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Mar 2012 · 921
Hank Roberts Mar 2012
When the shoreline isn’t
the third floor, lightning won’t fly
at all or at once.

the trees turn to plastic
trees when Africa’s carved.
We won’t 'hurt' them that much.

I remember anticipation sneaking slowly
when we all had butterflies
in the stomach.  

Remember the one who showed you
what was new? The one who gave
you chills down the spine?

When the trees of earth are the
algae of the sea, moss will be
endangered species

when the best mutation is gills,
the pastime will skid from consumption
to survival instinct.

when the institution holds the
artist down and uses
two rolls of gorilla tape

As long as everything remains
the same we won't have
to realize we're backstabbed.

The universe crystallizes and
the sea turns to muck; theoretical
garbage and ****.

The clouds melt into the grass
The mountains drop and when
There’s no peak to see what’s left,

I'll be on top of my mountain
I got no hand in the outcome
And so I’ll turn at last.
Feb 2012 · 423
Almost Too Light
Hank Roberts Feb 2012
I know my words aren't fleeting
     to your heart straight away, it's
         these words that lure around
  You said write something sweet
       --Your hair is hot
             Then I was caught--
        You're sweeter than mary jane.  
Music flows-the river too. All
     the lyrics we know diffuse
        To the knowledge of one--Ours
   both together, hopefully forever
            Love is light; almost too light--
         Even enough to blind
    --Oh, I don't mind
Feb 2012 · 511
Dreams of Success
Hank Roberts Feb 2012
There were numerous footprints
           in pudding on the ground leading to
                  my room while I went to answer the telephone
                             that had been ringing.  The phone had a strange stain
on it. it could have been barbeque sauce,
                                                                                         or blood.
                                                                              Then the phone turned
                                                            to ash and then the room!
                                      One wrong move
                             and the whole
                      Thing comes
       crumbling down.
We fell for ever,
     Inner-walls slimed and excreting fiery ***** chunks
              while the search for water is abandon
      Landed in a pool of black thick slimy muck,
The snakes comes slither,
              tar oil, burnt charcoal; snakes
     Pearly white eyes and long black tongue
                   There venom is the orange in the bag from liposuction
                            A light! I say, A light! down there!
                                                            sometimes the only way out is deeper through the ****** pus hole
                                          And fight the white head with nothing but your bare hands
Feb 2012 · 1.2k
Einstein's Brain
Hank Roberts Feb 2012
I took his brain and
put it in the formaldehyde
Albert's genius, is a duty for science.
No extra neurons, just  some extra glue;
the glial cells, loop the frontal lobes
and swim in the right hemisphere.
Diamond wanted some samples
but I waited awhile
Three years after I sent
the parts she wanted
in a mayonnaise jar. Extra light
mayonnaise jar.  They learned
about astrocytes and
communication through the brain.
The more the glial glutamate; the more
If the brain was never stolen
who knows where we'd
be at
Only a genius could communicate
during and after his life.
Feb 2012 · 760
The fight
Hank Roberts Feb 2012
Sleepless nights
Gruesome fights
Endless charade and hopeless relief
Rich-less but paid
Watch the thief
He'll come when you sleep

Slippery snakes (slither)
Through liquid waste
Forget the mannered, wrestle the man
For he's hammered
Money's at hand
Everything is left on you

Empty cupboard
Bills unanswered
The bread sits at the store
Swiftly grab it,
Wanting more,
Can't hide more than one

Dribbled beer
Obese chins
Sweaty hairy, middle aged hounds
Cheer with Merry,
Ignore the sounds
Almost out and homeward bound

Dirt cold shower
They took your power
Fungus for soap, mildew towels
Don't just hope
Jump on the prowl
Winning will end it all

Seven, Eight, UP
Counter, upper cut
Momentum rising, moving in  
Swing for his eyes,
Flattened chin,
Nine, ten..You're out for the count
Feb 2012 · 537
Hank Roberts Feb 2012
There's all these ways to go; left, right, up, down,
and diagonal lanes. Some curve, some swerve
and some are long and
Don't panic when you all get lost,  just got to look up  

there's songs that are way too long
but more importantly some just aren't
quite long enough.  
There's a song we can all sing; **** near
perfect rhyme.

