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Hannah May 2013
My handwriting
used to be
and bubbly,
and the letters
were looped together,
kind of like
how we used to
hold hands.
my hands are empty
and trembling,
and my handwriting
is messy,
and carelessly scrawled
onto paper.
I used to wake up
in the morning,
with my legs
with yours.
i have been waking up
with my legs
in plain white sheets
along with
my tangled
It seems like
only a week ago,
you were sitting
on my couch,
and talking.
I still expect
you to be there,
when i come home.
But all that is there
to greet me
is the horribly hand-stitched
you made for me
last christmas,
and the image
of your face
your bottom lip
sticking out
as you complain
about sewing
and how
it is much harder
and painful
then you
My walls
were once covered
in every picture of us
I ever owned.
they are bare.
Holding only one
picture of you,
but it is
and burnt at the edges,
i burned them all
and changed my mind
when there was only
half a picture
There was a time
when my ears
heard the words
“i love you”
come out
of your mouth
every day.
The only thing they hear
is muffled sobs
and whispered
“i miss you”s.
So excuse my messy handwriting,
and lonely legs,
and empty couch,
and burnt photo,
and lost words,
but life has changed
since you were
Hannah May 2013
On Monday, i am invisible;
nobody seems to know i exist.

On Tuesday, i am a glass door;
visible, but sometimes forgotten.

On Wednesday, i am a three leaf clover;
nothing special.

On Thursday, i am a camera without a memory card;
there, but unwanted.

On Friday, i am a pea;
noticed, but ignored.

On Saturday, i am a fun-sized candy bar;
respected, but never good enough.

On Sunday, I am a queen.
I have survived another week in my life,
and it feels amazing.

Until ten o'clock at night
when i realize in nine hours i will be invisible again.
I try to enjoy my last moments as queen,
but it’s hard to pretend when reality hits you.

I cannot decide if i like Sunday.
It is like a bag of chips.
In the beginning, they are both pleasing.
You have no school for the second time that week, you have a deliciously unhealthy, but wanted, snack.
But then,
you realize there is school tomorrow, you realize you have been defrauded and the bag is practically empty.
They always end in disappointment.

I cannot decide if the good balances with the bad,
or if one is overweighed.

I cannot decide if i prefer six and a half days of disappointment,
or half a day of bluffing myself.

I cannot decide if i like being queen,
or if it is a waste of time.

I cannot decide if pretending is superior to knowing what i am.

I cannot decide if life is enjoyable when it is like a broken record,
the same situations repeating over and over.

Because before i am able to decide on anything,
i am too busy being invisible again.
Hannah May 2013
A picture is worth a thousand words,
but not all of them are happy.
To see unhappy is to think unhappy
leading to a day of stress.

A stressful day
jumbles your mind
twists your stomach
and clenches your hands.
A stressful day
is how to create
a thousand problems.

There is no better way that i can think of
to dump of all the stress
than to rid of the problem
with a cigarette.

As it pulls from your lips
and slips from your fingers
and falls to the ground,
take a deep breath,
in and out,
to release the stress
and your problems.

Look at the stub
small, white, and burnt,
laying at your toes.

Now smile and
relax your hands.
A thousand words
and a thousand problems
have now been left
as a conflict to deal with
for the cigarette.
Hannah May 2013
I made up a list
all about you
it has a hundred and seven things
that you cannot do

it started with sports
because you cannot kick a ball
or even run a mile
but i do not mind at all

it ended with leaving
because i cannot let you go
after a hundred and seven things
that all i wanted you to know

— The End —