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Hannah Jul 2014
My room is a prison
Solitary confinement
But I’m not guilty
Though my mind says I am
Sane and insane
The two sides of me
Constantly arguing
Insane usually wins
I don’t know why I can’t be sane
I’ve always been this way, really
Ever since I was young
Self-hatred is second nature to me
I don’t know what it’s like to love myself
I envy those who do
Hannah Jul 2014
My anxiety is
the beast within me
living in my brain
using its claws to manipulate my neurons

Its black, furry face
fills with a wide, Grinchy smile
as it causes me to avoid yet another opportunity
that could help me recover

When I start to feel calm and hopeful
It snarls, spittle flying from its mouth
and bares its sharp teeth
determined to make me fail again

I can’t **** this beast
It is me and I am it
So I have to keep it alive

— The End —