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4.5k · Feb 2012
Love and Cinnamon Rolls
Hannah Dierling Feb 2012
For lunch I ate a cinnamon roll
and thought of you.
not because you remind me
of breakfast pastries
and not because you are particularly sweet,
it is because my flickers of memories and surges of passion
I may recollect on any random day
are laced with pieces of you.
I have loved you for far more days
than I would ever care to count
but today I've realized something new;
it is in the moments of simple remembrance,
the times when I feel a spark for
no apparent reason
that ignites the feeling once again
with more force and vigor than
on any regular day,
to flare up my memory
that I have truly loved you
I will always love you.
there is a flame within me
that will never leave my heart in darkness
because even if you leave me,
or I you,
the flame may turn to embers
but can never be extinguished.
and even in my darkest and most lonely
of times,
I eat a cinnamon roll
and remember that I will
forever have a light,
a warmth and a memory
to keep me company.
3.4k · Jan 2012
Love Drunk
Hannah Dierling Jan 2012
I love like a lush
I do not bluff or brag
I do not stack the deck
I bargain and dismiss
A pacifist

Drink until I’m sick
Along with all those other thirsty folks;
Drink it up
And drag along
With my hangover in the morning.
2.5k · Dec 2012
Carpe Diem
Hannah Dierling Dec 2012
Promise is the hue of dawn
nothing forgotten
nothing forgone
Unfootprinted sand unveiled—unashamed
dusk’s child born of nocturnal tide’s wane
first breaths
from the
safe womb of pale moon
plucked from
paired lovebirds’ earliest tune
Yet no blossom takes bloom
knowing how sweet nectar
can turn
facing a blushing sun’s
Bound to a timeworn past— each day
born anew
Mother Night slips
soothing sighs
Soft breath of light
upon This--
morning dew.

Let smiles wedge between sleepy red cheeks
while sunlight braids between lullaby lashes
know that fire of life is unguarded to seize
or to fade,
longing in a Sun's jaded ashes.
872 · Nov 2011
Think Fast
Hannah Dierling Nov 2011
Think Fast
Fall hard.
Face splintered
Grass pillow.
Heart dropping
Body contorts to
Unnatural style.
Curl up.
Grab tightly
To the pain.
Sweat tears.
Bruises turn colors
To match
War jerseys.
Cheers to gasps.
Bright lights illuminate
Broken enamel.



— The End —