There's people that bend over backwards,
others tend to bend over forwards. Some
take their time, others scurry,
Just remember to wag your finger or give a thumbs up

Walk with swagger, head up high, look 'em all in the eye.
Don't be something you're not
when you got nothing else to be. Surprise
them when you're down and you'll
never get counted out.
Jan 2012 · 1.1k
The Dirt Trail
Hank Roberts Jan 2012
Big boiled blood,
Boiled big blood
Blood boiled big

Black soot, thousand flies
They're headed for your eye
grinder teeth sagging eyes

Busted ear drums
only seen here on top
of the pile of brimstone over there.

The blood boiled
over the pan, too high.
Carlos! I got Marlene.
Moldy muddy maze
muddy moldy maze
maze moldy muddy

Tomato stained imperative notes
nails bitten, tied the tongue
Grease stains, hand and feet.

Yellow Teeth and nacho cheese
The teeth's termites
Don't let the shoes come off.

Rotten eggs, spoiled cheese
The bread is rock, crusty;
Mold muddy Maze
Jan 2012 · 456
The Head and Tail
Hank Roberts Jan 2012
We were in the midst of the mossy oak
with some old bloke, my money was broke.
The moonlight tried to
guide us through but to no avail.
The man was pale even before we set sail.
We were the head and he was the tail
of the old coin no one
wanted to keep around their home; just in malls
Standing in the hall only knowin' how to stall
the onset of everything that's to fall.
The phone's always close to await the call
hopefully later than sooner.
His ghostly countenance eclipse
the cloud and moon, through the oak
one could never mistake sights of ghosts.
Hank Roberts Dec 2011
The world is full of dead carcass, brown leaves,
fallen trees, dirt grass, crushed dogs and cats and other pets.  

What's littered is always used, never new
cigarette butts, consumed cans and bottles, {wrappers}
and containers of all kinds.  
Everyone’s cars are ****.
Just piles of them throughout these gilded states.

Dead markets, one market.  {Do you have your receipt sir?}  
buildings crumbled down, ones with recycled wood,
ones used for a set in a movie.  

People gather like seagulls in the streets, with dead
skills and dead opportunity.  {No bread -- no dough.}  
The only thing that remains is the sound
of music. God forbid if this turns to
{shrunken} heads too.

Horrid scream and pull of {blood]. Who
Would have that you knew the girl
they showed on the news getting shot.
{They} make sure
you never forget { }
something you should have probably forgotten
{     }
Dec 2011 · 1.2k
Pillar of Salt
Hank Roberts Dec 2011
She flies solo, glides freely floats softly
grace of that of a lonely hunter's dream. She can look
you in the eye and take you by surprise or she'll turn
you into Lot's wife.

She can walk, so slow or so fast, make anything
appear or vanish from path.  It's this that won't disintegrate,
but the gallows wait, they know the burnings won't last
but killing for justice won't ever pass.

Knock 'em dead the catalogue said, it's this you won't regret.  
It's not my eyes that are wrong for seeing, but the hands,
enable, events that were had. I turn back to look for her soft hands,
I turned back on her and now I'm a pillar of salt.

I sat there still and wake, couldn't breath, couldn't talk
but I could listen.  I heard it all.  I heard the stories. I heard things short and long.
I'm the pillars point of the world, people are mad, the pillars of marble
are left to toil and rot.

Feverous snakes coil and twist
While, soothing Medusa calls. Don’t You dare take a glance of horror or
You’ll be hard as stone— blood diamonds

Her bed is snakes, drapes of spider webs, stone tile made from shale,
Slimy, slippy, scaled. Sticky.
Dark shadows and empty silhouettes— gaze
Wait, what’s just around that corner?

I hear her calling, my limbs—flesh
Not stone! Promiscuous queen,
*******, dark not pale, I’ll gouge my eyes before I’m caught dead
in your horrid bliss.

Her blood now fills the coral , of the red sea. So mystique and mastery
Of colors. All created from this
Hideous *****.
Nov 2011 · 577
Hank Roberts Nov 2011
The oil it pops,
God it's hot,
This lot, I's my dots.

