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Sep 2012 · 571
Hannah Watson Sep 2012
No, I must go
One more, you always say
My eyes bore yours and
I don’t speak
Your stories, it’s all so profound
The air is sweetened with tension
I soak it up
I like listening to you
Spilling your secrets across the table
I try to understand but in truth I’m
How can you live with yourself like this
With her there and you here
I don’t say these truths, I want you to love me
Things are brighter from my pedestal
One more, you always say
Make me company
You tell me I’m beautiful
So I stay a little longer
Aug 2012 · 5.0k
Hannah Watson Aug 2012
Adore me why don’t you
It’s fine in it’s splendour
And when you turn on me I’ll know
The sharpness of surrender
I miss your kisses and the way you held me close
But that I could have done without
So easily
And so calmly
So adore me please
But when you do
Adore me forever
Not whilst it suits you
Dec 2011 · 898
penny brown eyes
Hannah Watson Dec 2011
It’s that time again
To say goodbye to your sweet smile
Kiss your little brow
mourn your penny brown eyes

Of all the things I’ll miss the most
Of all the things I’ll cry for
You’ll be the worst

From distant memories springing shadows
to the darkened pits in the hollows of perdition
I’ve searched for a constellation of you

but the bittersweet existence
the suffering and lament
Is so redeemed by the catastrophic
Joy I feel when I see you
When I can look at you and my heart pulses
I know what real love is and there are not many who can say that

I am one of the lucky ones
Nov 2011 · 654
I was always your child
Hannah Watson Nov 2011
A while ago I found a photo
Of you. Before I knew you.
Blazing brown and beautiful in the Australian sun
I traced my finger across
The line of your hip
Sunglasses perched untidily upon your bleached blonde hair
Hands that had not yet held me
clutching a windswept map And a lit cigarette
your eyes
Squinting at the sun, glimmering with hope

Is it you? The same woman
Who gave me light
Who I tore apart with my anger but also my love?
I hope you remember, when you look in our eyes
You may not always have been my mother
But I was always your child
Nov 2011 · 614
unspoken joys of you
Hannah Watson Nov 2011
my love for you is the only constant, the only thing I can
clutch onto when  everything else seems to be breaking
apart and I’m submerged in my own darkness holding onto
dwindling memories grappling for a better place in my
mind that doesn’t seem to exist you
don’t know how it feels to be trapped in yourself and
the words you speak are only shadows of the vibrant emotions that
lurk lost underneath the frost and
frustration the cancer of these blues spreading like
wildfire but I know it’s fine because you are here and
that part of me where you are and will always be
they can never touch and so to you I cling on
and it’s you whose face I close my eyes and
picture whenever I want a little drop of
warmth to spread through my soul
I sit back for a moment and
Wallow in the unspoken
Joys of you

'‘Take love, multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever.. and you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you’'

— The End —