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Mar 2014 · 945
Hannah Goble Mar 2014
to know that you're happy when i'm not
it *****, honestly.
you are vibrant and brilliant
and i'm dull and still here.
you've begun your journey to be young and happy
and i'll be waiting here, being weird
I hate that I can't forgive you
but I hate even more that you won't forgive me.
sorry for the cliche
Mar 2014 · 217
Hannah Goble Mar 2014
you blame society because you don't want to blame yourself.
you are a part of the society you hate
you look at skinny girls and envy them
you laugh and tear apart those who aren't like you
and you think society owes you something?
you are a part of the society you hate
and change can only start with you.

— The End —