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Took me for granted
Used me to get by
You were so lonely
Needed a one and only

But Just for a little while
Until another one came by
i swear to god
swear it wasnt me
i was here the whole time
holding your hands
im innocent

now that you mention it
i might have something to tell you
**** more things than SOMEthing
i lied

ill try not to take that tone
should i whisper it
i mean i kind of need to
after all that yelling

forget i said anything
lets just act like adults about this
heres all the terrible things
puke on the page

you know,
if you ate better
you might not get so sick in the *future
pukey page
Across the street.
Opposite direction;
Conceit paved with concrete.
Flashback perception.
Across the street.

Anxiety and nicotine
Piercings and red hair
Cigarette guillotine.
One dred behind your ear.
Anxiety and nicotine

Strawberry blonde
Curly or locked?
Wizard's wand spawned
levitation Air blocked.
Strawberry blonde.
WBC Day 2. After two days, not a Tuesday, I finished on Friday.
© April 19th, 2013 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved
Today is my birthday
I turned 22.
I will not be partying
I have things to do
Cold stone at 2
Class from 6-9

It may seem like a poor way to celebrate
Such a wonderful day
However happiness is in the moments remembered
So alcohol isn't in my plans today
© April 23rd, 2013 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved.
The pigs are coming
To take me away
To a barred up wonderland
with no escape

I should've ran
When I smelled bacon
Now I'm stuck in a pin
A lonely hungry vegetarian.
I thought it was funny...
lets stare upward
facing the new constellations
i splattered on the ceiling
glowing specks to fascinate us
while we are here
dark early and silent

playing footsies
i caress you
big toe to pinky
slow and sighing all the while
the deep
im so in love with you sigh

i meditate
and you meander
your fingers across you
and then me
raising every pore and follicle

its night but we arent dreaming
and no
not even really playing
just being mostly
i JUST decided i like this poem
I know what it feels like
To be isolated
stranded on an island
in a sea of meaningful conversation
so remote you need binoculars
to find people holding hands

thats not us today
not you second mom
not me failing educator
but us
jovial and talkative
skipping down mainstreet
stopping in pocket parks
to plan our towns future

i want to take you somewhere
that place that we used to go
well not together
that breakfast place
's been around for a half century
its not there any more
its a bar now
look ill buy you a shiner
and you just sit there
look pretty
and write on this dollar

and thats what she wrote
"b [star] [heart]"
with the shapes there instead
just over washingtons face
and i made for it a frame
just in the corners
and the new bartender
stapled it right in plain view
above the ***** section
down at the end
where the old men talk about
the ways that it hasnt
or never will
work out for them

you embody their silent shrine now
you are reigning over the space
where they come to be lonely
but talkative though
the place where they come
to find people with whom to hold hands
to skip down main street
to stop in pocket parks
and talk about the way
things need to be changed
and how [we] can change them
grey on grey on gray
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