Scatter plots, disconnected spots
All I get taught,
Is sought and bought.

The dripping mops,
The spinning tops
They talk, and they walk.

The failing crops
grasshopper hop,
The flop will never stop.

Sopping wet socks,
The snow it locks
The doors and panes that lock.

Southward the birds flock,
In the trees that Hawk
Avoid men's cinderblocks

The future sulks,
as time does its stalk
of all upcoming squawks.
Hank Roberts Oct 2011
She can't pin me down,
her face ain't
smile nor grin
She had the look of
sin. Oh how she
pulled it off.
She coughs
and they're
all around. Nothing's wrong
she fools those
devils. I know
all too well;
For in the
my pockets are
crisp and clean.
Sweet and blonde,
her eyes; they'll
stare through your
She can't pin me down,
For I know, all too well
Oct 2011 · 438
Title Doesn't Matter
Hank Roberts Oct 2011
You're stuck in this old soul,
not sure which
road to venture down.
Although some are
clear and safe.
The road with
thunder and lighting is often
the way to go.
It's all your eggs in
one basket;
but you're left  
with just the one.
You think yourself
a martyr but all in all you're
just killing yourself.
You're not ahead
of your time one bit,
You're long
passed it.
Oct 2011 · 449
The Ride
Hank Roberts Oct 2011
Maybe with the tears
we shed, the trees will grow;
may the earth as well.
we see what goes up
and down and around.  Through
the smoke we can hardly see,
but it's just part
of the ride.
When we're off the ride, the tales
shine with new light.  
The world as we know
changes with just one hint
of inspired intuition.
So many songs to hear,
too much knowledge to learn;
outside ourselves, when
we don't even know
inside ourselves.  
We see the sky as blue,
the grass as green and
life as grey.
but somewhere else we hope
life is different
in some other way.
With the tears that fall
may the process of
adaption; never let
us stall.
The road we paved
is ugly and fray, but the
future spins and rocks,
into a path that's  
wary, winding, and
not negotiable.
Oct 2011 · 534
Toiling Smoke
Hank Roberts Oct 2011
The smoke circles up and through the vent,
into the room above
and the people up in the room
don't know what they
are inhaling

It seemed to me that the more smoke in the room,
the more the tension built
against each other
though feelings seem
to be entangled

The smoke ventures through the window and to the
air outside.  To those
walking and standing by,
Once clear and on the right path
seems ***** and torn

The smoke ventures farther and farther down the road,
Drivers and passengers,
just as clear as headlights
turn their cars around to go
nowhere bound

Down the alley and off down toward the main drag,
Business, folks, and slickers,
coil and talk to their palms
for they know what's comings right
around the corner

The corners not to far down the road,
Pulling together will be
the only way out by finding
the way through the
growing smoke.
Sep 2011 · 462
Henry's Voice
Hank Roberts Sep 2011
The trees circle,
‘round my head,
Thinking of the things
You say:
“From mountain high,
down at the base,
there they are,
tiny dancers!
Lights are spinning,
Time to jump for joy,
No better time,
To see.
When the pool,
Tells your hour,
You know precisely you’re
In line.
Everything can’t
Be defined or,
Life would be a tent with
No circus”
Sep 2011 · 372
Long Years
Hank Roberts Sep 2011
I haven’t seen you in years,
Those scarred and tampered eyes
            tells me, pain is near.
      Red and bloodshot,
   bitten down nails,
      cig pale,
   at the park,
      you seem so dark.
    The sun turns away,
Your hair sure does look nice
After all of these long years.
Hank Roberts Sep 2011
No doubt my love’s great
No one in the world can see
To me You’re the moon
Sep 2011 · 1.7k
Nickel and Dimed
Hank Roberts Sep 2011
I saw the devil lips she kissed,
Too bad it's mine she missed.
Sometimes it comes like the morning mist
or forever, it seems, time will tick.

Love is blind, or so they say,
When it calls it's by some delay.
Mostly it stays far away,
Even if tomorrow's an all new day.

I saw the fiery hand she touched,
With him she gets some luck.
Down the road, she finds its muck,
For she's in too deep to be unstuck.

