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What happened?
To my unbreakable depression
What happened?
To my “I don’t care attitude”
What happened?
To my toughness
What Happened?
To my anxiety
What happened?
To my PTSD
What happened?
To the complexion of my skin
What happened?
To all the stress
What happened?
To all the hurt
What happened?
To all the reminders of the wrong I have done
He happened
He turned my frown upside down
He changed my beliefs
He changed my mind
He turned my hardened heart into a soft place
He opened my eyes to the truth
He showed me what a true man is
He showed me who I am.
He taught me what the right thing is
And the right thing is you
You did this
All of it
You turned the tables
You changed my life
You saved my life
You gave me reason
You have me my sunshine back
You returned my integrity
You hold my heart in your hands
I will fall at your every whim
Although I will not lose who I am
I will give you my all
My everything
You are what I want in my future
You are what I need in my life
You are the reason I stand before you today
In a few years this poem will be a memory of our start
But know that I will make this last
That word
The one that is so difficult to say
But at the same time to uplifting to verbalize
The word that has me wrapped around your finger
The word that has me at my wits end
The word that makes me fall to my knees
The word that describes how I feel about you
The 4 letters that make my heart melt
The word that gives me hope for us
Although it hard to say
It’s so easy to feel
The word that makes me believe in us
The one syllable that turns my sadness in to an overwhelming joy
That single word that makes me think of only you
The word that makes my smile uncontrollably
Although I put out a tough vibe
The word I feel for you makes me weak
Even if you don’t want the same
Even if you never feel this way about me
I will always have this word for you
I will always rip at the seems
Because you made me truly believe in this word
No matter the situation
I will always have this word stuck with the thought of you
You make the word
You may not feel the word
You are the word
And I will always have this word for you
I wrote this for my best friend.
Home of the insane,
Of the crazy.
Of the mentally unstable.
My mind wanders into deep thoughts of you.
How you might look now.
If your hair is long,
Or short.
If you have to wear those glasses you hate,
Or the contacts that drive you nuts.
If you think about me as much as I think about you.
I miss you.
I miss your laugh,
Your smile,
Your goofy gestures of love and appreciation.
I miss the way you used to look at me,
With you beautiful eyes that shifted me soul.
I miss the safe haven you made for me,
The one that was made of your love and warmth.
I miss the beat of your heart
Intune with my own.
I want more than ever to see you again.
But these padded walls won’t let me leave.
This self-hugging suit holds me in place.
I want to be free with you.
But they think I’m nothing more than a mentally unstable crazy lady
I can’t move.
I want to,
But I can’t.
It’s like being able to see the grass outside,
And never be able to feel is softness on the pads of your feet.
You can’t imagine how much I want to be with you.
How much I want to hear your voice.
To feel your hand on mine.
To taste your lips one last time.
I want to be free with you.
I want to be saved from this hell I’m trapped in.
I want to have my sanity back
I want you back.
Please I beg of you.
Give him back to me!
I love him!
I need him!
Please release me from this place of mental torture!
Give me my sanity.
Give me my freedom.
Give me my love.

— The End —