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Hannah Thacker Mar 2010
The world goes rushing past
Bright colors flash
But all I see is black

Forever fighting

I see the world dying
Lives lost forever
Because nobody cares

Forever fighting

Humans are easily blinded
Hatred, love, and war
Make us forget what we are really fighting for

Forever fighting
Hannah Thacker Mar 2010
I look at the pale silver mirror
I see destruction
Chaos reined

I walk through the silver ripples that was once the mirror
I walk through our burnt, ****** past
I see the ruins we have left behind

I turn around and face the mirror that is my lifeline to the present
And I see the future
Shining bright with hope

Hope still lives
We just need to believe
Work at it until it becomes reality
Not just an empty reflection of our dreams
Hannah Thacker Mar 2010
I feel as if I am on another world
No one hears me
I am silenced

I know I am never heard
No one hears me
I am silenced

Nobody knows my true self
No one hears me
I am silenced

My pleas are swept away
No one hears me
I am silenced

I am swept away in the wind
No one will ever hear me
No matter how hard I scream
I am forever silenced
Hannah Thacker Mar 2010
The world keeps spinning faster
Cries for help lost in the wind
Never to be heard

Forever wandering
Never listening

No one hears the screams
No one knows the pain
That is lost to the ignorance of our world

Forever wandering
Never listening

The fighting never ceases
We ignore the desperate cries for peace
Their sound is smothered by the violence

Let us band together in hopes to be heard
We are stronger when not alone
We shall stand up and our voices shall be heard

We will be forever wandering
They shall never be listening
Hannah Thacker Mar 2010
The world around me swirled
My mind forevr whirls
I am stuck
Forced to pick a side

I watch everyone fight
Lose their heart and soul
I am stuck
Forced to pick a side

No one ever listens
I scream my cry, yet it is forever unheard
I am stuck
Forced to pick a side

They insist
I refuse
I am still stuck
Always trapped
Still forced to pick a side
Hannah Thacker Feb 2010
Stuck in the middle
Always the peacemaker
I see the way they are
Never-ending hatred
I see right through the mask
Always the peacemaker
A fight to the death
I am there to stop
Always the peacemaker
No one reconizes the pain
I go through every day
Watching the people I love fight
I am the peacemaker
Now and forever
Hannah Thacker Feb 2010
Each day someone cries out
Never to be heard
Each day dreams are killed
Never to be sought out
Each day hopes die
Never to be fulfilled

Remember that every day
Is someone's last
That every breath
Is someone's last
Everyday there is a loss
Never forgotten
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