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 May 2014 Hannuh Jacey
Live the life I lust for. I'll live vicariously through you.
I met an old Alien on one cold November day
His skin was green and had blood shot eyes and his hair was all grey.

His space ship crashed in my back yard.
He looked so forlorn and his space ship was completely charred.

He lost all his luggage and he had no clothes
On a cold winters evening he dam near froze.

I took him to my closet and showed him all my a tire.
He picked out my cocktail shirt, his looks were now on fire.

I took him out to dinner one night and everyone had to stop and stare.
He was an item in their lives that they considered very rare.

His habitat is in my basement, where he constructed a cocoon.
He also spent many hours on my porch gazing at the moon.

He did not speak or make sounds, he only used his eyes.
He would often try to point and explain the skies.

Then one day his friends all came to take him back home.
Their space ship was amazing like Frisbee made of chrome.

I saw in his eyes that he was happy and also sad.
He gave me a final strange salute that today it makes me glad.

I often wonder to this day as I look into the sky.
If he was really a he or she, because she was very shy.
Watch on vimeo
 Dec 2012 Hannuh Jacey
Tom Orr
I wasn't sure what to make
of this intergalactic space war.
With flying soldiers in old tobacco tins
and bullets made out of fingers.
I took it upon myself, I suppose
to conscript to this chaos,
upon the fluffy terrain.
Some sort of tyrannous Tyrannosaurus,
with a purple top hat
had taken over the bunk bed fort.

I'd made up my mind.
The only thing for it was a straight "Neeeeee-owwwwwwww"
into the back of the villainous lizard.

My comrade in arms however,
felt I wasn't quite suited for this rampant combat.
Although, his reason I didn't quite agree with;

"You're doing it wrong" he said, rather patronisingly.

I guess my little cousin is less of the kamikaze type and more of the tactical warfare nature.
your limbs are like trees
enclosed in your vines
a small pink heart
with two beady eyes.

it sees what you do
but you've wrapped it up tight
suffocating its thoughts
bound by your might.

it's empathy trickles,
like a tiny blue stream
drops hit your toes,
a carebears dream.

your dark insides squirm,
and your empty eyes plead
and that little pink heart
pulses with need

i climbed inside,
to sit in its' glow
your abyss growing tighter
the blue beings to slow

I cradled your heart,
in the crook of my arm,
i carried it out
escaping your harm.

your little heart looked at me,
with those beady eyes,
it welled up with tears
and let out a sigh.

the pink heart exploded,
and covered me in blue.
your sad eyes closed
the last of you.

This pressure on my chest,
I cannot quite describe.

Just a pressure, nothing more
of something missing

     There before?

Without complexities.

Not the same pain like the rest,
Getting this strange vibe.

What have I lost, misplaced,
Something forgotten

     Cross-stricken face.
Lying here, before the glow,
Lights are turned way down low;
As images dance before my eyes,
Another day of troubled sighs;
As the world closes in from outside,
Into the machine I run and hide;
A virtual world, a virtual life,
A place not filled with pain and strife;
A place where I can dance and run,
And fly, play, and have some fun;
Where pain does not rule my days,
And I feel freedom in so many ways;
Where a family loves me,
That I have not lost;
Where they will stay with me,
No matter the cost;
And though It has it's share of drama,
They can save it for their mama;
But I'm thin and muscular in there,
Slick, suave and debonair;
Who knows? Might find me a wife,
There in my Second Life.
For years I've been your
Pretty, pretty china doll.
With pink lips, permanently set
Into a half-smile.
But inside, my china heart
Broke a long time ago
And the blood, it
Threatens to seep through
The cracks that you made.

I'm dreaming, dreaming.
And in my dream the
Mirror shatters.
Catapulting a million fragments
To the floor and little Lily
Is there. See?
She's playing with the shards,
Hands bleeding.
She pulls them to her mouth
Like her teething rattle.
Blood, dripping down her baby gro.
And you laugh, you laugh.

I watch your chest rise and fall
I can smell the whiskey on your breath.
I, I take a plump pillow and
I press it hard over your mouth.
The porcelain mask starts to
Slip, it slips. It falls to the ground
And splits, it splits.
You don't struggle and your chest,
It doesn't rise any more.

Now I rise.

I walk over to Lily's cot,
I check her hands and they're
Fine, they're fine.
I kiss her mouth and my
Tears drip, drip down her baby gro.
 Oct 2012 Hannuh Jacey
 Oct 2012 Hannuh Jacey
Anxiously awaiting,
a gasp of breath.
The slight sound,
a single word with endless depth.
Never-ending thoughts leave me lost,
in seas of awe.
Painting pictures of your mind,
thoughts forever without flaw.
 Oct 2012 Hannuh Jacey
There is one in every corner of this building.
I just want to be alone.
Go find another one.
Dumb *******.

— The End —