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1.1k · Feb 2011
Hannah Lambert Feb 2011
My mind is spinning, spinning spinning
I'm sure the winds are screaming by, but I don't hear a sound
Spinning, Spinning, Spinning,
Lost in the euphoria of dizzy ignorance you've created just for me
Spinning, Spinning, Spinning,
So sick of being dizzy, it clouds my mind so
Spinning, Spinning, Spinning
Make it go away
Spinning, Spinning
Leave me alone
Down I fall...
913 · Jan 2011
A heavy world; A heavy mind
Hannah Lambert Jan 2011
I’m so tired.
I’ve been stretched to my limits and I fear I am only human!
I feel I bear the weight of a thousand worlds that are not my own!

Then, once the weight is lifted I am left with the weight of my own, what I’ve been neglecting.
I am weak, and sick of pretending.
What I wouldn’t give to be able to break?
695 · Jan 2011
My Demon
Hannah Lambert Jan 2011
I have a demon
He follows me everywhere
I have a demon
He consumes me with emptiness and he doesn't even care
I have a demon
Do you know what the worst part is?
My demon loved me, not so very long ago
and I think I still love him
643 · Feb 2011
The Black Thing
Hannah Lambert Feb 2011
I hear it, in the dark, when I'm alone
It calls out to me, with it's silky voice
It speaks my name and I don't know why
That dark, beautiful, inky existance.
Sometimes, I want to follow it, when it beckons in the night
I don't, what holds me back? Is it light, no, light has left me
Then fear? Yes! Yes, it must be fear!
But it shouldn't call me in the first place!
It has no reason to want my flesh!
My blood hasn't thickend like that of others
It isn't touched by bitterness
It shouldn't yearn to drink my blood!
Yet it does, I feel the yern, it lends the yern to me
594 · Jan 2011
Hannah Lambert Jan 2011
What happens when it’s too well hidden?
What happens when it’s all locked up,
far too deep down inside?
What happens when you’re too hurt, too weak, to continue to hide?
Would they believe you, if they hear,
of your many a painful fear?
Has your role been too well played
is your act to real,
if people would laugh and shrug it off when exposed to how you truly feel?
580 · Jan 2011
Lingering Love
Hannah Lambert Jan 2011
I shouldn't feel this way
I told you that we we through
You don't feel it, then nor should I
But when my mind isn't preoccupied
I find I cry from missing you.
509 · Jan 2011
Hannah Lambert Jan 2011
Life is sweet, Life is foul
Life can make us cry
Life can make us laugh
We live for the sweet
We live through the foul
The foul Streangthens us
The sweet makes it worth while
500 · Jan 2011
Rainbow Mind
Hannah Lambert Jan 2011
Do you see what I see, could you even comprehend?
Can you see the colors that tell stories in the end?
The colors tell me everything,
everything inside your soul.
You could see them too,
you know,
if you’d just stop and notice
the film that they are painted on.
493 · Dec 2012
Hannah Lambert Dec 2012
In the dark, there is a light.
A shining guide,
Granting flight.
There are not words, for how it feels.
It quietly lifts,
It gently heals.
There are not reasons, regarding why.
The spinning stops,
It clears the sky.
In the dark, there is a light.
Impossible is possible,
A certain serenity replacing fright.
447 · Dec 2012
Hannah Lambert Dec 2012
You snuck up on me.
You came from the the back of my mind to the forefront of my life.
You made me believe.
Things I never thought possible become reality.
You amaze me.
Never has anyone so completely unlocked me.
You waited for me.
Proving that you are utterly and entirely mine.
You cannot leave me.
I fear you've taken me completely, you are my eternity.
All this because you love me.
And I'm not even scared.
442 · Jan 2011
The Light
Hannah Lambert Jan 2011
I stay within the light; I refuse to allow myself to go back to the dark.
I stay within the light; I do everything I can to
I stay within the light; I don’t allow myself time to fall back into the shadows
I stay within the light; I’m afraid of what I’d find
I stay within the light; afraid I’d find I belong in the dark

— The End —