She thought my tired hands didn't mind,
To hold and only to be too kind.
But, now, I'm not so inclined
To stand by and be nickel and dimed.
Hank Roberts Sep 2011
I feared the
hanging from the
with knit knotted
Hastily I tried,
Swear that I
Under her I
I thought me
Hidden: my attempt
For the girl
Persistently through my
Hank Roberts Sep 2011
The carousing carnival can never sleep
It bares and bewilders in the brain
Sunrise and sunset, season of sorcery,
Hell or heaven, havoc never happens.
The carousing Carnival cages ponderers
Under Ornate oaks too old
Dressing, dancing, dwelling in Graceland
Hula Hoops hover on hips
Fire fetched by fingers flared.
Lookers: love and lose the lot.
The crafty carnival's cunning tricks
Never need a nest to rest.
Aug 2011 · 649
Money This Money That
Hank Roberts Aug 2011
Money this and money that
My check card expires
Like a soda that gets flat.

Something that should be free
Won't be for the poor, like me
and others who want to be.
Aug 2011 · 632
Lonely Lion
Hank Roberts Aug 2011
I see you pacing to and fro
All you want is to be let go

They pulled you from your home
and stuck you in a dome
you cannot find a place to roam

You see the eyes gazing in
While the world out there is full of sin

You see a boy, eyes full of sorrow
You hope your time comes tomorrow
All you have is your mighty bellow

You have seen the many faces peering
Wondering if anybody is caring
Hopefully they can start learning
The important facts of concerning

You miss the green, untouched grass
You can't think from the pounding glass

You're just left to be a lonely lion
You look forward to your days of dyin'
After all your unnoticed cryin'
Aug 2011 · 714
The Modern King
Hank Roberts Aug 2011
At this point in time everyone is just a separate entity with all different views and different thoughts of life. We're all connected technologically rather than personally. We share cyberspace but not each other.  We're distracted by the things that aren't important. When we call out to our leaders about life threatening measures, we are just shoved aside.  Tomorrow could be the day, the day where we are all together, not in space, but on earth.  We're all worried about our place on earth and the job we'll serve rather than worrying about ourselves and how to improve.  We're just being the pawn in the modern kings game.  Without our duty, our tears, our sacrifice, or the sweat we put into his method, the king's goblet will spill. When the goblet spills its wine, maybe the light of existence will prevail.  Existence shouldn't be us handing ourselves over to blindingly agree, to turnover for the king and what HE thinks is right.  We should turn ourselves over to ourselves. The purpose of man shouldn't be for him to be pawned.  The modern king isn't one person but a court, telling us what to think, to feel, to express, and how to simply just be.  They demand and expect us to believe what isn't real. What is real is right in front of us, the earth, the trees, the sky, the poverty, the greed, the self-righteous, and most importantly ourselves and each other.  When do we see the court looking onto our plate and making sure it's full? Where's the right to stand-up for what you think is not only right but wrong?  The thoughts of these swine have taken over and I'll be ****** to see it take me.  Take my arms, my legs, and my voice but I'd rather die before you try to stop me from thinking twice.
Jul 2011 · 324
What was Done
Hank Roberts Jul 2011
The words come out wrong,
at the wrong place and time.
When life races, after long
You'll sing this little song
When the fires in the sky,
oceans cover mountains,
and Prayer can't fix your sin,
You will have to try.
You're out there now,
After the muttered vows
You start to wonder why
He just keeps you aside
Jul 2011 · 504
Hellopoetry why?
Hank Roberts Jul 2011
Hellopoetry, what's with charging?
I can't believe it hardly.
For once I could put my love,
somewhere to express.
It's like I'm standing on an edge
and you decide to shove.
Jun 2011 · 1.0k
The Men of Night
Hank Roberts Jun 2011
It was a tireless night for the endless fight.
Beaten and Bruised
Men and I in uniform who used to wear
Hawaiian shirts and stripped pin ups  

There's no protection left for the poor section.
The bombs keep comin'
Oh, I failed to mention that
we're infantry men with helmets as

life's before our eyes not sure if we should deny
Or just merely die as a final prayer.
It was a lot like Jesus, that
was the incentive under assumption  

