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Hannah Thacker Jul 2011
Don't ask - If that was there in the 1950's...
Chances are, it was.

Don't ask - Where the Jabberwock is...
It is currently whiffling through the Tulgey wood.

Don't ask - What normal is...
We don't give a Tumtum tree.

Don't ask - What a Bandersnatch is...
We've been arguing about that since the 1950's.

Don't ask - About our Gallbladders...
It's one thing we have in common.

Don't ask - How to get Raymond started on European history...
He'll do it himself.

Don't ask - How to say thank you...
Just flick the cat off you tongue and get it over with.

This is also known as the most unorthodox thank you card ever written.
Hannah Thacker May 2011
At the End of My World,
I see you walking away.
At the End of My World,
I see my light leaving me
At the End of My World,
I see nothing
Without You

You walked away, saying I couldn't see.
You told me I see what I want;
You told me I was blinded, that I couldn't see past my longing;
You told me my love covered the signs;
You explained it was too late, and your mind was made.

At the End of My World,
I see you walking away.
At the End of My World,
I see my light leaving me
At the End of My World,
I see nothing
Without You

I begged you not to go, I knew how this goes.
I knew I couldn't live without you;
I knew I would be an empty shell, you didn't believe;
I knew I would be ruined by my unrequited love for you;
I tried to explain, but it all was in vain.

At the End of My World,
I see you walking away.
At the End of My World,
I see my light leaving me
At the End of My World,
I see nothing
Without You

Now that you understand it, you regret it.
It's too late to save the empty shell;
It's too late to help, to repair the damage you caused;
It's too late to take it back;
Now that it's too late, you rue the day you denied fate.

At the End of My World,
I see you walking away.
At the End of My World,
I see my light leaving me
At the End of My World,
I see nothing
Without You

At the End of My World;
All is clear.
Mar 2011 · 562
Remember Remember
Hannah Thacker Mar 2011
Remember Remember
The days that are lost
Remember Remember
The lives that are taken
Remember Remember
The memories, lest they be cast away
Remember Remember
The ones who feel forgotten
Remember Remember
When all others choose to forget
Remember Remember
The choice is yours
Remember Remember
Don't let the world drown you out.
Mar 2011 · 1.9k
An Empty Chair
Hannah Thacker Mar 2011
An empty chair
Stares back at me
An empty chair
Where my friend should be
An empty chair
Replaces her life
An empty chair
Symbolizes how she took her life
An empty chair
Fills my view
An empty chair
Is now blurred by my tears
An empty chair
Is being occupied by the teacher
An empty chair
Is being filled by ignorance
An empty chair
Its occupants ask the obvious
An empty chair
They ask "are you ok?"
An empty chair
Knows the answer
An empty chair
Knows the reason
An empty chair
Wishes to be filled again.
Mar 2011 · 793
We are Forgotten
Hannah Thacker Mar 2011
In the dark of the night
We are forgotten
Gone and never to return
We are forgotten
No soul bothers to hear our pleas
We are forgotten
Just because we are not as tall
We are forgotten
Or don't have perfect skin
We are forgotten
Maybe it's because we don't have pretty hair
We are forgotten
Or even because we eat on a regular basis
We are forgotten
We are the few who see through this superficial society
Yet we are forgotten
Once we are gone, who will remember
We are forgotten
All that we have worked for through this short life
We are forgotten
As our names gradually fade into oblivion,
We will fight for memory every step of the way.
Oct 2010 · 1.1k
Forever Young
Hannah Thacker Oct 2010
I want life to stay
Just the way it is
I want life to stay
Just as simple as it has ever been
I want life to stay
Frozen in my memories
I want life to stay
And preserve all the precious moments
I want life to stay
Forever young

I need life to stay
Just the way it was
I need life to stay
Just as simple as it  used to be
I need life to stay
The way I remember
I need life to stay
Simple as a child's game
I need life to stay
Forever young

I wish life would stay
The way it was before
I wish life would stay
Preserve every moment
I wish life would stay
The way it is seen through a child's eyes
I wish life would stay
As innocent as it used to be
I wish life would stay
Forever young
Aug 2010 · 919
I Am From
Hannah Thacker Aug 2010
I am from climbing the rocks by the beach with the dim morning light of the rising sun filtering through the morning fog of summertime.

I am from lying in my warm bed, giving into my dreams while listening to my mom sing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”

I am from the foggy mornings in Monterey Bay watching the sun burn through the marine layer every day. The sun always won its morning battle, but while it struggled I would watch the rainbows come dancing through the fog.

I am from sitting in Mr. ***** coffee shop, sipping hot chocolate with piles of whipped cream and a smile on my face on cold Friday nights, listening to my dad play Paco Bell Cannon on violin while Hannah Beckham plays on the cello.

I am from playing in the waves on warm summer days; catching the sand ***** and throwing them back into the ocean. Finding seashells and putting them in my dad’s pocket so I didn’t have to carry them.

I am from walking down Soquel Creek, finding big rocks, falling in the water, riding on my dad’s shoulder on the way back because I got tired, and playing on the swing set that was at the end of it.

I am from hiking through Nicene Marks Redwood forest with my dad and whoever wanted to come. Watching the leaves fall down off the trees, ever so slowly, like angels falling from heaven.

