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Feb 2014 · 374
Hannah Simmons Feb 2014
Wanting to love you
Is like wanting to draw
I have the perfect idea
A wonderful vision
I can see all the lines
Each stroke of a pencil
Excitement builds inside
I know I could do it
There is nothing holding me back
But, when I sit
With a pencil and paper
Ready to change a vision
Into something tangible
I suddenly remember
That I can't draw.
That I never could.
Sep 2013 · 504
Hannah Simmons Sep 2013
Here I sit, waiting, wishing, waiting
Waiting for a dream to come
In this dream, a boy exists lovely, lively, lovely
Lovely in everything that he does

He smiles, a big grin, beautiful, wide, beautiful
Beautiful things that is brings
He laughs, a lot, a glorious laugh, loud laugh
Laughter filled with memories

I don't know how to go without, sadly without
Without the lovely boy
Saying goodbye was the worst feeling. Worst
And I know  will miss him forever

And ever and ever, until the tides, oh the tides
Change and he's the one saying goodbye
To the lovely lady, me, who is leaving, but hates leaving
The lovely boy, who's heart
Breaks with goodbye
As well
May 2013 · 2.4k
Past, Present, Future
Hannah Simmons May 2013
Wildly the time flies
Moments passing in a flash
People and places never staying
Even when you wish they would.

Quickly hope ensues
That maybe they can stay
Stay near, young, and innocent
Never changing from who they were

Then despair crashes
And releases that hope
Because people change and grow
And maybe leave you behind to move

Softly longing creeps
Into your heart
Grips your mind and stays
Vowing never to let you forget

The past and how things were then
When all was perfect and true
Two hearts combined to one
Shattering the peace

Daringly you wait
For a moment to return
And bring you back to a time
A time without the pain of knowing

Slowly wanting builds
Anticipation grows cautiously
Know the pain, and the excitement at
Knowing the people you once knew again

Gracefully, curiosity sits
Patiently waiting for a moment
To spring forth and explore the world
That was left behind, gone, but not missing

Boldly excitement wanders
And reaches out to those ones
That left you behind to be alone
While still remembering who you were

Only to be reminded of pain once again
Reminded that time isn’t the healer
That mends everything broken
Only knowing hope does.
This poem is the same as timeline, except that I added a few more stanzas.
May 2013 · 433
Before and After
Hannah Simmons May 2013
It’s not every day
That you can meet someone
Someone special
Who makes you feel clean

Many would pay
For a chance to find anyone
To say it in a nut shell
And light I mean

It’s truly exciting to know
In a few short hours
I can meet you again
Like it’s a first time

I don’t know how to show
This… thing… and it’s powers
The way to properly send
I feel like a mime
Now we wait
Now I see you
Now we're leaving
Seeing you was lovely
Feeling your arms around
Knowing you again is changing
But seeing you releases me.

I used to feel so bubbly
Always feeling bound
But now life is rearranging
With things rolling like a sea

Knowing how to move on
And to meet other people
Knowing your past and future
Helps me stay and move forward

To feel things like a fawn
Experience not from a steeple
And heal from a suture
Living without foreword

To meet someone who matters
Is a once in a life chance
I was ever so lucky to find you
And yet another two who fill the void in love
And make me feel whole again
But as life would have it, I need to venture on
Forever changing and leaving those behind
Even when I don’t want to, behind in another land
With the different but same rules of life and love.
Apr 2013 · 716
Amazing Pain
Hannah Simmons Apr 2013
It is amazing
isn't it?

To go days, months, or years
without seeing someone

and still be able to think about them,
every single day.

To feel a thrill
every time you think they are close.

Yes, it is amazing.
And a curse.

to feel hope, only to be reminded
that they are gone.
Every day.
Apr 2013 · 767
Hannah Simmons Apr 2013
Wildly the time flies
Moments passing in a flash
People and places never staying
Even when you wish whey would.

Quickly hope ensues
That maybe they can stay
Stay near, young, and innocent
Never changing from who they were

Then despair crashes
And releases that hope
Because people change and grow
And maybe leave you behind to move

Softly longing creeps
Into your lonely heart
Grips you mind and stays
Vowing never to let you forget

The past and how things were then
When all was perfect and true
Two hearts combined to one
Shattering the peace
Apr 2013 · 402
Hannah Simmons Apr 2013
Then I, in the shadow of fear,
Turned and fled
Into the light
Away from doubt
Away from confusion
And ran into a greater danger
Than fear and self doubt

— The End —