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161 · May 2017
Let it go.
The world spins 'round and 'round, you wear a smile, yet inside you frown.
lift you up, then they throw you down. Yeah, but who really wears the crown?
They use you like some kind of tool, and everyone thinks that's cool.
Everyday I watch you walk into school, I know they make it feel like you're
drowning in a pool. However, everything that happens, you remain the captain.
While everyone stairs at you laughin', I watch you ignore the distraction. I can see
you holding back all your rage, yet you let it go and turn the page. I can tell
it makes you feel like you're locked in a cage, or criticism while on a stage.
You are still the king. Never stepping foot in the fighting ring. Watching you
turn your cheek and look the other way. I hope they'll realize one day that what they say is just childsplay. Never let it get to your head, wondering why you never fight back, you walk away instead. These words they scream won't matter in the future, watching you put them to bed makes them realize your soul will forever be pure.
Watching you let it go makes me think, did you know? Know that i was always watching, yet i did nothing. Thinking to myself why i didn't step in, wondering if i did would it still happen? I see you never needed me all along, I know now that you're gone. What I mean is you moved on, the words they screamed never meant anything because you carried on. I know I could have helped, I know I could have done something, but I continued watching. I did nothing, but you lived a long life without failing. You proved that you can let it go and still be amazing.

— The End —