I am from the night I moved from all I ever knew, watching my child hood home fading in the distance.  I watched while my friends waved at me as they faded away in both my vision and my memory. I never saw them again.  Goodbye, I whispered, as every thing I ever knew faded away. Goodbye.
I still remember stepping on a worm barefooted that night.  Now I can't stand worms.  It ****** that night when my friend tryed to get me to get one for fishing. I refused, and she threw a handful of worms in my face.
Mar 2010 · 1.1k
Hannah Thacker Mar 2010
The world goes rushing past
Bright colors flash
But all I see is black

Forever fighting

I see the world dying
Lives lost forever
Because nobody cares

Forever fighting

Humans are easily blinded
Hatred, love, and war
Make us forget what we are really fighting for

Forever fighting
Mar 2010 · 629
Hannah Thacker Mar 2010
I look at the pale silver mirror
I see destruction
Chaos reined

I walk through the silver ripples that was once the mirror
I walk through our burnt, ****** past
I see the ruins we have left behind

I turn around and face the mirror that is my lifeline to the present
And I see the future
Shining bright with hope

Hope still lives
We just need to believe
Work at it until it becomes reality
Not just an empty reflection of our dreams
Mar 2010 · 1.3k
Hannah Thacker Mar 2010
I feel as if I am on another world
No one hears me
I am silenced

I know I am never heard
No one hears me
I am silenced

Nobody knows my true self
No one hears me
I am silenced

My pleas are swept away
No one hears me
I am silenced

I am swept away in the wind
No one will ever hear me
No matter how hard I scream
I am forever silenced
Mar 2010 · 632
Hannah Thacker Mar 2010
The world keeps spinning faster
Cries for help lost in the wind
Never to be heard

Forever wandering
Never listening

No one hears the screams
No one knows the pain
That is lost to the ignorance of our world

Forever wandering
Never listening

The fighting never ceases
We ignore the desperate cries for peace
Their sound is smothered by the violence

Let us band together in hopes to be heard
We are stronger when not alone
We shall stand up and our voices shall be heard

We will be forever wandering
They shall never be listening
Mar 2010 · 2.6k
Hannah Thacker Mar 2010
The world around me swirled
My mind forevr whirls
I am stuck
Forced to pick a side

I watch everyone fight
Lose their heart and soul
I am stuck
Forced to pick a side

No one ever listens
I scream my cry, yet it is forever unheard
I am stuck
Forced to pick a side

They insist
I refuse
I am still stuck
Always trapped
Still forced to pick a side
Feb 2010 · 2.5k
Hannah Thacker Feb 2010
Stuck in the middle
Always the peacemaker
I see the way they are
Never-ending hatred
I see right through the mask
Always the peacemaker
A fight to the death
I am there to stop
Always the peacemaker
No one reconizes the pain
I go through every day
Watching the people I love fight
I am the peacemaker
Now and forever
Feb 2010 · 1.5k
Hannah Thacker Feb 2010
Each day someone cries out
Never to be heard
Each day dreams are killed
Never to be sought out
Each day hopes die
Never to be fulfilled

Remember that every day
Is someone's last
That every breath
Is someone's last
Everyday there is a loss
Never forgotten
Feb 2010 · 741
Moonlit Tears
Hannah Thacker Feb 2010
As teardrops fall on this moonlit night
I find myself wondering…

Who am I to live and love?
Who am I to take away?
Who am I to know the pains of others?
Yet they do not care…
For mine

Every tear shed resembles pain
Every word cried is a shout for aid
Yet few can be answered
By me

Every day another is lost
Every day another is saved
Those stuck in the middle
Have always had to deal with the pain

If some one believed
That the world could change
Then maybe we wouldn’t have so many die
So many gone
So many have passed on
So many lost to the ones who still care

So many have died
For the things they believe
So many have killed
Just because they are different
Feb 2010 · 901
Hannah Thacker Feb 2010
When will I be seen
When will I be heard
When will I have a voice
It seems I will always go unnoticed.

How long will it take for my cry to be heard
I have always felt alone
Not one person listens
Except for my true friends

Where does each moment go
Once it has been wasted?
Time has always gone by
Never waiting
Feb 2010 · 537
If Only...
Hannah Thacker Feb 2010
If only my smile shone through
And showed the truths inside
For every day I put on a smile
To hide the tears inside

If only the cries of people in need
Would be answered by the rest of the world
The pain of others finally healed
And never caused again

If only there were no wars
Peace finally reached
Humans finally seeing the rest of mankind
With compassion instead of hatred and fear
Feb 2010 · 627
Final Farewell
Hannah Thacker Feb 2010
I shall miss you, my dear friend
I shall miss the way you made me laugh
I treasure the memories we share,
I dread that we must now part

You made me smile when all seemed lost
You made me laugh while tears flowed down my face
You have always been the best of friends
You must now say goodbye

Tomorrow is a new day
Make a friend or two
Tomorrow is full of opportunities
Don't waste them

Now, as the sun sets in brilliant reds and golds,
I wonder why this day must end
It seems I am always saying goodbye to the sunlight,
And saying hello to the darkness

Now, as I say this final farewell,
I beg of you to take my advice
Never let a moment pass
Without realizing that it could be someone else's last
Feb 2010 · 667
Peacful Little Stream
Hannah Thacker Feb 2010
A quiet place to think,
A quiet pace to dream.
This stream holds more than it seems.
It holds the millions of broken dreams,
All of the hopes thrown away by time,
Lost and forgotten forever by this cruel world.

A peaceful place to think,
A peaceful place to dream.
You can see what you desire,
Or what you already know.
It’s time to find out for yourself.

The only place to think,
The only place to dream.
How long will it be,
Before it’s all gone?
I think we all hope that this quiet little stream,
Will last forevermore.

— The End —