The purpose of the fight was left with us men of night
those above can only wonder
They say we're brave soldiers but they get a medal
The only gravestones missing are theirs.
Jun 2011 · 3.2k
Government class poem
Hank Roberts Jun 2011
Just in case you didn’t know
My mind is low,
You’re reading these scribbles now

This boring man, talks and talks
About government
It’s really not a godsend

This boring man gives his back
And too much slack
This country is on ******* crack

I’m done takinf pointless notes
That I won’t look at
This boring man is very fat

I want to leave and **** ****,
A lovely deed,
This boring man; monotone

Boring man is trying to be cool
He’s a ******* fool
He needs to be in a box, he’s a tool

This boring man, always boring
To my left I hear snoring
Boring man, walk out the door!
Time as of now is molasses
Minutes are hours
**** government and their powers

Democrat, republican, libertarian
You’re all wrong
Hey, pass me that ****.

Boring man cannot teach
I just wish,
I was at the sunny beach

Hell, I’d be anywhere
Not here but there
I don’t care, this guy has no flare

25 minutes, oh my lord,
I’m so bored
Not as much as the boring man

This is getting out of hand
Against government
Let’s all get up and stand!
Jun 2011 · 516
Insanity Versus Sanity
Hank Roberts Jun 2011
Big eyes, boiled blood
Black suds, multiple flies
Identifies insanity

Black bags, short nails
Grinded teeth, sagged eyes
Is just sanity

With what’s considered
Thoughts are littered
Between these facts,
Insanity and not

Times flies, thoughts rush
Sounds pain the ears
Just mostly here

Others make noises
Many cons, suspicion
Leave now or you’re late

It’s all the same
Can’t see it past
The moment now passed
You see, it’s the same
May 2011 · 428
It's a Small House
Hank Roberts May 2011
It’s a small house, gotta be swift,
Or, else you’ll get pricked,
Through that backdoor
For the final time

It’s a small town, gotta be quick
Or else you’ll get hit
To cross broken floors
When you did no crime

There’s no time, must be haste
Here, it’s all face to face,
You can’t even try to change
This peculiar race.
Apr 2011 · 412
There's Nothing Like Home
Hank Roberts Apr 2011
There's nothing like home
unless you're there and,
there's nothing like home.

Dream of nothing else ,
But nothing else,
That feeling of home.

Always on the run,
Runnin' from something
you just don't know.

Only so far to go
To only go so far
Until you're back at home.

It's after this far
You start to see, Home
Where you never see.

There's nothing like home
Unless you're there and,
There's nothing like home.
Hank Roberts Apr 2011
She picks her poison
and she picks it well.
Doesn't matter which
she thinks it's swell.
One day it'll hit her hard
Then, from me, she'll be barred.
She thinks of nothing but her,
It's all for her own sake.
Even the fact that she's
nothing but a lousy fake.
Her mind won't ever wake
No matter what the stakes.
She picks her poison
and she picks it well.
Mar 2011 · 414
Two Days Since I've Slept
Hank Roberts Mar 2011
It’s been two days since I’ve slept and
I think they’re coming to get me.  They
come for your money and spend it
On things you would never waste
Your money on.  

Walking the streets in the early
morning or late at night, whichever one,
There was somebody following me
up to my apartment steps, I hurried,
Inside, I was safe.

My house is burning down, down
to the poor old ground. Memories
never dissipate.  Then I froze in my spot,
It couldn’t be! I have to forever
Leave this place.

Burning burning all around here,
Not just my home. All the rebels up
in smoke! There’s got to be a revolt!
There’s got to be more in life than,
all this war.

But it’s this night, this brisk cloudy
night, I heard a cry for freedom;
a shout for each other. Of course
they’ll lie, they’re not the ones
that are dying.

Where to go, where to hide,
Nobody really knows.  Pack
together tight to prove our rights!
Democracy, ruled not by the people,
just, some people.  

Down the street holding hands,
Everyone who wants this change,
Ask more questions, nevertheless,
they’ll always try win no matter how
hard we try.

