine print
For it might tell me I'm going blind.
So read with care for it might tell you a story
Apr 2016 · 412
A flag that does not fly
Harold r Hunt Sr Apr 2016
A flag that does not fly.
They place a flag up on his casket.
One to honor his life he gave to his country.
It will not fly today on a building.
Only in the hearts of those he left behind.
Stars and stripes an American flag.
Give to his family to honor him.
with the stars up facing heaven
As he is called to another place to serve a higher power.
May we bless those that left and those that will
For this flag will only fly for them.
Mar 2016 · 4.1k
I met a deer
Harold r Hunt Sr Mar 2016
I met a deer
I met a deer a big brown deer.
We met in the dark.
Not as friends just a run of the mill meeting.
I had to stop but it was too late
The meeting was over and the deer was dead.
I guess a car at 65 would not make a good friend of a deer.
So stay out of my way. I like deer meat.
Mar 2016 · 442
Who am I
Harold r Hunt Sr Mar 2016
Who am I
I am me.
A person of no real status
I am not a king. I am not a president.
I am me
A kind person at times
A friend when needed
Someone that can be hated. But someone that can be loved.
Who am I? Well I am me and right now i'am a poet.
Mar 2016 · 337
the rain
Harold r Hunt Sr Mar 2016
The rain.
The rain is falling so softly on the window.
A light tapping sound is like music.
The *** on the ground is getting washed
As the rain falls.
I look to see if the *** is filling
But I don't know if it is half full or is half empty.
The rain keeps falling.
Birds are bathing in a puddle singing a song of joy.
Then it stops. The rain is gone from this spot.
Moving to the next place. But the *** is still not full.
Maybe next time it will be half full or half empty.
So let it rain.
Mar 2016 · 957
love in the air
Harold r Hunt Sr Mar 2016
Love in the air
Love is in the air when you can hear the birds sing their love songs without music.
Love is in the air when you see two young people holding hands as they walk together
Love is in the air as you smell the flowers grow
Love is in the air as you feel the april rain falling on the flowers,
Love is in the air as those flowers grow in may
Those flowers grow to bring June And July weddings to the lovers that walk together.
Is it great to have the love in the air?
Mar 2016 · 449
I am looking for a America
Harold r Hunt Sr Mar 2016
I am looking for America
I am looking for the America that fought to develop into a nation.
I am looking for America that fought Indian to get land to become a nation.
  I am looking for America that fought to give the blacks their freedom.
Where has this America gone?
I am looking for America that won two world wars.
I am only looking for America that put a man in space.
I am looking for America where people stood on the street on the 4th of July
And saw the flag go by. And they put their hand on their heart.
Where has this America gone?
I am just looking for America where you dine with your neighbor.
I am just looking for America where children played games in the street with no fear.
I am only looking for America.Where you say hello to any person and they say it back.
Where has this America gone
Over 200 years living together  we Should live as America
I am only looking for that America!
Feb 2016 · 304
Waiting in the dark
Harold r Hunt Sr Feb 2016
Waiting in the dark
I am here alone, nobody to speak to.
Nobody to see. Waiting for something to happen.
No nothing for me.
Now I look to see if there is anyone there.
Just waiting here in the dark is not for me.
Only now I open my heart to you.
For now the door has open
I'm not waiting in the dark no more.
For the sunshine is out the door.
Feb 2016 · 361
The poem I forgot
Harold r Hunt Sr Feb 2016
The poem I forgot
I wanted to write a poem
A that everyone would not forget
One of flowers, one about dogs.
Maybe one about the clouds in the sky
Or the cold snow or the sunshine.
I just always wanted to write a poem.
But I forgot the words!
Feb 2016 · 424
Shoot That Groundhog
Harold r Hunt Sr Feb 2016
Shoot that groundhog
The snow remains on the ground.
Cold air is rocking the north.
Buffalo is digging out of the snow.
People are buying all the milk and bread.
Roads are close. Schools are out.
The groundhog said 6weeks of snow.
People are panking, and shouting shoot that groundhog!
For its the July 4th and it's snowing in buffalo.
Feb 2016 · 338
Where do poets go
Harold r Hunt Sr Feb 2016
Where Do poets Go
As I write a poem I often wonder where do poets go.
Do travel the world to look for that poem they have been waiting for?
Do just sit and think if I was a great poet would I have all the words to write a great poem?
Where do those poets go?
Do they go to the moon or mars? Or to the underground to find that super hero.
Do they travel to a parade to see all the flags that fly?
May be they go to heaven to find a love one or looks for a well known person.
Well I know of one poet that does know where he is going.
That is to bed to find a great poem.
Feb 2016 · 291
Moon watching
Harold r Hunt Sr Feb 2016
Looking through the window ,I see the Moon, in between the branches ,and it looks huge and bright!!! Beautiful!!! I watch each night as it changes shape. I watch as it travels through the sky from east to west what a wonderful thing to watch.Sometimes white sometimes orange it's nice to watch the moon at night
By Denise Ebert and Harold R Hunt sr.
Harold r Hunt Sr Feb 2016
I love thee let me count the ways
I love thee let me count the ways.
I love you when you wake me in the morning
My love for laying out my close for me.
I love you when you have the car running for me.
I love you for dinner on the table.
I love you when you turn the tv to football.
I love you for all of that.
Only if it was true.
Feb 2016 · 449
I want to be a politician
Harold r Hunt Sr Feb 2016
I want to be a politician
I want to be a politician.
Want to run for president.
I will tell you all kinds of thing.
Like how I'm going to give you free things.
Like a iphone or even your own car.
Give you money so you don't have to work.
Food stamps for free, even a full gas tank.
I want to be a politician will you vote for me?
I make it where you work for 5 hrs and get paid for ten.
