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Mar 2012 · 985
Deaf perception
The rythmatic sequences of sound
Slithered through my brain
Leaving ***** of yarn
Tangled all around me
Caught between deception
And a ressurection
Becoming one with the water droplets
Stuck to the window
Visions fluttered through my mind
Like tiny little butterflies
Tickling the inside of my eyes
The greatness soothed me
To a point of fear
A good fear
Like that of a fierce man
With a sweet soul
That of a burdened child
With a perfect life
My wallet was empty
But my heart was full
Of sounds
And shapes
Like the little block toys
From my childhood
Nothing could stop this
This sentimental feeling
Not even the burning pictures
Falling from my pinstriped wall
Mar 2012 · 899
Pressure rising
Pulse subsiding
Outside flying
Inside I'm crying
Problems dying
To much lying
No more denying
I know this is trying
Tired of the spiting
I see you've been hiding
Becoming, abiding
It's time for some guiding
It seems so inticing
To rid the unexciting,
To only bring on,
A new horizon
Mar 2012 · 506
I think I love,
Not finishing my thoughts
The ones that lead to doorways
White doorways
With wood grain imprints
And a shiny gold door ****
Cold to the touch
I think I love
Not speaking my mind
When I should
When it's cold
And I'm warm
But it's crazy
All at once
I think I love
Incomplete thoughts
The ones that leave you hanging
Like the bandit
With the dusty eye patch
Hanging loosely
From that oak tree
Out my window
That makes me think
That I...
A direct spew of thoughts from the deepest part of me. Some thoughts I cannot even bring myself to speak out loud yet.
Mar 2012 · 654
You ate your obsession. You had some kind of oppression. Like the baby bird, pushed from it's nest. I picked you up. Brushed you off. Took you in. But your broken bones, I could not mend. How was to watch you heal? When you wanted to break, apart the shell. The one you once hatched from. I kept you away, from the poison, Growing near the grave of your past. But you'd always drift. Back to what broke you. I cannot stop, the breaking of your bones. I can only feed the mouth of your heart, until you stop walking, on those shallow stone waters, where the rocks are sharp, and the current, can always scoop you up, and pull you under. Take a deep breath, because I cannot breathe, the breath that once made you whole.
Mar 2012 · 520
Kcuts no esrever
The frozen pixel moment. The exits, leading to a new beginning. The tangled necklace story. The blue spinning globe. Nothing more than a moment. A flash of yellow light. The blinking turn signals, leading to nowhere land. A place I'd love to be. Nothing to ponder, but the guitar strums, of passing cars, and the resting area inside my head.
Feb 2012 · 693
Wishful Thinking
Quit singing your sad bluebird blues
Eyes filled with broken record tears
I'll never understand
Your empty tortured heart
The sick satisfaction
That comes with watching,
Those visually striking images
They lure you in
****** you up
Swallow you whole
Like the snake that wallows
Through your green gate garden
You should never battle,
Battle for love
I turned on the light
In that corner
Where you kept your secrets
I showed you the words
That fell from the sky
I laid them out,
In black and white
No need to hide away,
In your little square bubble alone
I know the air is thin
I have a bubble of my own
Jump off your tangled cord television,
That you stare away your problems into
It is all a lie
The closeness
The flame
The suppressing feeling,
They call love
The greyness of the back seat,
Should tell you what you need to know
Even though the bubble is getting smaller
Seeming like a constricting slithering nigthmare
Your heart is growing,
Like the skyline that you see,
When you wake up,
And realize you are no longer alone
Feb 2012 · 609
Wishful Thinking
Quit singing your sad bluebird blues
Eyes filled with broken record tears
I'll never understand
Your empty tortured heart
The sick satisfaction
That comes with watching,
Those visually striking images
They lure you in
****** you up
Swallow you whole
Like the snake that wallows
Through your green gate garden
You should never battle,
Battle for love
I turned on the light
In that corner
Where you kept your secrets
I showed you the words
That fell from the sky
I laid them out,
In black and white
No need to hide away,
In your little square bubble alone
I know the air is thin
I have a bubble of my own
Jump off your tangled cord television,
That you stare away your problems into
It is all a lie
The closeness
The flame
The suppressing feeling,
They call love
The greyness of the back seat,
Should tell you what you need to know
Even though the bubble is getting smaller
Seeming like a constricting slithering nigthmare
Your heart is growing,
Like the skyline that you see,
When you wake up,
And realize you are no longer alone
Feb 2012 · 645
Tunnel Vision
Today the upside down butterfly
It landed on me
The blue brick wall
It fell beneath my feet
I walked it to the underground tunnel
Where the black eyes
Looked into me like the kaleidoscope
Hanging from my ceiling above my bed
They took my eyes
And not knowing of their sadness
I fell into the carpet
I sunk into the floor
Four whole hours
I watched the children run away
I watched without watching
I loved without loving
And I fell without falling
The sound of crackling eggshells
reminded me of what I could not see
The way he touched my melting lips
Simple ecstasy
All something I could not see
I forgot of the black eyes
And the butterfly
It landed where I could not see
Could not hear
Could not feel
But as I walked through my own thoughts
I could think
I could do anything
I was me
Feb 2012 · 601
Nothingless Nothingness
Shattered mirror visions
Spew out of my ears
Poison corrodes my body
I become lifeless
A shell with nothing inside
Debranched from the tree
From it's lifeless life of nothingness
Until the open eyed stare
Comes and fills me with open door echoes
Feeds me the moon
That once rolled from my tongue
Knocks me out
Gives me chills
Until my head lands by my side
And sings the sleepless sound of sadness
Tucks me into my pocket of my thoughts
Until I awake
To find myself living
To find myself

— The End —