Here’s our chance to make an
impact, take the country, turn
it to a new direction.  It’s coming.
Who’s going to be the first to do
anything about it?
Mar 2011 · 352
Hank Roberts Mar 2011
I'm speaking for you, and not me,
When you're blue, and he doesn't see,
you're down on the ground in puddles of tears.

You're submerged in fears, come here,
I'll make it clear, oh my dear,
He'll remember your smile when you're gone  

Don't be a pawn, not in this game,
The pawn at dawn isn't the same
Put on the crown and relight your flame.
Feb 2011 · 374
Light of Day
Hank Roberts Feb 2011
Happiest is the Robin,
during the wintertime.
When it comes, gracefully
it leaves; memories are summer

Summer is the timid fox
in the midst of the sun
The time comes, he's gone
horribly. You'll always forget

Listen to the robin sing,
on the cold winter days
Never mind the fox
Standing in the way of light.
Jan 2011 · 475
I Hope You Know
Hank Roberts Jan 2011
I wouldn't use you for a cheap trick
Even if you were a random pick
Don't fall for all these traps
It seems like you always fall into
a relapse, and I don't know how to
save you from all this wrath.

I want to sweep you off your feet.
This other guy can take a seat.
No matter how hard he tries-I swear,
I'd treat you kind and wouldn't say
a hurtful word. I hate this bind where
I am stuck by this dreadful fate.

I won't forget the night I saw you.
I thought you'd remember too.
I don't know what it is but I find,
No matter how hard I try-I try,
Whether I stand for you or not
He'll always say those hateful words
Hank Roberts Jan 2011
It was early on this
Saturday. It was snowy,
and the sun was out.
Still I can see it,
The sun through the trees,
Shining off the bright
White in the window frame.
Too bright for a picture,
Merely for the eyes to see.
Nature's not blind in this gleam,
Everyday she flirts and teases,
With these eyes that ,
Gaze out the window frame.

It was early on this,
Saturday. The trees
were bare, trying to
Keep warm, now that the
leaves are gone. Miles
and miles I can see through
these trees. Only when
The sun's not as bright,
It almost seems the
Sun is trying to keep
This secret away from me.
Jan 2011 · 2.0k
Hank Roberts Jan 2011
Knowledge is here
And knowledge is there.
Together it all appears.
Together we make it shine.
Knowledge is mine,
And knowledge is yours.
But some comes with time
Expect us to know all
Is a tremendous crime.
It’s like having a pup
Collect all your hunting kills
In the coming years
I’ll have all the skills.
Just as the pup
Grows and learns to ****.
Dec 2010 · 333
Where they Stand
Hank Roberts Dec 2010
From all of these,
Thoughts and things.
It's his love that

He heard her voice,
in the air.
He turned back to

She was standing,
here and there.
Beauty no matter

Thought his senses
were so clear,
staring with his

She's a graceful
She can also

He always chased
her away.
Today's a new,

In the air, there's
Something new.
The word of love's

He walked up close,
grabbed her hand.
Now, here's where they
Dec 2010 · 458
Cara's Haiku
Hank Roberts Dec 2010
I'm never too cold
Smoking Cigarettes
In the cold with you
Oct 2010 · 3.3k
The Carnival
Hank Roberts Oct 2010
I left this carnival,
or so it seemed to be.
My views have
Changed. Good or Bad?
I won't be the one,
To say in the coming years.

Girls with hula hoops,
Boys watching in awe,
How fantastic the
Colors seemed to swirl.
Like the fallen leaves
On a windy day.

But not the trees
are mainly bare, as
the circus crowd
Gathers around to
Catch the acrobat if
they should Fall.

Outside on the dirt path,
is me. sitting in thought,
Talking to more then myself.
The trees, grass, and
The earth listened to
my many tricky questions.

Why can't life be
Like tonight.
With all the vendors,
music, and travelers.
I tried to hide from
the rising sun, instead
my body made me absorb,
every bit of light.

The sun was the reminder,
To return home and
be in this other life.
More free then the
bird floating above me,
I thought of people
and the whole world.

No money left in my
money clip.  I found some
water.  I saw the ring leader
of the carnival and,
She eagerly smiled
"Life is what you make it."

