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May 2015 · 294
Same person
Hannah B May 2015
Just something I wrote

We all wonder
But never ask
We all ask
But still wonder
We got questions
And starve for answers  
We satisfy our hunger
Time to quench our thirst
Full from knowledge
Sipping on wisdom
By the end of the night we'll be drunk
Our true colors will shine
In the morning we won't remember
The hangover will take the place of the real us
We will just be another person
In this lonely mistaken world
May 2015 · 249
To feel but not to know
Hannah B May 2015
Let everything go
Your worries need to fade
You say your broken , but do you really feel this way
No one hears your sobs at night
Everyone thinks your fine
You struggle to live
Your hope is at it's end
You stare at yourself in the mirror
You don't like what you see
You wish to die
Lies you tell
Alone you feel
You can't trust the words of others
You can't even trust yourself
Screaming frantically
No words are coming out
Give up are the words you keep repeating
You still hang on even it's by a thread
May 2015 · 202
Hannah B May 2015
My love
My best friend
My everything
I sit and watch you , your so marvelous
The way your hair falls so perfectly is beautiful all on it's own
Your eyes have this brightness I can't help but be attracted to
I hear you curse your body
Honey don't curse it no more , I love The way you look
Lay your head on my chest , fall asleep to my heartbeat
I don't want to undress your body tonight, but your thoughts instead
I stare at your beautiful face
Sleep cannot find me tonight
I don't care if it never finds me again
As long as I find myself next to you each and every night .
May 2015 · 260
To wonder
Hannah B May 2015
Darling take my hand
Let us dance
The night is beautiful , the way your dressed just takes my breath away
When the wind begins to blow I'll pull you closer , sweetheart let the wind blow forever
When it rains don't run , stay right here With me , let the rain pour down all night
Don't cry my love , our adventure is not over , it has just began
Lets run away
Lets never be found
You'll never be scared , I'll be your loving arms through the darkest night
Good morning will always be said
You will feel my kiss
I'll whisper I love you in your ears
I'll drive you insane with The sweet things I say to you
I'll drive you wild with every touch
But I'll never drive you away from me

— The End —