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694 · Nov 2016
A lovers life
Hannah Logsdon Nov 2016
Bury me in rose petals so my spirt can remember the sweet softness of your touch
May you walk me down the church isle so I know you will always be by my side through sickness and health
Remind me of our youth by calling me baby
Love me unconditionally and I will love you
600 · May 2016
Demons Demons
Hannah Logsdon May 2016
Demons Demons go away
I don't want to play your games
You tug at my heart
And ***** with my emotions
I don't get why hurting me is your devotion
Maybe one day these pills will work
The the curse will be lifted
But why do you  spend so much time up in my mind
At the loneliest hour you come to haunt and depression fills the air as I wait for this to end I sometimes think of mine
I say I'm fine but maybe this curse in my mind will subside with time or maybe it will haunt me till the end
529 · Jul 2017
Hannah Logsdon Jul 2017
Cracked lips and burning eyes
My skin as hot as the blazing sun
I have cried too much and it has stolen my beauty
My tears quench my dried skin but if not wiped away fast enough they will stain my cheeks and paint a permanent picture of depression
524 · May 2016
For The Boy I Can't Love
Hannah Logsdon May 2016
How can I say it just won't work
Like a bee looking for pollen in winter it just won't work
This flower of love will never bloom because it has been iced over from the frozen kisses of past lovers, Some day a ray of sunshine may break through the stormy clouds of my heart and crack the frozen skin that was made
and finally I'll be vulnerable, buzz,buzz,buzz you try to find a way through buzz,buzz,buzz I will never love you
498 · May 2016
Hannah Logsdon May 2016
The days are lighter
Much calmer
The heavy chains that once held me down have been broken
I was once lost but some how your arms have become home
your mind my lover
I would read this aloud but they wouldn't understand because they don't know who I was then and who I am now
Then again they don't need to know because when I kiss you  everything that once was dissolves and it's just you and me
479 · May 2016
Hannah Logsdon May 2016
The moment I saw you butterflies came from my mouth and filled up my lungs
so much I could hardly get my words out to say I love you
and it was funny you see, because when you finally spoke butterflies flew out of your mouth too
477 · May 2016
Scars and Stories
Hannah Logsdon May 2016
Little lost boy doesn't know which path is right he is bent out of shape from the twisted words told to him the ones that left marks on him but they are not scars but stories of his life so little lost boy might find his way only if he can find his heart but every time he tells his story he always goes back to the start
471 · Dec 2017
You Are My Song pt 2
Hannah Logsdon Dec 2017
When you play your guitar, I was entranced by your mysterious melody.
Your calloused fingers,
Plucked and caressed,
the copper string of your old mahogany guitar, Ibanez.
The one you had since you were a child,
The one you were now playing for me on the dew drop grass of this frigid 4th of July night.

Gentle tremors shake my heartstrings.
I watch you so closely.
Watching your face as you play.
You look up at me for a second and what I saw was more beautiful than music.
437 · May 2017
Hannah Logsdon May 2017
Maybe the problem is I fall too hard and too fast but at this point I am used to getting scrapes on my knees
Though I try to bandage the cuts the blood still seeps through like when I said I loved you
430 · May 2016
Hannah Logsdon May 2016
When I looked into your eyes those beautiful storms that when you blinked could ******* away but now
there was no breeze to lift the ships of love forward
But instead a sunken ship
And another eye looking out for the next boat to wreak
429 · Apr 2016
Hannah Logsdon Apr 2016
Do you remember when I was your MUSE?
every inch of my body was your canvas using your nails as pencils and fists as the brush, you  painted and sketched all over my body. Vibrant colors of black and blue you left your marks and created a beautiful picture of pain and when you looked at me I wasn't your favorite work of art
411 · May 2016
Stages Of Romancing
Hannah Logsdon May 2016

I see your face

I get your number

We talk

First date

Warm and sweet

I like you

I fall for your face

I fall for your personality

I fall for you

I love you

I don't want to say goodbye

You love me

You love me

You l
You lo
You lov
You love
You love

It's over

I'm crying

I'm sad

I'm angry

I'm mad


He's not gone

He's in my heart

I love him

I love him


He cares for me

He loves me

Not in that way

He's moved on

Why can't I

I love him

I love him


It can't be reached

It's been too long

I see him

We didnt talk

I deleted his number

Last time

Cold and bitter

I loved you

I fell for you

It hurt

I didn't want to say goodbye

You hate me

373 · May 2017
Love Trance
Hannah Logsdon May 2017
When I looked into your eyes I was put into a trance my soul and yours were completely one
As you smiled it felt like my lips were lifted by  magnets and no matter how hard I forced myself to not show you the white of my teeth and pink of my gums I couldn't help it because
The moment I glanced at you the world became out of focus  but you my love were in high definition
I can't explain why you made my body tremble and heart race but I didn't care because I had already fallen under your spell
365 · May 2016
Sinking Love
Hannah Logsdon May 2016
my dear I’m so far underwater
i can’t breathe
as i try to reach for bubbles of air they float up as i sink down
i see your hand
and like a fish to a hook i am drawn to grab you
who knew it would hurt so bad
she tore me away from you and threw me back in because she knew i was not good enough to fill her hunger for pain and your desire to be loved
my dear i am drowning
water now fills my lungs
i see you from down under
you gaze from the surface
i am helpless and i can see the same thing in your eyes
i stopped fighting
because i knew you couldn’t save me,
I’m gone
i have become another grain of sand that once was in your life
because she ripped me from your heavenly grasp
and i didn’t dare to try a swim back up
because my dear I rather drown then see you love her
360 · Apr 2017
Hannah Logsdon Apr 2017
Let's connect not with our souls but through the two bars of service we have
let's not be intimate with our fingers running gently over our bodies but the mindless harsh tapping of disoriented letters
Though we fight and scream words of hate at each other while we are together
Let us post the high points so they can never see the reality behind the screen
But I'll never take my eyes off the screen because I can't stand to look at you anymore
357 · Dec 2016
Hannah Logsdon Dec 2016
Take off your skin
Let it rest
For you have had a rough day
Wipe off your face
So you may draw a new one on tomorrow
Forget who you are
For tomorrow you will look completely new
350 · Mar 2018
Our Last Conversation
Hannah Logsdon Mar 2018
Before the ship sailed
I looked at him
and said
"love is dead"
he dried my stromy eyes
licked the salt from my skin
and said
"love is not dead, it just skipped a beat"

-Something I will never forget
276 · Dec 2017
Loves time change
Hannah Logsdon Dec 2017
The clock’s hands slowly caress the numbers
the minute hand eagerly moves to greet the hour hand
it's 11:59 am,
one more minute until they reach perfect unity
it's 12 pm,
in the span of 60 seconds, they separate again  
its 12:01pm,
They wait for time to take its course
“12 more hours,” they say
262 · Dec 2017
Hannah Logsdon Dec 2017
I had a lily heart
pure and passionate
I was gentle
My white petals were fragile and wilted when you touched me
Why did you rip me from my roots?
My severed stem laid limp in a cold ceramic vase
I was a symbol of your dying love and for each petal you picked was followed by
I love you…I love you not

— The End —