No help this was, as
more and more contradictions
Sprang from my mouth.
Again she just smiled, so
Pretty was her smile.

Early that morning,
I tried to talk
to other beings, spirits,
but no truth was found.
Then like a lightning
bolt hitting a tree,
and causing fire everywhere,
The answer hit me. On
the ride home, I had
The same pretty smile,
as her.
Oct 2010 · 502
Leaves Along the Street
Hank Roberts Oct 2010
The bluest sky can't bring back the leaves,
That are red and brown.
They sit collected at the side of the street,
as cars go and speed by.
With never ending destinations and plans,
How can we stop and look,
at things the World gives. So natural and free,
No inventions are required.
The green grass can only grow so thick,
Before blades cut it down.
Why not let it grow and let it be?
In the suburbs and farms,
The wind's heard, rustling the remaining leaves,
along with the smell,
of home during the spring. When the cows,
have the lingering odor.
By this time, the leaves return green,
It'll be long before,
The leaves crumble and turn brown,
and red.  Maybe by this
Time, people will notice them,
collected along the street.
Oct 2010 · 538
That Night
Hank Roberts Oct 2010
I went out around quarter till ten.  The fun was starting up. The concerts were starting and the music I felt.  Moving my hips to the upcoming popular song, I saw this girl I'll never forget.  She had roses and lilies in her hair.  How pretty she was, I was afraid to talk.  I tried to mention a few words as she walked by.  How wonderful she moved, and so gracefully like the setting sun.  A few hours pass I'm walking home.  I glance to the right and there she appeared! I crossed the rural road and actually to my surprise spoke.  How great the conversation was.  I felt the connection how the trees feel the wind that blows. Inviting me back to her house. A party was starting. Everything was fine until we arrived at her house. Following her around I did since I didn't know any other person there. To the bathroom I went, came out, and music was now playing.  I saw her, disgustingly with another dancer.  I sat on the couch, thought, and made up my mind to leave.  As I did, another girl approached me, as pretty as the first.  We left together, back to another concert. Late it was, but we were dancing in the moonlight.  Coffee she wanted so I went to find some.  I got two cups and walked back to find her.  Then I saw her, her lips were locked. I dropped both cups.  I went home.  Early in the morning or late at night, I'm not sure which one it was.  I sung Happy Birthday to myself and couldn't sleep.  Both of these girls were on my mind.  How cruelly they acted to me.  Using me, I couldn't understand what I did.  I'll send them a message I thought.  So, I went and grabbed the message from the drawer and back to the concert I walked.  Both of the girls were at the concert with the guys they were lip locked and dancing with.  Not even leaving a note, on the stage I went.  The girls saw me and started to wave.  As they did I pulled out my .45 and to my brain it went.
Oct 2010 · 425
love VII
Hank Roberts Oct 2010
she wears this mask
so divine behind it
How I want to tell her
I lover her so
But I know, it
will get me nowhere

Somehow I think  
she knows my fatal
secret.  She hides the
fact I love her so.  I can't
understand why I love her.
All I know she's not mine
Sep 2010 · 4.3k
Nature's Pun
Hank Roberts Sep 2010
The white line races past
My eyes steady and try to cast
Everything blurs and ties
Even the horizon can fool the wise

we were the ones pushed and shun
Architects pieces crumbled and done
This can only be nature’s pun

dream of screams and cry for lies
Who’s destined to fall and die
Who’s pulled and dragged for the climb

Only darkness from the sun
All our hearts weigh a ton
Changing the world
after the initial twirl

All our sources are drained
If everybody is blamed
How can we redeem and claim?

When our traces are sought
and when everything is lost
We stayed and what was the cost?

