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781 · May 2013
Hannah Frances May 2013
I couldn’t define it.
Words tricked from my lips
A babbling brook of incoherence
Grasping for phrases, attempting to capture
Something so perfectly intangible.

I couldn’t build walls around it
Hold onto and confine it
With explanations and reasoning
Boundaries of sanity, a cushion of protection

I just couldn't find a way
To nestle it away safely
Within the recesses of my soul
Amongst the other “boxes” I’ve created
To compartmentalize life.
746 · Nov 2013
Hannah Frances Nov 2013
Steam rising, clinging onto my expression, sliding off my nose
Forehead pressed against the harsh, cold tile
My thoughts simmering and spurting
But the water stifles the spinning
Sweeping away undesirables
Remorse, worries, sadness
I smile as they
swirl down
the drain
588 · May 2013
Hannah Frances May 2013
I found your brother
As I went for a walk
Through the grass and marble
We had our silent talk
He listened wordlessly
And caught my tears
Even though he couldn't speak
He unmasked your fears
Leaving him a flower,
I cleaned up his headstone
I said goodbye to a boy I will never meet
Understanding why you feel alone
493 · May 2013
Hannah Frances May 2013
I now fear the act of writing
These things I have to say
Jotting them down, scribbling them out
Folding into secrecy, stowing them away
Slipping an array of papers into a back pocket
Or resort to hiding them under the bed
Doing everything and anything in my power
To get these thoughts out of my head

For if I write down these musings,
Set them into words sturdy, finite, and clear
Then I will have to face the truth hidden in catharsis
And that is what I ultimately fear—
A hidden meaning behind my words
Thus far lurking, but now they show
Leaping off the page, consuming me whole
Something, about myself, I didn’t want to know

— The End —