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734 · Sep 2011
My Rising Sun
Hannah Jameson Sep 2011
If you'd been rude, I could handle that
Conceited, or vain
But for you to be so nice to me
Just to cause me all this pain?
You gave me hope
You gave me smiles
You gave me memories
Then you took them all back again
With simplicity and ease
Saying that you're sorry
Doesn't change what you've done
You're still the one who sent the storm
To sink my rising sun.
698 · Sep 2011
Hannah Jameson Sep 2011
Standing at a crossroads
Options lying ahead
Laced with confusion
With love alive
With love dead
My position, unfamiliar
Yours, one I know well
Seeing from a new perspective
Another version of cupid's living hell
I can feel you slipping away
One day you will be gone
But the hope that you'll choose me
Is all that keeps me holding on
I'd grip your hand tighter,
Wouldn't let you walk away
If I thought I could make you happy
That we'd have a future past today
But the path you'd walk with me
Is uncertain and unknown
That's why you will choose her
And once again I'll be alone.
567 · Sep 2011
To Drown
Hannah Jameson Sep 2011
White fingertips grasp your body
Walls of water soar at your face
Currents tug you under, deeper, and deeper
Helpless in this violent embrace

Drowning in sorrow these waves of emotion
Show no signs of subsiding
Relentless in strength they embody the force
Of the problems from which you've been hiding

Longing to go back to the friendly shore
Where troubles were for another day
But that day is here, the future is now
And this ocean isn't going away

Your limbs are weights, dragging you down
The temptation to give up only grows
But between the waves is a glimpse of the horizon
And you remember that highs follow lows.
539 · Sep 2011
Hannah Jameson Sep 2011
I can play it in my head,
A thousand times and still again
The future that we had
How great we could have been
I didn't see this coming
I thought I'd have more time
To show you that I care
To say what's on my mind
But now I wish I'd never
Said anything at all
I could have stopped myself
Before I began this fall
The unexpected turn
From happiness and bliss
Now I want to take away
Every smile and every kiss
I wish I'd never wrote that letter
Or told you that I care
Then I could pretend
That there was really nothing there
But this is what I get
For trusting someone else
I should have know that in this world
You can only trust yourself.
495 · Sep 2011
I Can't Run Very Fast
Hannah Jameson Sep 2011
I wish I could go back to that moment
When I could kiss you for no reason at all
When the lights weren't on
Yet I knew you were there
Leaning against the wall
I know I knew then what I don't want to know now
These feelings were there all along
The passion, the fear
I'd willingly steer
Myself into the wrong
I saw an escape and I ran
I ran away as fast as I could
But the father I ran, the more familiar it became
Now I stand where I previously stood
She is different this time but the feelings remain
Just as painful as the last
I'm sure that I'll run away again, but we both know
I can't run very fast.

— The End —