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She said there are things I’d like to do
before I die, but I have no time.
So as her mouth made love to her cigarette
I thought about all the time wasted
giving head to white sticks
made of nicotine and death.
Every time used for touching yourself
inappropriately hoping to God
your dead grandmother cannot see you
or all the times spent ******* someone
whom you only wanted ‘cause they made you wet.

Every second taken to check yourself
in the mirror, cracked from becoming
so drunk you threw your door open in rage,
breaking it against a rack filled with shoes
you never needed. The minutes and hours
spent sinking, like quicksand into the fibers
of a couch watching images that never tell
you anything different, flicker inside a box
made of plastic and wires.

All the time accumulated like dust
under a rug, sitting and thinking
about everything you could be doing
or all the people you never saw more
of because you’re too busy.
She said there are things I would like to do
before I die, I have a list, flicking
a climaxed filter to the ground
forgetting the time she spent to **** it down.
As the water ran down the windowpane
It drew silhouettes of your face in blurry streams
Each drop racing the other, till they were just lines
Of precipitation pooling at the bottom.

I can feel the rope pressing against the skin
of my neck, tightening. It hangs like the noose
we once found in my neighbor's yard.
I wonder if they know their yard is my designated
lynching spot, stringing up memories to die.

I like crying so hard I can't breathe,
when the tears and screams catch
in the back of my throat, I don't stop,
hoping I might choke on them and suffocate,
saving my pillow the trouble, and the government
the issue of typing something other than
'Natural Causes' on the death certificate.
He didn't believe I was crazy
But you can't see the insides of peoples
Skulls and mine was plastered with posters
Of him and pictures of us.

I'll cut off my head to get out
Then you can keep it if you think it's so pretty
Just throw the rest of me to the wolves
They've already had it.

The melody said "love is watching someone die"
then sign me up to catch your last breaths
Because I want to see you realize
what you gave up.
I couldn't love you any less than I do,
I've tried.
I ate my tongue like a sponge breaking
apart after sitting in a bucket of suds
weeks after the car has been washed clean
of the mud we sprayed on it's flanks
fighting and kissing like two magnets
meeting for the first time.  
Separating us is like pressing
the opposite sides together,
they'll only want to face each other again,
once you've stop trying.
How could I love you any less,
when you're the only thing that is keeping me
breathing in my own poison.
The clichéd shower the next morning
left skin bloodied jerky
hot with brush burns and soap stains.
This doesn’t happen to concrete walls,
but even the Berlin fell.
But months later when another
whispers “darling” to me
my squinted flushed cheeks
******, *****, prostitutes
know many. But none
are names like this.
Cause when I let him run
his mesh palms
over my face. I choked
on the dust
of all the memories
I ground and blew away,
dandelion seeds.
It burned as acid
fingers mounted my throat
and a thumb of needles
sewed my mouth
shut with embroidered thread
made of beer condensation.
The inebriated venetian blinds
reared and “shush please don’t”
swam the air, as the pacific poured
from my eyes. I said to her
“You let him strap me to his back,
a saddle pack filled with jars
of intoxication”
She said “Its not like he ***** you.”
 Aug 2011 Hannah LePage
Angel V
Back and forth
forth and back
Exhale, Inhale
in and out
up and down
upside down and right side up
left and right
above and below
back and forth
firm and soft
him and her...
I used to stress
freak out, tense up.
Who was I?!
which one?!
Pick a side!!
"Be loyal, faithful, true!"
I'd hear from them and you.
"Be true to self",
a whisper came.
All parts make a whole.
You will learn someday.
Enjoy life,
enjoy love.
...and all the ups and downs
and ins and out
and exhales and inhales
along the way.

— The End —