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Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
The Beer trip
I went to a party the other night
I had a great time and was feeling no pain.
When joe walked up to me and said it was my turn to get the beer.
I took his keys and went to the truck.
I headed towards town what fun I was having.
Got to buffalo and found a store.
Only a six packs were left.
So back in the truck i went down the road
And I found myself at a shopping center. In Erie.
There was just a case of beer so off I went once more.
When the beer ran out, I looked for a store.
In buckley west va.In a gasstation.Once again two cases of beer i did find.
So off I head south once more.
When I ran out of I found myself in buffalo.(sc) . I call old joe and told him i would be back
That I'm in buffalo. Old said to me that the beer was in the barn at the end of the road.
What a beer trip it was.
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
Look Away
Look away out there to sea
Look away just across the street.
Look away at the sun that shines
Look away at the light that gives life.
Now look and tell me what you see
Could it be sadness or joy/
Could you see the water that will be rain
Under the clouds, That you look away far away.
Look away to those that love and those that hate.
Make a smile and the other a frown.
But don't look away they might be friends.
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
Grandpa Jack
Grandpa jack was 96 years old today.
He would sit in his rocking chair.
Grandpa would let us know of the good old days.
And how he seen two world wars.
He would tell of the friends he lost and the ones he saved.
Then he would say that into days world there is too much hate.
Too much crime and killing.
Grandpa would  say to me only God can save this world.
No man just God he can see the things that are wrong.
He can help save us all or burn us up.
I would sit and listen to grandpa Jack
For he was wise and has made me wise too.
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
I  want to run for President.
When I grow up I wanted to be a race car driver.
Then I saw a big wreck on tv.
Then I thought of a fireman.But I'm to shot to carry a hose.
I said to myself how about being President.
If i was president I could travel the world and talk to other leaders.
About peace and joy among all races.
I could help to make laws that everyone would like.
So I want to run as president so I could have the power of a great service.
Of men and women at my feet.
To see these Soldier fights for our freedom.
I want to run for president. Would you vote for me?
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
Winter storm
Here i sit with no place to go
All are quiet but the windy outside.
No tv the lights are out
The snow is falling as fast as I type.
The ground is covered with just a little snow.
While the laptop power is about to go.
No cars on the road the police calls for a driving ban.
Now I pray that it will stop soon.
For it's getting close to June.
What a winter storm we did have.
Only a half inch on the ground.
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
Way back when I was ten
Way back when I was ten i fell in love
She had golden hair and the bluest of eyes.
She was thirteen way back when I was ten
But then love was fun.
She would come to me each day so I could laugh and play.
I would throw a ball to her and I just loved the way she was.
My love for her way back when grew more as we grew old together.
My dog was my only love way back when I was ten.
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2016
The Painting
In the old house, there was a painting.
It hung over the fireplace.
There were trees and a house.
A few birds in the sky.
The old well look as if there was no water there.
Horses in the barn with their heads out the windows
Made the painting so real.
Then I looked out the window there it was. Just as the painting told.
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