Through mistrust, and our father’s guns
all that is left is the fabricated sun
Sep 2010 · 479
This Love, Lying Here
Hank Roberts Sep 2010
The fog lifted from the cold pond water.
Bodies jump and dive, naked in the moonlight.
Thinking of nothing else. Not even the degree
of this cold pond water.  The trees around are
all undefinable to the eye this night. In the universe
they were, as the stars are shining bright.
Laying in solemn wonder, a soul with
nothing but love on his mind. The one he
loves, their heart's away someplace in another
lover's eye.  Jealousy grows while trying to
find how to get her love in his dying eyes.  
More and more bitter his feelings arise. Looking
at the stars for answers to his most
unanswerable question.  Slowly, he grows weary,
and his thoughts are dreary. Entering into another realm
his senses stir.  The lover of his life is sitting
on a blanket, in the grass. Her thoughts racing,
she tries to hide them. She goes to walk and it's
him she sees.  The suns out by this time and the
fog dissipates but dew remains.  Back to the
blanket they go. No word was spoken between
them as, he reaches for her hand.  Embracing
it happily, they lay on the blanket in the grass.  
Keeping each other warm on this cool damp
morning.  Happy times they were, and more
then holding hands occurred.  The only thought
on his mind, how lovely she was. He never
wants to let her go. Both are laying, discretely
sleeping.  When the unexplainable noises of
nature sound.  His eyes grow wide and looking
over to the right were she was, Now Gone.
Sep 2010 · 420
Walking Along
Hank Roberts Sep 2010
While I’ m walking along
I wonder where we belong

Why is it I, who sees the light?
Why is it you, who loves a fight?

While I’m walking along
It’s you that I forever long

Why do you seek the one
That is forever gone?

While I’m walking along
you alway say I’m wrong

I lie in and bed and often wonder
Why is it me the one left to ponder?

While I’m walking along
I just want to sing you a song

I sit and gaze upon our actions
while nobody scolds the factions

While I’m walking along
It’s you and I that should prolong

Why is it so hard to dare a dream
Who wants to work and redeem?

While I’m walking along
It appears I am not as strong

when you’re sure to know it all
You will surely be the one to fall

When you’re acting big and tall
No one will give a friendly call
Sep 2010 · 2.3k
The Locked Door
Hank Roberts Sep 2010
I could hear it
from behind the door
that was locked.
I couldn't determine
what was the sound.
I go to the other
room and grab
the key that's
resting on the hook.
Slowly I moved
trying to avoid
to unlock the
locked door.  
I put my ear
to the door trying
to figure out
what's behind
the locked door.  
Darkness fills the room
until everything hides.
Then I heard
a whisper coming
from the locked door!
"Open the door
and enter" I
picked the silver
key. Or I thought
it was anyway. Hands
steadily shaking. I
can feel the sweat
on my palms. Once,
Twice, Three times,
I dropped the
silver key.
Finally, I calmed
my nerves and
I took an anxious
breath. I heard a
shutter behind me,
and my hair
is on end.  Slowly,
I turn and nothing
seems to be here,
until I felt a
poke on my arm.
I ran through
the backdoor,
but I was still
inside. I see the
locked door and
hear the whispers.
With the most
hast, I got the
key and unlocked
the locked door!
I stood for seconds,
straining all my
senses. I see a
light switch. I
flick it up, and
in the most
wonderful gaze,
I saw the locked
door, I just happened
to walk through.
Sep 2010 · 1.6k
Lovey Dovey
Hank Roberts Sep 2010
She doesn't know how much I love her smell,
Everyday I get a smell.

She doesn't know how I feel about her,
I always get so close.

He told me not to get attached to her,
But how could I not?

He told me to stay away while you can,
She just drew me in.

Her eyes are bluer then the bluest sea,
I'm lost in her waves.

Her clothes are stylish and her smile,
How I can't look away.

Sometimes I lay awake through the night,
Should I let loose?

Sometimes I wonder if she feels the same,
Should I try to say?

Far away she lies in different arms,
How great it must be.

Far away I lie on the very bottom,
There's nothing I can do.
Sep 2010 · 393
Hank Roberts Sep 2010
Under the sun I saw,
what made my heart jump.
The girl I saw in white
My heart leaped into the light

Words I wish I'd spoke
Float around my head now
It Wouldn't matter what I'd say
I'd still be entirely far away

I look over to see the smile
When at night, brightens the world
this twinkle in her eyes
wants me to go and fly

Only in this solitude
I watch the sun go down
The trees slowly away they go
With feelings I can only bestow

My world melts around me
even the grass before my feet
When I let me feelings unwind
My love is much harder to find
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