A new home for everyone. Free heat to keep warm.
I want to be that political.
But of course you know I'm lying just like them all.
Feb 2016 · 1.6k
The Last Skate
Harold r Hunt Sr Feb 2016
The Last Skate
Many years ago, I went roller skating all the time.
We all had fun each we went.
The boys would race each other.
Around and around we would go till the bell sounded.
What fun it was.
Today my grandchildren wanted me to go skating with them.
I have not was on skates for 40 years.
My grandson said you can do it grandpa.
So I put skates on for the first time in that many long years.
My grandson said here grand pa I'll hold your hand.
I made it to the first table then headed to the floor.
15 steps I took with .pride. But that was not it.
Down I went to the floor.right on my ****.
My grandson with tears in his eyes he said to me grandpa I think this is your last skate
Jan 2016 · 419
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
No king in America
Our for fathers to a long boat ride
They landed here.
Almost from the beginning they had to fight to make this country.
They said.There will never be a king in America.
After a few wars they broke loose from the king of england
They fought for their freedom.
They said this country will have no king
But a president he shall be with limited power. And run by all the people.
Today we are a big nation on the way to trash because one man wants to be king.
Nevertheless, there is no king in America. And that is exactly what we will fight for if we have to.
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
Walking in someone else shoes.
You put on your shoes one at a time.
Maybe you right or your left.
But your first step is going to be difference
From him.
He might walk a slight line
But there will be broken steps along the way.
The thing is no steps are the same.
You could be president or a *** on the street.
If not that you'll have your own steps to curve along the way.
You just can't walk in someone shoes.
They might have smaller feet l.o.l
Jan 2016 · 400
Blessed Are the children
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
Blessed are the children
Blessed are the children that God gives us.
Blessed the love we provide them with.
Blessed the joy of seeing them grow
Blessed are the children as God calls them home.
The lost of any loved one is a hurt that nobody can stand.
All we can do is pray for the family and send our love.
Jan 2016 · 389
The Beer Trip
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
The Beer trip
I went to a party the other night
I had a great time and was feeling no pain.
When joe walked up to me and said it was my turn to get the beer.
I took his keys and went to the truck.
I headed towards town what fun I was having.
Got to buffalo and found a store.
Only a six packs were left.
So back in the truck i went down the road
And I found myself at a shopping center. In Erie.
There was just a case of beer so off I went once more.
When the beer ran out, I looked for a store.
In buckley west va.In a gasstation.Once again two cases of beer i did find.
So off I head south once more.
When I ran out of I found myself in buffalo.(sc) . I call old joe and told him i would be back
That I'm in buffalo. Old said to me that the beer was in the barn at the end of the road.
What a beer trip it was.
Jan 2016 · 372
Look Away
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
Look Away
Look away out there to sea
Look away just across the street.
Look away at the sun that shines
Look away at the light that gives life.
Now look and tell me what you see
Could it be sadness or joy/
Could you see the water that will be rain
Under the clouds, That you look away far away.
Look away to those that love and those that hate.
Make a smile and the other a frown.
But don't look away they might be friends.
Jan 2016 · 881
Grandpa Jack
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
Grandpa Jack
Grandpa jack was 96 years old today.
He would sit in his rocking chair.
Grandpa would let us know of the good old days.
And how he seen two world wars.
He would tell of the friends he lost and the ones he saved.
Then he would say that into days world there is too much hate.
Too much crime and killing.
Grandpa would  say to me only God can save this world.
No man just God he can see the things that are wrong.
He can help save us all or burn us up.
I would sit and listen to grandpa Jack
For he was wise and has made me wise too.
Jan 2016 · 495
I Want to run for President
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
I  want to run for President.
When I grow up I wanted to be a race car driver.
Then I saw a big wreck on tv.
Then I thought of a fireman.But I'm to shot to carry a hose.
I said to myself how about being President.
If i was president I could travel the world and talk to other leaders.
About peace and joy among all races.
I could help to make laws that everyone would like.
So I want to run as president so I could have the power of a great service.
Of men and women at my feet.
To see these Soldier fights for our freedom.
I want to run for president. Would you vote for me?
Jan 2016 · 334
winter storm
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
Winter storm
Here i sit with no place to go
All are quiet but the windy outside.
No tv the lights are out
The snow is falling as fast as I type.
The ground is covered with just a little snow.
While the laptop power is about to go.
No cars on the road the police calls for a driving ban.
Now I pray that it will stop soon.
For it's getting close to June.
What a winter storm we did have.
Only a half inch on the ground.
Jan 2016 · 298
Way back when I was ten
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
Way back when I was ten
Way back when I was ten i fell in love
She had golden hair and the bluest of eyes.
She was thirteen way back when I was ten
But then love was fun.
She would come to me each day so I could laugh and play.
I would throw a ball to her and I just loved the way she was.
My love for her way back when grew more as we grew old together.
My dog was my only love way back when I was ten.
Jan 2016 · 415
The painting
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
The Painting
In the old house, there was a painting.
It hung over the fireplace.
There were trees and a house.
A few birds in the sky.
The old well look as if there was no water there.
Horses in the barn with their heads out the windows
Made the painting so real.
Then I looked out the window there it was. Just as the painting told.
Jan 2016 · 291
the visit
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
The visit
She sat at the side of the grave. Talking away to who was there.
She got no answer but she lived her day with him.
She cried for awhile,then laugh with joy as she smiled just for a second.
Her visit was long but to her not long enough she had to visit three more graves.
Her days are spent there at the graves. For her family was lost and bring no joy.
As she walked to the other, she stopped to fix the flag on another. Gave a smile.
Then walked on.
Her visit is joy to her only with unhappiness for those she lost.
As he left she closed the gate. And now you all are safe.
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