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 Aug 2012 Hannah Watson
Grant Cox
A single strand,
it weaves itself around
the empty space that circumvents my alarm clock.

The monotonous noise reminding me
of the day's responsibilities overshadowed
instantly by a thread.

A piece of you,
an accidental gift
more personal than breath.

Things unintentional are more severe
than those thought and poured over.

Delicate and strong,
this proteinacious silk
stands up to the rigors of my examination.

A tangible illustration of your life,
with me,
no one  can have that but me.

In reality more precious than words
or emotions that you would offer freely.

This piece of time,
that you have let slip from your grasp,
only to settle on my nightstand.

The gift of a person,
a soul,
cannot be matched by any other.

This is what we live for,
what we hang on to,
a single thread.
Now, moving in, cartons on the floor,
the radio playing to bare walls,
picture hooks left stranded
in the unsoiled squares where paintings were,
and something reminding us
this is like all other moving days;
finding the ***** ends of someone else's life,
hair fallen in the sink, a peach pit,
and burned-out matches in the corner;
things not preserved, yet never swept away
like fragments of disturbing dreams
we stumble on all day. . .
in ordering our lives, we will discard them,
scrub clean the floorboards of this our home
lest refuse from the lives we did not lead
become, in some strange, frightening way, our own.
And we have plans that will not tolerate
our fears-- a year laid out like rooms
in a new house--the dusty wine glasses
rinsed off, the vases filled, and bookshelves
sagging with heavy winter books.
Seeing the room always as it will be,
we are content to dust and wait.
We will return here from the dark and silent
streets, arms full of books and food,
anxious as we always are in winter,
and looking for the Good Life we have made.

I see myself then: tense, solemn,
in high-heeled shoes that pinch,
not basking in the light of goals fulfilled,
but looking back to now and seeing
a lazy, sunburned, sandaled girl
in a bare room, full of promise
and feeling envious.

Now we plan, postponing, pushing our lives forward
into the future--as if, when the room
contains us and all our treasured junk
we will have filled whatever gap it is
that makes us wander, discontented
from ourselves.

The room will not change:
a rug, or armchair, or new coat of paint
won't make much difference;
our eyes are fickle
but we remain the same beneath our suntans,
pale, frightened,
dreaming ourselves backward and forward in time,
dreaming our dreaming selves.

I look forward and see myself looking back.
I have carved the ice
That surrounds my heart
Into a beautiful palace
Forgetting the fire
That burns within
Ice is brittle
Water is soft
Let this ice melt away
And flow into rivers
And streams, and seas
Becoming one with all

This house of ice
You saw straight through me with your gaze
And I did not ask you to leave
If only you had stayed
I melt this ice so that you might be warm
We can swim in the ocean
Life will flourish

You are the match that gave rise to the fire
That released the heart of me
From this icy palace I had sought so hard to forge
For I knew not of you

There is a home here
Please visit me
Sit with me
Let us swim in the ocean
 Aug 2012 Hannah Watson
I look around my life an see
the other guys around me
who treat their "loves" one way,
and break up with them the next day.

I long for something more that lasts.
something beautiful and new from the past
that still haunts me and guides my steps
thought I don't wish it, to be like the rest.

Nothing is more important than two pins
on my desk as signs that everything is okay.

Stop thinking, start loving.
Stop worrying, start trusting.
Stop trying, start living.

Nothing is more beautiful than two green eyes
inside of mine, as signs that you are happy.

I long for your touch to remind me here
that you are mine, and I yours, dear
Love that saves me from dark and cold
to be with me and together grow old.

I look around my life and see
nothing else, my love, but you and me.
I could ask for nothing more, not food, or gold,
I need nothing else, when it's you that I hold.
Leaves stripped bare,
The clump of a nest
Now so obvious, but since abandoned
Past residents won't care.
This morn, winter flavored branches
Sweet confections that beckoned.
Black in twilight, the silhouettes
Look again as barren,
Swaying spindly fingers
And counting stars
Which today seem so far.
Once I reached up and plucked
Those winking sparkles to sprinkle
A pillow I shared,
Though glowing duller amid dreams
That shined in young eyes.
Their beams became beacons,
Joining hearts across oceans
So that distance wouldn't matter.
It was in absence dread fate dared,
Soon setting ancient lights to falter,
Dimming, dying through time's haze.
Oh, how long ago did I last gaze
Upon exciting skies as this!
Certain of the hopes and promise
Avowed within those sparks held.
T'was briefest of life's moments,
Most rare and intense,
Never again finding its day
Save in ambush of memory
On a night like this
When wind blows bitter and swift.
Brilliance still dances, but ever so far away
Copyright 2009 Robert Zanfad
I am,
Him and Her.
My Sister has Her infectious laugh and sparkling eyes.
My Brother has His humour and bad habits.
I hold His behaviour.
Cynical and depressive.
I hold Her sad expressions and moods, tired and lonely.
When I am not cynical, depressed, tired or lonely,
I am happy.
Which together they never were.
The start is always a good place to finish,
A hello is followed by a goodbye,
I smile then you begin to cry.
I love to hate that,
I am happy and you are restless in return.

— The End —